What else should i stock my fridge with my fellow NT fly boys?


you made me hungry....

i would add:
vitamin water, coke/pepsi, gatorade, choc. milk, and some food...
God, my fridge looks like a complete mess after seeing that. Leftovers, half empty drinks, random fruit. Probably should clean that out as part of my holidaycleaning
im assuming this is your "snack/beverage" fridge, and it's most likely in your room or your living room.

if that is the case, it's looking pretty good (and very clean too, i like). might want to add some more beer variations though, maybe some asahi, dosequis, stella, a wired bag of limes/lemons for the beer, and 1-2 chilled mugs.
Originally Posted by ikari XD

God, my fridge looks like a complete mess after seeing that. Leftovers, half empty drinks, random fruit. Probably should clean that out as part of my holiday cleaning
same here... cleaning out my fridge is gonna be a god damn mess smh
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

im assuming this is your "snack/beverage" fridge, and it's most likely in your room or your living room.

if that is the case, it's looking pretty good (and very clean too, i like). might want to add some more beer variations though, maybe some asahi, dos equis, stella, a wired bag of limes/lemons for the beer, and 1-2 chilled mugs.
Thanks. This is actually the fridge at my own place....im 21 and in college. And yes i like to eat outside alot.

Alota funny responses in here. I am not fat as hell. I am not tryna be Mr Chi City. Im just looking for inputs for my fridge. That is all.
I feel like the only dude that can relate in here...I spend a %*%! load on beverages every time I go grocery shopping. I have a mini-fridge in my "mancave" though. Currently it has:

Orange, Blue, Purple, and Yellow Gatorade (for when I'm feeling a little hungover)
Slim Fast (for early classes when I don't have time to eat breakfast)
Coors light (for when friends come over to play video games and %*%!)
Sam Adams and Magic Hat (current "chill" beers...they switch up every month so I can find some stuff I like)
Sugar free Monster (for whenever I need a little boost)

But for a main fridge in a bachelor pad you need to add: Lunch meat, cheese, yogurt (yoplait whips are CRACK when you freeze em!!), eggs, butter, milk, apples,oranges, and I prefer to just buy bags of salad so it doesn't take as long to make, and random condiments

Nothing better than a stocked, well put together fridge
and NT'ers don't' believe me when i say heineken is a hypebeast beer at best.


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