What Are The Requirements For Becoming A Mod?

Jan 6, 2004
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Is the criteria based upon your sneaker knowledge? Is it your previous behaivor here on Niketalk? Is it based upon race or creed? Exactly what would someone have to do to become a moderator here on Niketalk?
Is This Not Why You Are Here?!​
gotta be kool, fresh , and rad.... :smokin

WANTED: DUNK LOWS: DENIM,VIOTECHS,HALLOWEENS, and paul brown dunk high SB's...STORM SERIES OF AIR BURST AND AIR MAX..lookin for these in ds or near ds condition. size 9-10. email me: l0stb0y67@Hotmail.com or AIM: l0stb0y67
So basically all I've gotten from this post is that if you've had a troublesome past on here, any chances of you becoming a mod is little to none. Fair enough, that's basically all I wanted to know. I do feel however that for this year, we could use 3-4 new mods here on Niketalk. I don't have a problem with all of them, however some & again I repeat so I won't have to hear anybodys mouth, some really abuse thier athourity on here. Some of the mods here aren't any better than the guards in the movie "Sleepers" with the way they treat some of us members. Anyway, that's just my opinion, I didn't name any names or violate any of the rules so call your dogs off. I've acquired what I wanted to know from this post, there's nothing left to be said......
Regardless of what this post has become, I think the question does deserve a sincere answer.

Is the criteria based upon your sneaker knowledge?

No. Sneaker knowledge can make someone an excellent resource to the community, but it has little do with the regulation of NikeTalk.

One caveat here, though: we look for people who are passionate about sneakers and sneaker collecting. If someone doesn't have a love for the game, I have no reason to believe that person will give NikeTalk the sustained commitment necessary to keep things running smoothly. It's common sense, really. If someone doesn't have any devotion to what's being discussed here day in and day out, their devotion will be tenuous at best.

Is it your previous behaivor here on Niketalk?

Yes, that is a major component of it. How else are we to evaluate how someone will react to the types of situations that frequently arise on NikeTalk? If someone is quick to eschew the rules in order to strike back at someone who has insulted them, for example, that person seems like a prime candidate to abuse what little "power" is entrusted to a moderator.

We look for people who have demonstrated a certain degree of maturity. We need people who are even handed. We need people who are mediators, not agitators.

We need people who have the respect of the community - because if you don't have respect going in to a mod position, it will be difficult for you to attain it once there, as there are many users who would prefer to examine moderators' behavior under a magnifying lens to find fault than to adhere to the rules themselves. Any mistakes made by a mod won't be quickly forgotten by their fellow members, as your bitter comments attest.

Is it based upon race or creed?
Absolutely not. Contrary to the garbage you might read on Hatertalk, the NikeTalk staff is quite diverse, and more often than not we appoint staff members without having seen them, nor heard the sound of their voices. Honestly, those attributes are irrelevant. How a person handles himself or herself on HERE is the only information germane to our search.

Exactly what would someone have to do to become a moderator here on Niketalk?

Tip #1 - don't campaign. Let your character speak for itself. Again, contrary to what you may read on HaterTalk, we're not idiots. Our favor can't easily be curried through affectations, pandering, or empty bravado. If you're interested in helping the NikeTalk community in whatever capacity you can, that won't go unnoticed. If you're essentially saying, "Yeah, well I WILL help IF you guys make me a mod" that tells us right up front that you're seeking aggrandizement rather than a better NikeTalk.

Some people THINK that if they wear a little moderator nametag that they'll automatically have the respect of the users, that their status will improve, this, that, and the third. That's not true. Nearly ALL of the tools and resources available to a moderator are available to regular users. The ONLY additional capabilities moderators have are the ability to move, lock, and delete posts. That's it. If you think those tools will suddenly enable you to single-handedly turn everything around - think again.

I've been working to keep NikeTalk safe and enjoyable for over 4 years now. Every staff member currently on board has well over a year's worth of experience. With all of the work that has been poured in to keep this community running, you might say that it's important to us. We don't want to do anything to jeopardize NikeTalk. Handing over mod privileges to somebody who hasn't PROVEN their ability to handle it is a risk that we're not willing to take.

