What's a bad habit that you've kicked?

Saying the N word. Helps you from calling your employer a ****a on accident.
What's so bad about biting nails? :nerd:

but I can't really seem to kick my bad habits like that, but I've been drinking ALOT more water and less soda and juice.
I smoked cigs for 19 years and quit cold turkey 10 months ago..Only thing that sucked is all the weight I gained..It's hard to get the weight back off but I'm trying..
video games
If I got rid of Niketalk I'd be a productive MFer but I also wouldnt know what was going on in the world
drunk texting
Strong person u are
Always use to drop my phone. I think I dropped my 3g more than I can count....but far as my 4 I don't nearly drop it half as much.
1) Smoking. Was always on and off for years during school, didn't help that at one point 4/6 housemates were also smokers. Cold turkey, no problem. Just once in a while (as in once every year or two) I'll light one up in a social/drinking situation.

2) Fapping.

3) Soda. I know that ish is horrible for me, done an ok job so far of reducing my intake, especially the diet stuff.

4) Addicted to being constantly being online (potentially also making my habit #2 there harder to kick). Talkin about computer ie. at work RIGHT NOW :tongue:, at home, on my phone, etc. And not just pr0n either, forums, sports, stupid videos...
A few weeks ago I was at a dinner where my parents were meeting my girls' parents for the first time. I tried to discreetly pull out my phone to check NFL scores and my girl fired me a "What the eff are you doing?!!" stare.
drinking , smoking ( cigs & bud ) , soda , gotta manage to lay off mcdonalds and junk and i should be good money .......
Fapping seriously..it seems as it gets colder outside I dont want too at all..I havent had an urge in about 3-4 weeks
Smoking tree/milds..its starting to get annoying seeing my housemates/roomates just smoke bud all day
smashing bbw yambs..it starts off as a joke but when people find out you have a whole new paradigm shift lol

I need to stop biting my nails/skin on fingers and hands..I pick/chew my calluses **** is addictive
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Fapping seriously..it seems as it gets colder outside I dont want too at all..I havent had an urge in about 3-4 weeks
Smoking tree/milds..its starting to get annoying seeing my housemates/roomates just smoke bud all day
The colder it gets, the more clothes these females put on, which results in less motivation to fap.
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