tony didnt say a word i believe his face and body expressions said it all.

A lot of great acting throughout and by a lot of people

Nat's face throughout the meeting and then when she breaks down after WM tells her.. then the look on thor's face when hulk is standing over him and he's sitting down.. Scott with Casey.. Steve a bunch of times.. tony a bunch of times.. spidey.. Carol had her 2 moments, with her spidey then the headbutt
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Ok. So does Cap going back and being with Peggy create another timeline too and those #notmysteve fools complaining about him messing up history doesn’t matter?

So, after doing some research and watching it a second time the answer that seems to make the most sense was that there was always TWO caps in the MCU. 2023 Steve who traveled back to 1945 just stayed incognito and didn't meddle with changing the future. This implies that Peggy was married to 2023 Steve and they lived happily ever after while present day Steve went about and did his business. Also, it seems Bucky knew what 2023 Steve was planning cause he tells him "I'm gonna miss you" right before he quantum leaps to the past. Idk man time travel requires too many mental gymnastics lol
Thanos is such a believable threat I deadass believed he was about to take out cap right then and there after he came back at the end of the round of his one on one with Cap. When he sliced his leg everyone in the theater gasped. Reminded me exactly of the crowd reaction when he stabbed Tony in IW.

Such a great villain
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I really like thanos man. I'm down for an original story. How he was able to build such a massive army and how he developed such hand to hand combat skills. Give me Thanos 1-on-1 vs anybody. Dude has a titanium chin. And wants all the smoke.

Thanos probably would bite it against CM or it'd be close.

She's a powerhouse.

Got to give Thanos credit. He knew to take out the power stone from the gauntlet and pop her with it.
Yea thanos is just a fighting genius. When he took out the power stone and blast off CM with it..i was like oh ****..
It was like the dude on ninja scroll. The rock man

Dam ur right. I haven't see that movie in ages
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So how did they know which date to go to in 1970?

Didn't catch the reference point on that one that they would have debated about
Antman is playing on the syfy channel right now. Wish Antman’s crew would’ve showed up through one of the portals.

I didn't catch korg and miek til the 2nd viewing.. but I was watching the bootleg copy the 1st time
Six pack thor with storm breaker and mjolnir would be too much for Thanos imo

I get why he stayed as melted ice cream thor
After much thought...

Endgame is the deeper movie and much better acted (compared to Infinity War). But infinity war is more kinetic and more energetically paced.

I can watch IW multiple times without feeling like the energy is sapped out of me. But that's not true for endgame.

IW I watched 20+ times over the yr and each rewatch wasn't really a struggle. I can't picture myself saying the same for endgame.

Watched it a second time today and it was still enjoyable. But I think on a 7th or 8th theoretical rewatch I might find myself bored during the slow moments.

Now the last 40 minutes or so of endgame though is a different story! I can't say enough positive things about the final battle.
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