What's the most ridiculous thing someone has asked you at work?

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Years ago when i worked at geek squad, i got a call from a guy who was beyond irrate

Client: “I just bought this computer on Saturday. I come in today to use it and it won’t turn on. I can’t believe you guys sell such pieces of %$%$ that they stop working in one day.
Originally Posted by JayMosEnvied

When I worked at lids.

Customer: How much does this hat cost?

Me: The price is on bill

They ask like I'm going to hook them up or something

i would get that all the time too.

what was funny was when customers asked me if i worked there,  i would just be like na  i just wear this shirt and come in here to help people because im bored and have nothing else to do.
Used to work at a bank. A customer is trying to cash his son's check because he was a minor. I told them to do the whole " Pay to the order of ..." blah blah BS. His son said what's next dad, is he going to make us write an essay? With a straight face I said yes. Mad awkward but I was dying inside, and they ended up trying to be nice at the end of the transaction. People these days, straight idiots
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

some dude came up to me and offered me some weed for a box of sour patch kids watermelon when i worked in the theater concessions

i just said nah im good man

Back when I worked at Nike I had some lady come in and ask me where our reeboks were...actually got this a lot. One swore she bought new balance from our store lol

Then this other guy came in swearing that all Jordan product has a lifetime warranty

Get the do you work here one all the time too smh
I worked ay FTL a few years back and the things people say and think just amazes me

1) This one has happened a few times

Lady walks in and i say,
Me-"Hi welcome to FTL how may i help you"
Customer-"Hi,(Picks up a pair of random shoes) and says,"Hmm these are nice but could you guys make these in black and blue for me?"
"Sorry Ma'm whatever we have out on the floor is all we have"
Customer- "But why? You guys have those machines and wear houses back there i'm sure it wouldn't take long to make"
Me- "Ma'm again sorry but whats on the floor is all we have at the moment"
Customer-"Wow is everyone who works here lazy and inconsiderate!? I'm gunna file a complaint with your managers!"
Me- "Go for it

2) Dudes walk in and i say,

Me- "Hey welcome to FTL"
Dudes- "Oh hey, whats up" (they were all being loud and obnoxious and one takes a look at my DMPs i had on at the time and says)"Dam man those are fly but you ain't got these huh? Where these at?" Dude points down at clear cardinal 7s

Me- trying hard not to laugh i say,"Na man can't say i do. Must be some rare shoes, i Never seen those before. Where'd you pick those up?"
Dude: "They to exclusive for you huh bruh?","Its cool though i'll let you know bruh my cousin can get me any pair of jays i want for $40 bucks man even on the rare exclusives like these joints he said they the only ones in the US i think"
Me- "Dam dude wish i had it like that man", He says bye and walks out the door and me and my co-workers start to lose it man things like that also took place at my FTL at least once a week
Boss: You high? nah just kidding.

Boss: Nah really you got some green i haven't gotten high in a minute.

 No i don't smoke anymore.
Originally Posted by jcbacall

you look like you do coke... you got some?
The moment I found out a bunch of my co-workers did that (was at a party, saw a very un-slick transfer of goods go through, called them out on it), it was game on. I'd done it plenty of times, but when they found out I rolled with it, I got offers to do it in the stock room on our shifts (Nordstrom, btw). I never did it at work, but it was kind of a ridiculous situation. Also, we had customers who would go into a room with a couple pairs of jeans, ask you to come in and check it out, and they'd have lines cut for you on glass....it was insane. They'd buy $1,000 worth of denim, and give you lines to blow on top of it. I never did that either. 
When I worked at Wherehouse Music in like 1998/1999

Me: Hi how are you doing?
Customer: Hey do you guys have that one song...
Me: Which song?
Customer: :::starts "beatboxing":::
Me: I have never heard that song.
Customer: Do yall have flavored vodka?
Me: Nope, sorry.

Customer: Oh, so you cant make me any drinks with flavored vodka in it

Me: ...nope.
Originally Posted by georgehimself

When I worked at Wherehouse Music in like 1998/1999

Me: Hi how are you doing?
Customer: Hey do you guys have that one song...
Me: Which song?
Customer: :::starts "beatboxing":::
Me: I have never heard that song.

