Where Will America’s Sick Obsession With Wealth And Money End?

It ends when each individual takes it upon themselves to change their values and how they live their lives.

Across the world people pick up arms, demonstrate and protest, create entire political movements in the hopes of achieving their shared goal/dream.

If they can do all that, risking death and sometimes actually dying, it shouldn't be so hard for you living in the lap of American wealth and luxury to stop buying cheap Chinese crap you don't need and put your money towards more meaningful pursuits.
Random hot take - is pooling with others to buy real estate a good idea?

My problem with capitalism and democracy is that we ignore infrastructure because nobody wants to pay for that. Infrastructure is what allowed people to get wealthy. Without a road to drive on, energy to use, clean parks for kids, etc all the money is meaningless.

You're hitting on something that gets talked about a lot in urban economics. It's the idea that land lord create very little value and they are basically investors who free ride off of positive externalities created by the public sector (schools, parks, transportation hubs, good State and Federal Jobs) and by other private sector actors (employers, restaurants, live entertainment).

It ends when each individual takes it upon themselves to change their values and how they live their lives.

Across the world people pick up arms, demonstrate and protest, create entire political movements in the hopes of achieving their shared goal/dream.

If they can do all that, risking death and sometimes actually dying, it shouldn't be so hard for you living in the lap of American wealth and luxury to stop buying cheap Chinese crap you don't need and put your money towards more meaningful pursuits.

While a just political movement should never feel limited to non violence, it is worth noting that the most enduring left wing movements have been the result of profound social revolutions that lead to political realignments. Although since the vast majority of the capitalist class will probably fight like heel to maintain their privilege, arms may have to be used in most places.
Wouldn’t say the relationship is a as parasitic as you’re making it out to be though when it comes to land owner versus renter.

Real estate as an investment isn’t all that great. An actual economic analysis of all the sunk time and extra costs of maintaining a property versus renting show this out.

But you are right about the mentality though. When one person is an owner it creates this false power scenario.

I’d actually prefer if real estate moved toward a multi paid for multi used situation. Eg a plot of land is bought by 100 people and they build a nice 100 apartment area with community area etc. Unfortunately, those sort of ideas eventually fail because of a few bad apples/people wanting t sell their spot since the value increased etc.
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