Mod selections don't come out of left field. We may not pick the person who's jumping up and down waving his or her hands in the air - but we will pick the person or persons we have the most confidence in. If we can't trust that person with the accumulation of 4+ years worth of work, that person will NOT become a staff member. We don't select staff members capriciously.

As Bastitch can attest, we don't hold long-term grudges. That's not productive. We understand that people make mistakes and are capable of growth and change. However, everyone must still pay their dues and PROVE their worth to the community before they're considered for such a position. We don't look for deputies or hall monitors. We look for teammates. We look for people we can work with, and people we can trust with the welfare of an entire community.

If youre interested in helping the community, you dont need a label next to your name. Walk the talk. The more positive your influence on the board, the easier it is to make that transition. If everything you do from this point forward earns you the respect of your fellow members and ensures the well-being and security of this community, NikeTalk will be a better place for your presence and eventually, that type of commitment is difficult to overlook.
We look for people who have demonstrated a certain degree of maturity.

So, how did Bastitch get the position then?

I couldn't understand what she was shrieking about, as she was flapping her arms in the air and screaming. She started crying when she saw the busted colon I gave her wussy husband, so she took one of her shoes off and threw it at me. I caught the shoe between my pecs and I started to laugh like a pirate. Then she started walking towards me to take her shoe back, and there was no way I was going to let this witch get near my chest so I body slammed her into a cactus that happened to be there. She got up and was uglier than before, so I did what I always do when women start to cry: I went back inside to play video games.​
Believe it or not, you can have a sense of humor and still retain maturity.

How often do you see Bastitch make a poor moderating decision? How often do you see him abuse his 'power'?

Now, how often do you see him exercising good judgment by calling a halt to certain posts, etc.?

His sense of humor may mask or soften his sound judgment, but if you don't have a sense of humor you will NOT last as a mod. Those who know how Bastitch handles himself understand the maturity level.

He is, however, proof that we're willing to be open minded in our selections. If you asked me 4 years ago if I'd ever consider accepting somebody who's attended a wrasslin event on our staff....

As far as self-promotion is concerned - trust me, we see through it. The commitment needs to genuine, and it has to be for the sake of the community, not for the sake of the individual.

If you look at how Dirtylicious handles himself now - it's the same as he handled himself prior to being given the mod designation. He just has the added responsibility of moving/locking/deleting posts.

The act of promoting the rules CAN be helpful, but it also can generate tension if done improperly - and it certainly doesn't guarantee anybody a mod position.
Not everybody who reminds people of the rules does so in a helpful or productive way. Not everyone's commitment in that regard is unwavering. Not everyone handles the accompanying criticism well.

You have to care about the board, you have to demonstrate a prolonged, internally driven commitment, you have to exude good judgment, and you have to be able to work well with the existing staff.

There are many ways to help NikeTalk. Serving as a staff member represents only one of those ways. Just be genuine, be yourself, be a positive influence, and you can improve NikeTalk. A lot of people TALK about it. Not a lot of people SHOW it.
we don't hold long-term grudges. That's not productive. We understand that people make mistakes and are capable of growth and change

First off, thank you Meth for taking the time to answer the initial question of my post. However, it's hard for me to believe that certain mods don't look to deliberatly dismiss certain people that post here. Personally, I've been banned 8 times. I was informed that since my first banishment, everything I would say or express on here would be examined much more thoroughly since my initial banishment & this has absolutely manifested in decisions made reguarding my eligibility to post on here. I can barely express my opinion on something as simple as my thoughts on women without my words being taken out of context & being deemed "disrespectful". Not only that, but when this happens, without any type of warning or admonishment from a mod, I'm automatically banned on the spot. I don't feel this is fair. If long term grudges aren't harbored by the mods & admins, why keep someone under a microscope & anticipate them to make another mistake that would lead them to be dismissed from NT once again? It's like the mods are purposely gunnin' for that certain person to screw up in order for them to be banned again. You can't possibly tell me that the mods don't play favors with certain members here. I've seen people blatanly disregard the ROC & remain posting on here with no much as a slap on the wrist. However, let someone get flamed & try to defend themselves by answering back & without warning, they get the white screen wit' the black letters. It's like in society, once a person is convicted of something, all of his credibility is discontinued......
"...& I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know....[/b]​
kb, I liked the old Penny Icon better. I have no love for the new one. Besides, Penny is sexier, now that he's on the Knicks.

