This is the first I've seen someone compare Benedict's performance as Strange to RDJ's depiction of Stark. Naaaa, b. The only similarity is the arrogance and sarcasm but the execution was different. RDJ had a charm as Stark that Benedict can't match.
This is the first I've seen someone compare Benedict's performance as Strange to RDJ's depiction of Stark. Naaaa, b. The only similarity is the arrogance and sarcasm but the execution was different. RDJ had a charm as Stark that Benedict can't match.
I meant it as arrogant, smug, self centered. He makes jokes as the film goes on. He has no where near the charisma or likeabiloty that RDJ exudes. He wasn't as jokey as stark but he reminded me a lot of Iron man 1 tony
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The thing that's funny is that IM1 Tony is the most likeable version of Tony Stark. By far. I would probably have agreed with you if you had said IM3 Tony or CW Tony.

Lol, I guess man.
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I liked the second half better than the first, a lot of CBM movies have problems keeping things interesting in the third act.

The movie picked up pace in a major way once he went to NYC
I liked the second half better than the first, a lot of CBM movies have problems keeping things interesting in the third act.

The movie picked up pace in a major way once he went to NYC
But it rushed the pace. We went from him training to him getting the cape, battling the villain twice, ancient one dying, dorammu, Mordo leaving in a span of like 40 minutes

Avengers 1 is how to pick up the pace. The first half was mainly story and building then all out battle in the second. The first half of strange didn't really build that much before it rushed into the action

I just think it may have the worst pacing of any recent marvel movie.
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I really think 10-15 mins would have been great for the movie.. considering all the things going on in the movie, could easily justify it

Movie was on the shorter side compared to other marvel movies anyways
But it rushed the pace. We went from him training to him getting the cape, battling the villain twice, ancient one dying, dorammu, Mordo leaving in a span of like 40 minutes

Avengers 1 is how to pick up the pace. The first half was mainly story and building then all out battle in the second. The first half of strange didn't really build that much before it rushed into the action

I just think it may have the worst pacing of any recent marvel movie.

I feel the opposite. I like how the movie didn't spend a long time on the history between Strange and his ex or explaining why Mordo became a sorcerer. And the movie built momentum as it went along, rather than climb uphill for 2/3 of the movie and then speed to a battle for the third act, it was more of a rollercoaster where the climb is short and the speed is for most of the movie.
I enjoyed Dr. Strange, but it definitely could have used an extra 15 minutes. Origin stories are always difficult to pull off because you either short the origin or short the initial villain/challenge.

The effects and CGI were incredible, though. I only saw it in 2D but I know it's worth it in 3D for sure. I also need to check out this Dolby Cinema because one of the theaters I frequent just added it. I'm thinking Rogue One for sure. I never went crazy for 3D unless the movie was particularly excellent at showcasing the technology.. and I don't have a true IMAX theater near me anyway so Dolby might be the way to go.

And Iron Man 3 is a let down for a couple of reasons, it's the follow-up to Avengers, the Mandarin switch-a-roo, but other than that it's got the same complaints as most non-elite Marvel movies. I was disappointed in it initially, but grew to like it for what it is.. a Shane Black Iron Man movie. I'd rather rewatch it than Iron Man 2 or Thors.
Probably already said it but Rachel McAdams was underused/wasted in this :lol:

Made me wonder if there are deleted scenes with her. So I pretty much dismissed her in this.
Probably already said it but Rachel McAdams was underused/wasted in this

Made me wonder if there are deleted scenes with her. So I pretty much dismissed her in this.
I actually had to think of what movie you were talking about, I forget about her in Strange already.

They popped back in with her at the hospital and that was it.
after strange, they really need to let favreau do IM4..  do the 10 rings and mandarin properly

never forget:

I feel the opposite. I like how the movie didn't spend a long time on the history between Strange and his ex or explaining why Mordo became a sorcerer. And the movie built momentum as it went along, rather than climb uphill for 2/3 of the movie and then speed to a battle for the third act, it was more of a rollercoaster where the climb is short and the speed is for most of the movie.

I agree

Felt the pacing was just fine and I was pleased with the movie. An hour and a half movie from a comic book or any book will leave things out , its just too much to fit in

The only thing that I can say was rushed was him training and becoming sloppy but great sorcerer, but then even that was explained to us
my problem is, considering you are introducing a new character and the whole new element of magic and then the infinity gem on top of that..

the only shorter MCU movies: the incredible hulk, thor and thor 2

antman was longer.. cap 1, longer.. IM1, longer.. GOTG longer

with everything going on, 10-15 mins more would feel like nothing.. but would have given them the ability to flesh things out a lil more
I want an Iron Man 4, because Iron Man 3 was so damn bad :smh: Had that movie ended properly I would be fine. Same goes for Thor and Ragnarok. If this third film is a good finale for his solo series then i'll be satisfied. If it sucks though i'll want another one, done properly, because I know that both characters have amazing story arcs that can translate well to the big screen. Iron Man 3 was a waste of the Mandarin's good name.
I want an Iron Man 4, because Iron Man 3 was so damn bad :smh: Had that movie ended properly I would be fine. Same goes for Thor and Ragnarok. If this third film is a good finale for his solo series then i'll be satisfied. If it sucks though i'll want another one, done properly, because I know that both characters have amazing story arcs that can translate well to the big screen. Iron Man 3 was a waste of the Mandarin's good name.
I see it with IM but if they botch it with Thor at this stage in the game I'll just be fine to wait until they recast everybody.
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