Welcome to NIKETALK.com. New Forums and features added!!!

i think what it basically comes down ta is that NT isn't sayin resellers are wrong or evil, just that resellin HERE isn't what this board is for

What is niketalk here for anyway?
I think its here so that we can all get the items and information that we all want...with that said........dude above states that it isnt for re-selling (which is selling period, anything U buy from a secondary outlet is a re-sold item)....so why even have a buy and sell?
Its totally ridiculous that someone who has a large amount of shoes and wants to sell 11 of them, cant post them. As I posted before, there are people here with "power", things are being changed because of queer (non-homosexual meaning) thinking. Just cause you have some really dumb people being frauded (due to their thoughtless-ness), doesnt mean that you go and change something so drastically that it affects everyone on here

I'm just mad, cause I wanna sell my kickz....without all the BULL that is being asked for


: Shanehsmp@hotmail.com
AIM: Pookiemansmp
we're not oblivious to complaints about how the board is run....
I would hope you guys arent. I hope you are seeing a large part of these complaints stem from how the buy/sell forum has been altered. For people saying that using NT to resell is being cheap, that is not correct in my eyes. NT buy/sell forum does help people save money on fees, however, I am sure most sellers will now just pass on the eBay fees onto customers in the form of higher buy-it-now/shipping prices in comparison to an NT sale thread. In the past year I have come to use the NT buy/sell forum quite often and have had perfect transactions everytime. Although I never tagged my pictures, I always allowed buyers to ask for a picture of any aspect of the shoe to show that I am infact legit. I am sure there are plenty of others that have had the same success. I understand that with the new tagging rules it will make it slighlty tougher for people to fraud others, nevertheless, a fraud will figure a way around it. Most importantly, dealers have come to NT buy/sell, most notably ste160, and offered great deals on shoes, most of the time below retail. Yes, this type of sale help ste160 clear stock and profit, but we as the buyer also profit from this- buying legit stock at a great price. There are others that have had similar buy/sell threads in the past, I just cant think of them off the top of my head. In all honesty, I feel the new rules are just setting newbs up to have a false sense of security with purchases on NT. Instead of trying to safeguard newbs, we should be here to teach them how to make a smart choice when purchasing. I am sure if we could run numbers on success rate vs. fraud rate, we would see a huge disparity in the numbers. Those are my thoughts for now, back to studying for a midterm...
speak softly and carry a big stick -Roosevelt

spice of life​
B/S forum is horrible.....WAY too many rules....i have to go back and take pics of all my shoes i'm selling with the date and my screenname? @#%$ that....almost all the new 'guidelines' are pointless
I'm just mad, cause I wanna sell my kickz....without all the BULL that is being asked for

Whats so hard about taking pics the way they want? It lets the buyer know that everything passed NT's guidelines and it makes it easier to trust that person. I hate seeing a buy/sell post with crappy pics or even worse with no pics. It's not that big of a deal and it's still easier than using ebay. Plus now you don't have to haggle back and forth with sellers that don't have a price in mind or are holding out for a better deal.
i love the new forum! :smokin

FOR MVP 2005-2006 season! GO SUNS!
/S forum is horrible.....WAY too many rules....i have to go back and take pics of all my shoes i'm selling with the date and my screenname? that....almost all the new 'guidelines' are pointless

couldnt agree more :mad
AIM: ibejetin <-- Nate Dogg
What is niketalk here for anyway?
I think its here so that we can all get the items and information that we all want...with that said........dude above states that it isnt for re-selling (which is selling period, anything U buy from a secondary outlet is a re-sold item)....so why even have a buy and sell?
Its totally ridiculous that someone who has a large amount of shoes and wants to sell 11 of them, cant post them. As I posted before, there are people here with "power", things are being changed because of queer (non-homosexual meaning) thinking. Just cause you have some really dumb people being frauded (due to their thoughtless-ness), doesnt mean that you go and change something so drastically that it affects everyone on here

i think regardless of what anyone thinks NT is for no one could seriously think that this board is here just for their own personal financial profit.

Seriously, if you have 11 pairs of shoes why would you list them here instead of ebay? Ta save yourself the fees right? Well i don't think anyone is gonna feel sorry for you about that.

And honestly, if these people with "power" were usin your so-called "queer thinking" wouldn't they just ERASE all the buy/sell forums totally ta save THEMSELVES countless hours of time and effort that they'd be usin on somethin that makes them no profit at all? Really, stop and think about how much all the new restrictions force them ta be more involved. It is horribly obvious that they did NOT decide ta take the easy way out and chose ta try and make that section of the board as safe as possible. So yeah some legit resellers such as you hafta give ebay a few more bucks, buts hundreds of other people stop gettin frauded on NT...seems like a fair deal ta me.
Spamming another ezBoard?

1. Name the "other" ezBoard I'm supposedly spamming.

2. I posted that as an alternative because NT has enough negativity as it is.
dude this is gay. can i say gay now?
[/b]"If A man's from Texas he'll tell you,if he's not,why embarass him by
is it just me or has the BS forum gone down the drain completely? no one is taking their time to post anything or reply. might as well remove that section
Only part of the rule i don't like is how it hurts the indy t-shirt guys cause they aren't sellin stuff they buy cheap at marked up prices, they are sellin stuff they MAKE at prices BELOW what name brand makers charge. i see it more as art and culture then anythin else so i am sad ta see that go.

it looks like shirts can be posted, just two at a time. like you can list one L and on XL, just not that you have 24 XL and 18 L available.

and im sure that most people on here know to hit the shirt guys up for more sizes.

hopefully it wont be breaking any rules, since i was planning on finally selling some shirts on here.

the shirt game

the reasno the changes could have been suggested to the whole board is that because 90% of the emails ya'll recieve are complaints. Ya'll didn't really weigh out those who liked the status quo and didn't feel the need to cmoplain
The Robb Report:<br>coming when I feel like it
^^^ False.

The thing you fail to consider is that e-mail is not the only form of communication.

For example ... the post you just made. Was it e-mailed?

When we say that suggestions were taken into consideration from 'discussion', we're not talking about JUST sifting through hundreds of complaining e-mails; we're talking about e-mails AND the discussion that takes place on here.

Another thing you fail to consider is that for every person complaining right now, there is ... I PROMISE ... another person that WOULD have complained had we done whatever it would take to appease those currently unsatisfied.

<>< ><> <>< ><> <>< ><> 23ska for short <<<<<<<[/b]
(http://www.nba.com/lakers/news/Chick_Hearn_Bio-50564-59.htmlI grew up going mainly to ANGELS and LAKERS games, but I will ALWAYS cheer for my wife's home team (UK WILDCATS) and ALL the rest of MY home teams (SPARKS, XTREME, CLIPPERS, PADRES, DUCKS, TROJANS, CHARGERS, AVENGERS, DODGERS, BRUINS, KINGS, GALAXY).​
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