Man this needs to be said again. I hate how folks act like the worthless female is a modern day thing. They have always existed. Every black woman in the 70s wasn't an Afro-Puff Black Conscious individual. Not even sure how folks can't grasp that idea. Good post
what is even crazier ppl will dismiss my claims etc... and im like dude i lived in that time frame.... Its the same when ppl try to tell me everyone was with the civil rights movement fight the power, we shall overcome, etc.....movement/mindset. Im like um ok i think i would know seeing as i actually was ALIVE during the time. To be honest most middle to well to do blacks were either neutral, or while they werent against it they werent a purponent for it. And it was the poor blacks that got the ball rolling, then when things changed, those complacent ppl, and those as ppl would put it nowadays cornball/house n's was pushing ppl all the way to reap the rewards...
Really to be honest it was lowkey happening just as much as it is today, i mran you had the pressure/society influence of the a woman isnt a woman till she bare child, so many woman were out trying to get pregnant just to in a sense feel like they are a woman, then mix in the whole woman lib movement you had woman trying to have kids/work have a career to prove i am of equality of a man.
So while they werent on some roll my neck, talk to the hand, gum popping, mz ndapendant..jive. End of the day just because they were presenting themselves in a different light, end of the day the still had the i am a real woman cause i can have a kid(s) raise them, and still maintain a career, and be equally good at said job as any male counterpart..
I hate to derail like such, but another thing is the woman lib movement...another segment in life that contributed to i dont need a man in the household..the yea the man is stiffling my growth, and preventing me to achieve. Funny thing bout this is white woman had some validity in this due to white men saw their woman is docile and uncapable, and basically trophies etc.. Black woman who basically went along and were basically being used (seeing as you cant rise or come from a oppressed state if nothing is or has held you down) And they applied this same ration of thinking their men.
Thing is when has a black man tried to prevent a black woman from anything? Hell when has he had the authority or power to restrict a black woman? Even from a educational/career aspect...when has a black man every tried or even had the power to prevent them from rising etc...achieving? So they came home and took those ideas their household and applied it to their men, again mixed with the whole welfare movement, then the whole imma be a woman lib/revolutionist doing all the things that are socially different then the norm...aka go out have wild crazy sex with strangers... go out and purposely have kids to prove a point etc...
Only thing is white woman went at it to prove a point of if we wanted to we could do these things...we just choose not to and went back in most part the role of "woman" woman on the other hand went out to prove a point,achieved it and never looked back...(this is shown by the fact that despite usa biggest % of ppl is white woman, they are the lowest % in terms of college grad. and working force)
So to cats thinking this is some new finagle simply isnt. Jst back then woman did it to establish themselves prove a point to society...and now it is accepted and become a social norm. Funny thing is in most part the goal of trying to prove to whites i am equal still in most part isnt accepted/believed, and in most part cost them the support and love from the black man.