What to Expect When You're Expecting (TAP)

Apr 5, 2019
I have followed along with TAY and TAR and now i'm going through the next phase....Pregnancy! I was hoping to get advice or a survival guide to get through pregnancy.
From my experience, you’ll feel whatever they feel. Mood swings, cravings, migraines, back pain, etc.. I honestly felt like my body and mind were going through changes right along with her.

Enjoy your free time, enjoy your friends, sleeping and taking uninterrupted naps.

Do whatever she ask, within reason. 3am Taco Bell runs, you better do it with a smile.

We did two home births with a doula and mid wife. I suggest you look into alternatives to the normal, rush to the hospital,
And do everything the nurse and doctors tells you to do, because not many are experts in birthing, parenting, etc.. Take the child birth class offered by local childbirth professionals (as opposed to the one provided by the hospital) it made life easier and explained what you will go through during birthing. For the home/pool birth we came out of both for less than $4k, that’s mod wife and doula.
expect for your love of that woman to be tested throughout the pregnancy.
expect that everyone on and offline can tell you how it'll be but your experience is your experience.
hard to actually, really prepare for the unknown but you can make adjustments to make it easier. and it'll still be hard.

I have some other things I want to say but I need to get off my work computer for that..
Patience. She's going through some things she's not familiar with, if it's her first child. So her hormones may influence behavior which is out of the norm for the two of you. I didn't understand this at first, as soon as I did, it made everything easier.

She's going through a lot so take care of her.
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