If I was on one of the marvel netflix shows i'd be a little jelly that I couldn't be on that stage.
I think that's the biggest sign that the netflix/movie crossovers ain't happening and that's a damn shame
yeah it's kinda crappy that they're independent of each other outside of a few easter eggs and some toys connecting them to the MCU. it's like are ya in or are you out? it's not like we're talking about nobodies either. Although Punisher and Daredevil are street level heroes it's not like they're not household names. same with JJ and LC, lots of comic heads eff with them heavy. 

I just hope that at some point we see some of the characters in the smallest sense in phase 3.
Just blame it on that feud between Perlmutter and Feige. The biggest obstacles to most things is usually ego. Such is life.
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It must be even worse if you're on agents of shield. At least they get ghostrider next season. I dunno how he would even fit on that show.
It's just like when they introduce players in a basketball game. They'll just edit the video after trades. No big deal.
:lol: With as many times as the intro logo has changed, you think they won't revamp it if the hire new actors or lose actors?

Just look at how the Disney intro evolved over time. That's the template they're using.
It's not that serious. They'll just edit it when the time comes.

Didn't know that Black Panther was bumped to 2018. Seems so far away
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The Strange trailer wasn't bad. But I think I might be the only one that's not in awe of it. We already saw backgrounds going wonky and buildings collapsing in the teaser trailer. I wanted to see more of him fighting one on one this time around.
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