You got trolled by edbassmaster

Spoiler [+]
i'm not even gonna go over the %%!%#$$ questions/responses i get from people at the zoo...

but last week at my bar job some *@@%%%+ Euro came in and asked what cocktails we have. my coworker hit em with the
i was
we're a BAR. what do you mean what cocktails do we have???

real talk, Euros are the WORST. people talk about how much Americans are hated in foreign countries, but if you dealt with Euros on a regular basis like i do, you'd realize there's NO WAY Americans are worse over there. i cannot stand Euros. they don't tip. ask %%!%#$$ questions, are rude. all of it.
Euros ARE the worst! Seriously. I was in Thailand and was sick of listening to chicks that couldn't speak normal English (it gets annoying after a while, i appreciated their efforts). We decided to hit this 'foreigner' place up and it was a bunch of Russians, French and some other trash Euro's and no one could speak any English. I've never felt soooo off in my life. Being in a place surrounded by white people that couldn't speak English. Frustrating as all hell.
I had one of our British customers (he seemed pretty drunk too) ask me over the phone "Are you of the darker persuasion?"....
Me: "Are you asking me if I'm black?"
Him: "Why, yes. Yes I am"
Me: "Yes. I am black" Followed by 5 mins of uncontrollable laughter.
The guy then tells me he is a jazz musician and asked me to perform a rap on his next project when he comes to the states.
By this time it's pretty clear he is Tony Stark drunk so I laugh a little more and disconnect the call.
I work in a small department at the casino... So I work with the same people basically every day...we have all gotten pretty close over the years....so the one white guy that I work with pulled me to the side...and whispered in my ear... "Is it really true what they say about black guys and their you know what"...I dont think I had ever laughed that hard before....
Originally Posted by JACKEL56

in High School (15-16yrs old) I worked at TCBY, I was wearing a red work shirt, some little 11ish yr old kid walks up to me decked out in yellow and ask me if I was a "Blood," I told him no but he should ask some at Target(across hall in same mall) if they were, he walked by every 15mins or so and stared at me for the rest of the day

Originally Posted by georgehimself

When I worked at Wherehouse Music in like 1998/1999

Me: Hi how are you doing?
Customer: Hey do you guys have that one song...
Me: Which song?
Customer: :::starts "beatboxing":::
Me: I have never heard that song.

some of these stories can't be life.
lady- im out of my medication, "you people" didnt call to remind me...i need this medicine to live and have 2 take it daily
me- so, u need some1 to remind u to take meds that u need 2 live, and now you're out of meds?
lady- yes
me- ummmmmm ok
lady- i need them to be delivered today, i know u guys do over night shipping
me- ma'am, thats not possible...its sunday...nobody delivers on a sunday...we can ship it 2morrow, it'll be there on tuesday...thats considered over night
lady- im gonna sue you guys...your company is trying to kill me...
me- ummmm ok, so is tuesday good?
Garden city NY Lord & Taylor had to be my 2nd Day!! Some chick ask me to have a 3 Way with her and some other guy . . . . . . .
Originally Posted by Rick2345

2) Dudes walk in and i say,

Me- "Hey welcome to FTL"
Dudes- "Oh hey, whats up" (they were all being loud and obnoxious and one takes a look at my DMPs i had on at the time and says)"Dam man those are fly but you ain't got these huh? Where these at?" Dude points down at clear cardinal 7s

Me- trying hard not to laugh i say,"Na man can't say i do. Must be some rare shoes, i Never seen those before. Where'd you pick those up?"
Dude: "They to exclusive for you huh bruh?","Its cool though i'll let you know bruh my cousin can get me any pair of jays i want for $40 bucks man even on the rare exclusives like these joints he said they the only ones in the US i think"
Me- "Dam dude wish i had it like that man", He says bye and walks out the door and me and my co-workers start to lose it man things like that also took place at my FTL at least once a week

Man, half of the hood is on that.I wouldn't call it stupid, just misinformed. Hell, some of us here on NT got serious about the shoe game once we realized we had fakes.
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Originally Posted by Rick2345

2) Dudes walk in and i say,

Me- "Hey welcome to FTL"
Dudes- "Oh hey, whats up" (they were all being loud and obnoxious and one takes a look at my DMPs i had on at the time and says)"Dam man those are fly but you ain't got these huh? Where these at?" Dude points down at clear cardinal 7s

Me- trying hard not to laugh i say,"Na man can't say i do. Must be some rare shoes, i Never seen those before. Where'd you pick those up?"
Dude: "They to exclusive for you huh bruh?","Its cool though i'll let you know bruh my cousin can get me any pair of jays i want for $40 bucks man even on the rare exclusives like these joints he said they the only ones in the US i think"
Me- "Dam dude wish i had it like that man", He says bye and walks out the door and me and my co-workers start to lose it man things like that also took place at my FTL at least once a week

Man, half of the hood is on that.I wouldn't call it stupid, just misinformed. Hell, some of us here on NT got serious about the shoe game once we realized we had fakes.

I think that's a southern thing.
Supervisor: get this done for me by 2pm. i need it for my meeting with the CFO.

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