Ruffalo posted a video on Thor 3 set. I actually have high hopes for this movie ending that trilogy off with a bang
I didn't see anything about nuking in any version.

One ends early, another Tony just kills the both of them pointing to how he got jobbed, the other Bucky owns up to what he did.

When did he nuke the entire room? :lol:

Dudes acting just like cap, taking hard stances without watching or understanding :smh:

Tony nuked that room though. After Cap said, I can do it all day, in that HISHE
Ruffalo posted a video on Thor 3 set. I actually have high hopes for this movie ending that trilogy off with a bang

I'm pretty excited for Thor 3. I wish Marvel Studios could work something out with Universal to get another Hulk solo popping off, but I'm just happy to have more Hulk on the big screen.
I didn't see anything about nuking in any version.

One ends early, another Tony just kills the both of them pointing to how he got jobbed, the other Bucky owns up to what he did.

When did he nuke the entire room? :lol:

Dudes acting just like cap, taking hard stances without watching or understanding :smh:

Tony nuked that room though. After Cap said, I can do it all day, in that HISHE

He just shot his laser at Cap and Bucky, killing them with ease. Proving Cap couldn't do this all day. Also showing awareness that IM got jobbed in that fight.
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Potc = Pirates of the Caribbean?

Yeah, I think the latest one just finished filming. Comes out next year I think? :nerd:

Wrong thread though.

Just referencing a Disney movie because of above.. Then you add in depp

I see that floppin too if it's anything like the last three
Quiet before the storm. Next week will be sensory overload. We'll probably see a teaser for Guardians and Ant-Man and the Wasp. Then maybe Blade and Ghost Rider movie announcements. :nerd: :pimp:

Just when everyone thinks the Hall H presser is over, Kevin Feige will pick up the mic and hit everyone with the, "We have one more thing" and they'll show a teaser that pans out to reveal the Fantastic Four, Dr. Doom, and the Silver Surfer. Then it'll pan out even further to reveal Galactus and everyone will go nuts. "As you can now tell, our big villain for phase 4 will be GALACTUS!"

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
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Some part of me wishes they would just surprise us with some of this stuff. Like imagine watching one of the movies and then getting surprised by Galactus :wow:

I understand why they tell us these things ahead of time though. It works.
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Maybe not someone as big as Galactus, but if someone smaller like Beta Ray Bill just showed up unexpected it would be pretty cool.
Some part of me wishes they would just surprise us with some of this stuff. Like imagine watching one of the movies and then getting surprised by Galactus :wow:

I understand why they tell us these things ahead of time though. It works.
We don't live in that world [emoji]127758[/emoji] anymore man.

Telling fandom what's coming guarantees bigger box office. Gross always drops the 2nd weekend on average so the aim is to get the highest opening weekend possible.

Maybe not someone as big as Galactus, but if someone smaller like Beta Ray Bill just showed up unexpected it would be pretty cool.
That's hard to pull off cuz you're talking about hiding the actor that plays the character, leaving a some what known character out of all trailers, posters, etc. Not using the appearance of that character as a selling point.

Even if that was done the early viewing for critics which ranges from a few months in advance to a week before release date would still leak online and you all would be spoiled.

On the flip, for fans who aren't diehards, I'm sure they got a pleasant surprise of Spidey showing up in CW cuz they don't pay attention to this stuff monthly let alone daily.
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It's tough, but I think it's doable. I remember seeing Bill Murray in Zombieland and Matt Damon in Interstellar and being legit surprised. I didn't even know Falcon had a cameo in Ant-Man. Those were all high profile and could've arguably helped promote their movies. Unless they cast and credit an A-lister to play someone like Beta Ray Bill, I think they could hide it.
Some part of me wishes they would just surprise us with some of this stuff. Like imagine watching one of the movies and then getting surprised by Galactus :wow:

I understand why they tell us these things ahead of time though. It works.

Why not though that's how we got Thanos at the end of Avengers. Heroes that's one thing, you want to milk that but for villains especially CGI villains hell yeah let us be surprised by it
Some part of me wishes they would just surprise us with some of this stuff. Like imagine watching one of the movies and then getting surprised by Galactus :wow:

I understand why they tell us these things ahead of time though. It works.

Bruh. People would die if Galactus came out of nowhere in a Marvel Studios film. No warning nothing. Heart Attacks from nerds in Cali to nerds in Timbuktu.
It's tough, but I think it's doable. I remember seeing Bill Murray in Zombieland and Matt Damon in Interstellar and being legit surprised. I didn't even know Falcon had a cameo in Ant-Man. Those were all high profile and could've arguably helped promote their movies. Unless they cast and credit an A-lister to play someone like Beta Ray Bill, I think they could hide it.
Well those are movies that aren't franchises, most ppl wouldn't follow unless their big fans of the director or one of the actors.

I definitely knew Damon was in Interstellar though.

What we're talking about here is more like Star Trek casting a new Khan and trying to hide it (and they failed), or Transformers hiding they about to debut some Beast Wars decepticons, etc. Highly unlikely to be a straight up surprise unless a movie is preoccupied with other surprises they spoiled that one slips through the cracks.
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I understand why the studios do this. It's business and the name of the game is to maximize profits, of course. I'd probably do the same thing if I worked for marvel studios.

But as a fan who is pretty much seeing every marvel studio movie anyway. Whew, it would be sweet to be surprised.

I'm thinking from now I might just go cold turkey on trailers and photos and just live vicariously through all yall reactions in this thread.
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