When Bus Drivers Strike Back

the ONLY reason a woman would EVER hit a man is because she doesnt expect to get hit back. Dude just killed that noise right there
Total lack of self control by a Grandfather in our community. That little cat slap that she hit him with could have been deaded with stabbilng the breaks and sending that hood rat sliding under the bus console.
...that said, the old man's form was spectacular once he climb out of the captain's chair..
Notice the head and shoulder faint, the drop step, and foot plant that flows in the Larry Holmes style uppercut- that sends Shatika's hands flying out of her pockets and into a public transit backfip.

And his hat stayed on for the entire round....M. Bison like Swag.
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OMG the chin music :wow:

That's an old school playa right there for you. "You wanna act like a man, I'mma treat you like one" ***** stepped outta line and he had to regulate. I'm not even mad, ratchets don't understand being sensible.
a woman should never hit a man either, but obviously she didnt believe that.
what you dont get is that shorty WANTED to get hit, otherwise why would she pop off like that? its only logical

A man is supposed to be stronger than a woman...you should be able to eat those hits........only reason a woman would strike a man is if he's weak. And that's his fault. He shouldn't hit a woman though. That's just foul.
a woman should never hit a man either, but obviously she didnt believe that.
what you dont get is that shorty WANTED to get hit, otherwise why would she pop off like that? its only logical

A man is supposed to be stronger than a woman...you should be able to eat those hits........only reason a woman would strike a man is if he's weak. And that's his fault. He shouldn't hit a woman though. That's just foul.

So if I punch somebody who is stronger than me, they shouldnt hit me back? I'll tell you right now, thats not how the world works.

and what reason would a woman have for hitting somebody who is stronger than her
A man is supposed to be stronger than a woman...you should be able to eat those hits........only reason a woman would strike a man is if he's weak. And that's his fault. He shouldn't hit a woman though. That's just foul.
you stupid as hell if you think these birds gonna hit a guy cuz he's weak...


they hit men cuz they.don't think men.will hit them.back, plain and simple brah ...

More women hit random men.than more men.hit random men

Why? Cuz you gotta think twice who you're messing with as a guy...
So if I punch somebody who is stronger than me, they shouldnt hit me back? I'll tell you right now, thats not how the world works.
and what reason would a woman have for hitting somebody who is stronger than her

She could be angry about something. Woman are emotional and irrational. If you hit a woman, you're acting out of emotion and that's not what REAL MEN DO. You shouldn't stoop down to their level. Take the high road and just walk away...
A man is supposed to be stronger than a woman...you should be able to eat those hits........only reason a woman would strike a man is if he's weak. And that's his fault. He shouldn't hit a woman though. That's just foul.

Man watch out! If any man is in danger I don't care if its from a woman child or dog, he has the RIGHT and REASON to defend himself. Get outta here with that old school backwards crap. I bet you think women should stay in the kitchen and make less money then men too huh? :smh:
Mannnnnnn shutup.

She wanted to talk that talk about his moms and grandaughter, spit on him, and punch him...so she got that work. *shrugs* She wont talk like that again fa sho
So if I punch somebody who is stronger than me, they shouldnt hit me back? I'll tell you right now, thats not how the world works.
and what reason would a woman have for hitting somebody who is stronger than her

She could be angry about something. Woman are emotional and irrational. If you hit a woman, you're acting out of emotion and that's not what REAL MEN DO. You shouldn't stoop down to their level. Take the high road and just walk away...

So what if a dude hits me? Is it because hes acting out of emotion, and hes not a real man? If somebody hits me, I'm probably going to be mad, and I'm probably going to hit him back.

Whether he is right or wrong, my dad taught me "You NEVER get to choose your consequences, or how people will react to your actions". So once she popped off, she expected dude to take the abuse like a *****. She messed with the wrong one


From a personal experience, I used to work at a shoe store. One day this dude came in, real nice guy, with this girl following him. She spit on him before he came in the store, but he wiped it off, and kept walking, all while she was yelling at him, berating him and hitting him. He kept saying to her "chill out, I really dont want to argue like this in public". When they left the store, she spit on him again, and he hit her with the wrath of Zeus, then choke slammed her on some white lady's car
***** had it coming to her.. she has zero respect for anyone nor herself so she deserved that uppercut. too bad she didnt go to sleep from it, these hoodmouses must some kind of unknown strength a normal woman wouldnt have :lol:
She could be angry about something. Woman are emotional and irrational. If you hit a woman, you're acting out of emotion and that's not what REAL MEN DO. You shouldn't stoop down to their level. Take the high road and just walk away...
so men are above women?

Got it...

You missed out on an important lesson in life...

"Most these B's ain't sheet "
i was :wow: at the vid. the responses in here have me struggling to keep from bursting out laughing in my office :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

IB4 the street fighter remix. :nerd:
in one thread i said i'd refuse to hit a woman. i retract my statement. if a bird gets too physical it's only so much talking and submission that can go on before she gets treated how she's acting. what helped me come to this conclusion is this: I'm pretty small and if i start poppin off to a body builder, obviously stronger than me, and proceed to hit him/spit on him, he's gonna slide my ***. to the Daytona dude, i just want to know WHY it is foul to EVER hit a woman. They're humans just like us. Equal rights is what they fought for right? :lol:
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