what do you suspect but have no proof of....

Apr 15, 2004
All of the kernels in a bag of popcorn cannot be popped.
some are just decoys.

The mods have a forum where they talk about the goings on here

Pockets on womens pants are intentionally made basically useless to further the sales of handbags. They all work together.

A lot of products can be built to last longer, but that would put companies out of business.

Technology that we get on a consumer level is far behind what's sitting in labs across the world.

People are killed or driven crazy for their intellectual properties and patents IF they interfere with the scheduled release dates of approved technology.

Schizophrenic people can see and interact with dimensions we can't detect or sense.

Divorces and the things that lead to them (infidelity, gender conflicts) are encouraged in pop culture because it's big business and keeps people (lawyers, court personnel) employed.

Time travel exists but time lines are infinite and not able to be experienced twice.

Our bodies are avatars and our souls/consciousness are the real us. We graduate through dimensions.
-Apple has a kill switch an it's HQ and will nuke your device when they feel you should go buy the newest version of it

-People that hold lucrative patents, or royalties agreements get killed regularly; once the company feels they can buy it off their heirs for cheap

-Nike and JB knows exactly how crappy their products have become

-A drug company has found the cure for HIV, but is holding it back because it makes more off of treating it than it would curing it.

-DC is a man

-Superb actually owns a Caddy truck
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-Apple has a kill switch an it's HQ and will nuke your device when they feel you should go buy the newest version of it

-People that hold lucrative patents, or royalties agreements get killed regularly; once the company feels they can buy it off their heirs for cheap

-Nike and JB knows exactly how crappy their products have become

-A drug company has found the cure for HIV, but is holding it back because it makes more off of treating it than it would curing it.

-DC is a man

-Superb actually owns a Caddy truck


I think "they" have cures for all these terrible diseases out there...but like people say, there's no money in the cure.

And certain sporting events are rigged by Vegas.
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-Apple has a kill switch an it's HQ and will nuke your device when they feel you should go buy the newest version of it

-People that hold lucrative patents, or royalties agreements get killed regularly; once the company feels they can buy it off their heirs for cheap

-Nike and JB knows exactly how crappy their products have become

-A drug company has found the cure for HIV, but is holding it back because it makes more off of treating it than it would curing it.

-DC is a man

-Superb actually owns a Caddy truck


I think "they" have cures for all these terrible diseases out there...but like people say, there's no money in the cure.

And certain sporting events are rigged by Vegas.

Came in here to post this
certain alien species could come and chill on Earth but they're like, "damn these humans are cray and need another million years to chill the **** out"
The flag was engineered to look like that because they knew it wouldnt be able to fly.

its made outta some other material or something.

Shrooms......once and never again smfh
Marijuana is only viewed the way it is due to the fact that tobacco companies would face much stiffer competition if it were to become mainstream the way cigarettes are. By the time most of the older folks die out, you'll have plenty of marijuana corporations the same way you have tobacco corporations.
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