Where Will America’s Sick Obsession With Wealth And Money End?

Didn't a news article just come out saying Kendrick Lamar bought a 500k house?

Isn't all this buying material lavish things the reason some sport players go broke?

Income inequality is just a big problem in this society
Didn't a news article just come out saying Kendrick Lamar bought a 500k house?

Isn't all this buying material lavish things the reason some sport players go broke?

Income inequality is just a big problem in this society

gettin off topic but isnt Kendrick Lamar from LA? If he bought a $500K home here, its a very modest home, definitely not a mansion or splurging.
Didn't a news article just come out saying Kendrick Lamar bought a 500k house?

Isn't all this buying material lavish things the reason some sport players go broke?

Income inequality is just a big problem in this society

Rap money doesn't last forever. Same as athlete money. So that's appropriate to do. These rappers don't have as much as you think. I'm sure Kendrick has under 20mil. So 500k is a smart idea.
Didn't a news article just come out saying Kendrick Lamar bought a 500k house?

Isn't all this buying material lavish things the reason some sport players go broke?

Income inequality is just a big problem in this society

Rap money doesn't last forever. Same as athlete money. So that's appropriate to do. These rappers don't have as much as you think. I'm sure Kendrick has under 20mil. So 500k is a smart idea.

he hasnt even been rapping long

hes def gonna make a good amount of money but to me looking at him and if the 500k thing is true, hes a very smart dude.
I actually view the obsession with wealth and money to be two separate topics --

If you're looking to accumulate wealth (legally), I don't have a problem with it. There are plenty of wealthy people I know who have accumulated wealth over time and have money saved for future generations, to donate to worthwhile organizations or to invest in projects they're passionate about.   

If you view money as a vehicle for consumption, then I think there's a deep rooted, and narcissistic obsession. There are plenty of wealthy American's who had a "healthy" obsession with wealth but their children have an obsession with using that money for consumption e.g. purchasing Chanel bags, splurging at night clubs, etc. I don't think this obsession will end any time soon since social media such as Twitter and Instagam are fueling antisocial personality disorders where everyone is looking for instant gratification from people they don't even know. There's too many people on these websites who are trying to be "Baby Bilzerians" but without the money to afford it; this, in my opinion, is going to snowball into more debt, foreclosures, etc.  
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Didn't a news article just come out saying Kendrick Lamar bought a 500k house?

Isn't all this buying material lavish things the reason some sport players go broke?

Income inequality is just a big problem in this society

Rap money doesn't last forever. Same as athlete money. So that's appropriate to do. These rappers don't have as much as you think. I'm sure Kendrick has under 20mil. So 500k is a smart idea.

he hasnt even been rapping long

hes def gonna make a good amount of money but to me looking at him and if the 500k thing is true, hes a very smart dude.

I'm sure he bought the home for his parents and little brother. Since his brother is like 11.

Rap money doesn't last forever. Don't matter if he makes more.
I actually view the obsession with wealth and money to be two separate topics --

If you're looking to accumulate wealth (legally), I don't have a problem with it. There are plenty of wealthy people I know who have accumulated wealth over time and have money saved for future generations, to donate to worthwhile organizations or to invest in projects they're passionate about.   

If you view money as a vehicle for consumption, then I think there's a deep rooted, and narcissistic obsession. There are plenty of wealthy American's who had a "healthy" obsession with wealth but their children have an obsession with using that money for consumption e.g. purchasing Chanel bags, splurging at night clubs, etc. I don't think this obsession will end any time soon since social media such as Twitter and Instagam are fueling antisocial personality disorders where everyone is looking for instant gratification from people they don't even know. There's too many people on these websites who are trying to be "Baby Bilzerians" but without the money to afford it; this, in my opinion, is going to snowball into more debt, foreclosures, etc.  

But even the people that become wealthy legally(which i use VERY loosely) sometimes do it using a system that abuses the poor and that's what kills me. One individual isn't gonna solve anything it's a change in the system that must be stimulated.
Random hot take - is pooling with others to buy real estate a good idea?

My problem with capitalism and democracy is that we ignore infrastructure because nobody wants to pay for that. Infrastructure is what allowed people to get wealthy. Without a road to drive on, energy to use, clean parks for kids, etc all the money is meaningless.
Don’t know why it’s bad if it’s a result of success. It’s not as bad as Dubai and similar areas, where wealth is just given to a bunch of the royal family and they flaunt it in everyone’s face and waste money pooping on escorts.
It's not just america... it's worldwide...

Money has made us dependant on it for our survival. The more you have the more secure you feel...

I stopped chasing material items with the goal to have enough money to retire by the age of 45 for the latest...
Don’t know why it’s bad if it’s a result of success. It’s not as bad as Dubai and similar areas, where wealth is just given to a bunch of the royal family and they flaunt it in everyone’s face and waste money pooping on escorts.

No shade but this sounds naive AF my dude.
Random hot take - is pooling with others to buy real estate a good idea?

My problem with capitalism and democracy is that we ignore infrastructure because nobody wants to pay for that. Infrastructure is what allowed people to get wealthy. Without a road to drive on, energy to use, clean parks for kids, etc all the money is meaningless.

As long as the people involved are dependable, I dont see the problem. Could be a great introduction to real estate. Ya'll could learn from each other and seems to be a good way to earn money without having to go all in by yourself
Don’t know why it’s bad if it’s a result of success. It’s not as bad as Dubai and similar areas, where wealth is just given to a bunch of the royal family and they flaunt it in everyone’s face and waste money pooping on escorts.

No shade but this sounds naive AF my dude.

We hear about the extravagence over there all the time and how they waste money like it’s nothing. There’s people like that here too. Point is, it shows up all over.
Psychological studies show that people change as they get more wealth. But the innate desire to be the alpha is part of our biology. In our modern setting that comes from money...and the control you can exert with it. Doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. Some super rich people don’t want to pay taxes etc because they believe they can have foundations that do a better job than the government at using funds correctly. I’m on board with that. Government is usually bloated and never really is able to get stuff done due to red tape.

Unfortunately one thing private foundations can’t do is change infrastructure. Our crumbling bedrock of society (roads, healthcare, education, social security, family, national pride) makes all private efforts akin to a band aid on a gunshot wound.
It's hard not to be obsessed with wealth. Society can give us a false sense that we need wealth to live a happy life.
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