What's the most struggle meal you've eaten?

I remember when my homie got out of prison and he made us what he used to eat in there. It was ramen and cheetos wrapped up in a tortilla :x
condensed milk + water was a staple at grandma house.

**** is a 2% milk? 
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One time I took two slices of bread and put cheese and blueberries in between...... Put it in the oven and bam, homemade danish............
Now that's a struggle meal

I can't get mess with eggs and rice but it seems a lot of y'all like that. Seems like an odd combination too me.
You've never had beef fried rice or pork fried rice from chinese take out? It ALWAYS has egg in it.
Eggs and rice is not a struggle meal at all. It's a legit dish in many cultures
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