I think Mods retain maturity by being able to come out to posts like the Post your pic one, make everyone laugh, than moderate it at the same time to make sure some, if any maturity is retained. Mods retain a personallity. They aren't lifeless bodies that randomly lock posts, but enforce the rules as they need be. To become one, is like just going from fry-cook, to cashier. It's a higher position, but you're still not any different than people under you. We're equals, we abide by the same rules, yet some power is given to them to enforce them as well. But eh? What do I know... I'm not a mod.

Superficially it may seem that people are treated differently on occasion, though when you examine the situation from another perspective you'll see that often times different circumstances warrant different reactions.

Whenever somebody joins NikeTalk, we like to give them the benefit of the doubt and allow them to become accustomed to how our community operates.
Everybody starts on equal ground. You actually START with our trust - and it's on you to retain it.

As you may know, we have a system of cataloging rule violations. Every time a staff member observes a rule violation, it's recorded in our Admin forum. We differentiate between a minor violation like a signature/image violation, a language violation, and on up to insults, etc. To use NBA rules as an allegory, we'll tolerate a certain amount of minor incidental violations (fouls) and even something extreme ONCE (technical) but if you do something truly malicious you'll be immediately ejected. So if you do happen to see a 'double foul' and one person gets ejected - odds are the ejected individual had just fouled out. Where our game differs, though, is that you're NOT entitled to a clean slate just because you showed up wearing a new jersey the next night.

There's a certain threshold beyond which we're no longer willing to tolerate ANY further violations. You were cut a great deal of slack under your first name - even on into a couple of your subsidiary accounts. After that, it started to become apparent that you weren't really interested in following the rules of our community.

Now, try to look at this from the perspective of a staff member. If you come in here after being banned SEVEN times and you're still making statements that are disrespectful to other members or even so much as using partially edited profanity - that tells us that you don't feel you need to adhere to the rules. It tells us that if you're going to be here, you're going to break the rules. Why, then, should we sit back and ALLOW further violations when you've proven time and time again that, for whatever reason, you are unwilling or unable to stay true to our rules of conduct?

If you think you've got a target on your back, it's because you've painted it on there. Time and time again you've broken the rules. Why should we allow that continue?

You're expected to know and follow our rules from the jump - but after the first account has been terminated, there are NO excuses. You can't say, "oh, my bad I didn't know we weren't allowed to _____." You're making a conscious choice to disregard the rules. At that point, we don't play. We put people who have been banned several times on zero tolerance. ANY violation will be their last. If you STILL can't follow the rules we'll ban you on sight, whether you break a rule or not. You're not at that point yet, and hopefully you never will be.

It's not about 'power' and it's not about trying to put somebody 'in their place.' It has nothing to do with whether I or any other staff member likes or dislikes somebody. Without rules, this place becomes a toilet. We have seen it happen. That is WHY NikeTalk exists. Whatever right you think you might have to post on here is superseded by the right of all of our members and viewers to experience a SAFE, friendly environment. We take that very seriously.

You come in here off seven bans and say something negative about somebody - tell me how I should interpret that. Tell me why you should be cut slack in that situation.

I want you to be a part of the NikeTalk community - but we're not willing to have you here unconditionally. IF you want to be here, you MUST follow our rules at all times. If you're successful at handling yourself in any type of situation for a prolonged duration, you can earn back that lost trust.

If you want to discuss it further, email me or hit my ezinbox.
I think people often underestimate the work of a mod. I wouldnt want to do it but I respect those that do. I think the name "moderator" attracts a lot of people. Peace.

But if any NT'er should be one, fulfill KMD's dream and make him one already! ;)

" Another Morning Stoner. "​
...Trail of Dead​
The fact that Meth put THAT much time into explaining everything point by point is just another reason why everyone can't be a mod/admin....MUCHO respect to them for that.

