Who else here consistently has trouble sleeping?

Aren't you training in MMA? If you aren't falling asleep after a full day of a strenuous workout, then you have a problem. Go see a doctor.

Btw, am I the only person who has trouble falling asleep after smoking some mj? My mind just zones out and I don't fall asleep.
One thing I would definitely suggest is to use your bed only for sleeping (or you know, the other thing... if YS). Don't read in bed or use your laptop in bed or watch tv in bed. I have heard that this will make it so that your body knows that it's time to sleep when you get into bed.
I wish I could sleep 5-6 hours. I usually sleep for 10+ hours
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i fell asleep around 900...woke up at one and i'll be wide awake until like 7AM when i'm gonna wanna crash...but i have to go to school until 10 tonight...smh

if i fall asleep before 12 i'm not sleeping through the night...

Exactly the way I have it.
It's the worst when I'm dead tired at say 8pm and know I can't fall asleep til another couple hours
if I don't get anywhere near 8 hours I am doomed the next day.

I usually sleep with my mp3 on OR I just relax my mind till I daze off. Keep constant and it will be habit.
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