What things Oil your gears VOL.....feels good man

When my girl rubs my scalp

This on a 1,000,000

A nice crisp Saturday morning going to breakfast w/ my girl/family

Nicely paced traffic, no honking

When a tee fits you perfectly

copping a grail pair for an unbelievable price
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When girls don't look at me just as a man with a face of angel or a man with the body of Greek God, but they also like my personality.
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When I'm just super clouted up with a chick I meet and she all googly eyed and me just looking into her eyes makes her blush and turn away and giggle!

The joys of life!
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When my car just got washed, especially if I got a fresh cut too

When my prediction comes true, especially If I was talking hella **** beforehand lol

When I don't have to set an alarm for the next day

When I achieve a goal that I set

Spending time with my family

Seeing my friends & family achieve goals that they set of themselves.

Watching Mr. Robot or GOT

When I first hear a :pimp: song
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Extra TP in the cabinet when brown roll showing

Hearing a throwback slap from 15-20 yrs ago that you ain't heard in a min

Nice power nap
When you look up and happen to catch a girl looking away knowing she must have been mirin 

Back in my retail days when you had that ridiculous customer acting a fool and I was politely telling them to **** off and they would hit me with the "Can I speak to your manager please!?" I'd hit them with the 

When you are reading a book that changes your outlook on life

After putting up with someones ******** at work, just putting them in their place with extreme candor that it catches them off guard and it's true so they aint eem mad

When someone asks where I got something and I tell them the store
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- wen someone lets u in traffic and you wave at each other


I'm big on the wave.

- Holiday season - Thanksgiving, December/Christmas morning
- Sunday mornings hitting the bagel store for breakfast and the newspaper
- NFL Sundays. Nothing beats that crisp fall weather. You wake up, repeat hitting up the bagel store ^, then setting your fantasy lineups. Then comes a day worth of games to watch
- Clearing out your Inbox of e-mails
- Stepping into the barber shop and right into the chair (if they don't take appointments)
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- When the bills are paid
- when you chillin' watching TV in the crib with just ya draws on cause you have no roommates :pimp:
When you thought you ran out of arizona iced tea but you open the pantry to find one can way in the back.

3 day weekends

Coming home from work to find a UPS box with a brand new pair of sneakers you just ordered

Walking into the Coach outlet and finding a leather backpack your been eying for a minute on clearance. 

When your gf/lady runs up to you after not seeing your for days and giving you a big hug
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