If I was running this place, it might just end up turning into ******** or something. I wouldn't have the time (or want to expend the energy) just to deal with some message board goofs.

broken sig​
This is a good post, but im curious how do you become a team member?

The 'Team Member' designation is reserved for those who've donated $25 or more to the community chest. It basically just lets people know some of the individuals responsible for keeping this place feature enriched and pop up ad free.
speaking of which, when does gold run out?

instead of it letting it become the steaming pile of hot garbage that it has.


Biting Jay-Z's flow, go with the breeze
I beseech you
Get your own flow so when you blow up
You won't make the real heads wanna throw up
The text ads we have running presently will extend our gold community service. Without them, our service would've expired long ago.

If we were left to relying on the chest alone, we'd be a LONG way from renewing gold.
Some people THINK that if they wear a little moderator nametag that they'll automatically have the respect of the users, that their status will improve, this, that, and the third. That's not true. Nearly ALL of the tools and resources available to a moderator are available to regular users. The ONLY additional capabilities moderators have are the ability to move, lock, and delete posts. That's it. If you think those tools will suddenly enable you to single-handedly turn everything around - think again.

Gret observation..thats EXACTLY how people perceive the moderator position.

^^^That's a good point.

I will be blatantly honest with you all: I have not enjoyed NikeTalk in the same manner that I did before I became a moderator.

Why? Well, it's the unbelievably uninformed people who think I somehow get off on being a moderator that for some strange reason loves "putting people in their place". Everything I say, everything I do is looked upon as "something a moderator did".

I chose to moderate NikeTalk because I felt like I could give back to the board that has helped me so much in the past. Honestly, I don't even like shoes the way I did back then. I'm working full time now, going to school part time, trying to be the best husband and father I can be,and trying to save up to purchase a house. I'm not a loser Internet geek all of you think I am. I have things going for me right now, but I still take time (usually at work) to moderate the board.

All this talk about being "unfair", as if I care what you do. The truth is, I don't care, just as long as you follow SIMPLE guidelines and rules. Is that too much to ask?

We get clowned for having no lives, but who are the people that feel the need to beast on an Internet Message board and break rules as if they are "keeping it real"? What are THEY doing?

Damn, I just read what I typed out and realized that I digressed to the point just beyond comprehension. I'm not even sure what point I was making. I guess I had a little post envy seeing Meth's long post.

My bad.

I chose to moderate NikeTalk because I felt like I could give back to the board that has helped me so much in the past.

Were you invited to moderate?
Not Moderator Material.​
Damn, I just read what I typed out and realized that I digressed to the point just beyond comprehension. I'm not even sure what point I was making. I guess I had a little post envy seeing Meth's long post.

My bad.

See? They really are human!


Much love to all the mods for keeping this place running smoothly.

I have to admit, I'd love being a mod. Just the feeling of being on a team, the responsibility, the sense of honour, the duty, it's all there. Plus being accepted as a mod would be a huge boost for my ego.

But I've realized that, a) I'm 15. b) I'm not the most mature person. I've struck back at people before, I've acted immaturely, and I'll probably keep doing stuff like that. Mods aren't allowed to start fights with people. Whether or not the responsibility of being a mod would change my demeanour to the point where I'd be able to refrain from getting involved and deal with the situation maturely is completely besides the point here. I'm not the most forgiving person, and it shows. Finally, c), I'm just nothing special. How can I argue my virtues against those of all the thousands of others here on Niketalk when many of them could do just as good a job, if not better than me? Why should I, of all people, become a mod?

So a Member I remain, and to the Mods, well, I salute 'em.
SUPPORT THE CAUSE, buy the gear​
NO! Now get back in your cage or you have to deal with a tomorrow with no morning gruel to eat!

I couldn't understand what she was shrieking about, as she was flapping her arms in the air and screaming. She started crying when she saw the busted colon I gave her wussy husband, so she took one of her shoes off and threw it at me. I caught the shoe between my pecs and I started to laugh like a pirate. Then she started walking towards me to take her shoe back, and there was no way I was going to let this witch get near my chest so I body slammed her into a cactus that happened to be there. She got up and was uglier than before, so I did what I always do when women start to cry: I went back inside to play video games.​
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