What do you do/where do you go to escape?

I usually run a 5k or so to get my mind off things.

But if I need to escape, I pour a glass of Glenlivet 21yr, and light up a Padron 1926 #9 and chill on my porch. It's just nice to do nothing but enjoy your favorite things sometimes.
Lately ive just been going our riding my bike. My life is pretty much falling apart completely right now. So when i ride i just keep pushing until i cant feel my legs and cant breathe anymore. And for that brief period of time i am able to not think about how i am losing everything.
Go to the gym... lately it's been my best escape. Feel better there then anywhere else.

Play poker with my friends.

Thats about all I got
I usually play ball with my homeboys in the pool (No AYO) mess gets hyped. Or Do something with a close friend.
Or listen to some music
I usually take my daughter on a walk; walks are the most releaxing activity for me. Also (this is going to sound weird), I crack open a beer, bust out the old gameboy color, and play Pokemon when I have the time.
I light one up...
Listen to some tunes, it always puts me in a better mood
Talk to some friends

I can usually control myself when things start to go downhill...
hip hop usually does it for me, whether it's listening to music, watching a bboy match, dj battle, making some beats, watching someone throw up a graffiti piece. i don't know it just takes me to a different place.

also record digging, so peaceful just you in a basement surrounded by records. i bring my portable record player and just have music of all types playing as i dig threw what seems to be an infinite amount of records.

of course smoking some good bud too
Listen to music, music has helped me through so much its crazy. Go outside and just sit and chill, smoke, listen to my ipod and read. Helps me escape from everything even if its only for a little while.
The legion of doom! I fire up some haze, crank the AC on and either play ps3 or bump some music
Got a nice spot out by the bay right around the corner from me that's super peaceful. I get
and go for a run there and I feel goooood the rest of the day.
Listen to music. Eat. Lift weights. Run but only when the sun is going down. But the most peaceful is go outside and watch the sunset
i usually:

- lock myself in my room and make beats/listen to music
- go for a ride at night while listening to music
- smoke
- all of the above
free throws/shooting around
sleeping in class (for some reason wen i wake up i feel like the day is reset)
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