Who is apart of this Anonymous/Zietgeist over throw the gov movement? Vol. Prolly wont end well


May 1, 2011
Who here on NT knows about this whole Anon and Zietgeist movement? My nerdy psycho roommate is a "apart" of the Zietgeist movement. He's one of those nerds who have wayyy too much time on their hands, has no life so he sits and researches stuff on the internet and creates conspiracy theories. He hates capitalism cause he says it's "unfair" that he has a crappy job and others can have high paying jobs. Yet dude is 21 yrs old, in college, lives in a beautiful apartment and has never had to face adversity, hasn't even tried to find a decent job. He said that rich people should share all their wealth and look out of the common man. I told him he has a defeatist attitude and will never amount to anything, as evident by his lack of confidence in finding a job after college. And that he was just mad cause people had vision to make money and they achieved that goal, mean while you sit and stew at your computer chair cause you don't have extra money to buy a new Rockband game.

Last night he told me that Anon has put into place certain phases and plans to take over the entire American government, WITHIN ONE YEAR. He said that Anon will bankrupt the middle class by resetting the bank accounts of millions to $0, thus inciting a riot and an over throw of government. He said the Zietgeist want to make a world where everything is free, and there is no more big business and no more property ownership. Within the next 5 years, currency will be a non factor and people will be able to do what they want.

So I asked dude, "What about garbage and sewage? If people no longer get paid to do things, why the hell would they work 8 hour days taking care of garbage and fixing roads?" Swear on my mother this kid told me, "The Zietgeist will use technology to handle waist, an air chute will be hooked to your house and you can dispose of waist by putting it into an air shoot"

So then I asked him, "What about a law system and policing? Some people are genetically insane and have the need to create violence." He said violence was only a product of environment and how a person is raised. If we offer an environment free of greed then there will be no serial killers.

My final question was, "So if no one is born with defects or ailments, and everything is attributed to environment, how do you explain people who are gay? People are born gay and not learn to be gay." He responds with, "there isn't enough research to prove people are born gay. I'm almost sure if a gay person looked at his life, he would find something in his past that made him gay."

At that point I was tired of his antics, I called him an idiot and went to my room. Who on NT is apart of this nonsense or has info on this "over throw of the government" crap?

-The Juice
I wouldn't say I'm part of anything but I am aware of Anon's overarching plans. That's all they are though, just a bunch of propaganda and plans there's no full operation that has gone into effect that I know of.

FYI- I don't know why a lot of people insist their plot is geared towards Americans. Most legit Anon members aren't even American 

EDIT: Your roommate is a total herb and should be slapped BTW
who the hell are gonna build air shoots and %%#! for free? what a fantasy
room mate is ignorant as hell
Originally Posted by SamDUH562

who the hell are gonna build air shoots and %%#! for free? what a fantasy
room mate is ignorant as hell
I started to tell him that his world is fantasy and he started to flip out and get long winded, so I let him go. He is out at some Zietgeist rally today.

-The Juice
uhm its kind of going on right now.24 million people are unemployed in America..I don't know if you notice but the middle class in all the other countries throughout the international community have already organized mass protests against their governments.

It's clear as day our political system is obsolete, actually it's reached the level of detriment, they RAISED the debt ceiling....

act like these people are crazy but we'll see who is really crazy when some @@$@ really goes down

you guys are going to feel dumb for not realizing it before...governments have an tangible beginning and ending just like everything else in the universe does...open your eyes to reality and study your own history...get familiar bruh
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

act like these people are crazy but we'll see who is really crazy when some @@$@ really goes down
My roommate locked himself in his room for 2 weeks because he thought the government was "watching" him

....he is crazy son.

-The Juice
No member of anonymous operations will willingly say they are a member. Tell your boy to stop before he gets himself arrested.

Watch these though, I posted them in the most recent Lulzsec thread.

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Didn't know if I should make a whole new thread or not.

The one year plan is the exposure. Its the vehicle to get more people behind the movement. Anonymous is the people, and the people want their country back.
Read the communist manifesto, hands down one of the greatest pieces of literature that address the bourgeoisie (middle class).

Also it is well documented that the average day of work was no more then 3-4 hours a day during early civilizations. What we have here now is blatant slavery spawned by capitalism

don't believe me, look at cultures like the Greek and Spain right now and how they are protesting the installment of capitalism.

College is one the biggest scams in America, no I'm not saying people should not go to school. But I'm saying that 60% +, college students should not be there. They get into debt and hope that they can find a job afterwards. Guess what, if there are 80,000 other people just like you with the same major and same credentials what makes you think that you can get a job over the other 80,000 people. It is all a money game, USC charges there students $60,000 to go their school but they have billions of dollars in endowments.

Anarchy is not bad, because Anarchy can never last long. People assume that if there is no "governmental order" people will go on killing each other, robbing , looting. . etc etc. . Guess what those same things go on regardless of government or not. In general people can co exist without any ruling authority.
If there was an overthrow of the government and total chaos, I'd flee and mock up a plan to arm myself with all of the latest military technology. Start a strike squad and take out anyone acting unruly. Then I'd dip in my F22.

But for real, I'm sure if you took a group of 1000 normal, healthy not insane people and left them alone on an island with resources they could prosper. It's just some idiots who have to do dumb stuff like harming others that causes society to get screwed up.
I think we all know governments aren't lasting.
In like middle school they taught us medieval governments and how they lasted like a couple hundred years.
So obviously Democracy, which has been around for like 300 years, isn't going to last.
We all also know something big is going to go down.
Either a drastic change within our governments, or a World War, something drastic is going to come of all this.
But you can't disagree that his roommate is sort of paranoid and wack.

I really don't believe this weird @%+ conspiracy plot that his roommate coined up is going to work.
Reading what his roommate says sounds like an idealistic fairy tale world #+$%@#% out of someone's @%+.
Let's see, when Communism was created, they intended to make it for the people and they intended it with no ill intentions.
They intended to help everyone, they had an idealistic image set in their minds, and look how that turned out (hundred of millions innocent people murdered).
And plus is he not aware that if they do pull this off, the world isn't going to be happier.
A Democracy is a million times better than Monarchy and Communism, but even with this improvement, there are millions of people dissatisfied.
So even with these groups overthrowing our government, there are still going to be people dissatisfied and trying to overthrow their government.
People will just be people, everyone will be greedy, everyone is selfish, people will never be satisfied because that's just who we are.
This image he see's in his mind is just a dream.
And like most dreams, they are delusional and just fantasy.
Unless he literally puts $@**%%% mind-control microchips in everyones brains, that idealistic $%*+ idea of his won't come to reality.
And also like most dreams and idealistic images, everyone has their own that differs from everyone else.
Like I'm not saying dreams don't come true, but you have to be realistic, not selfish, and take other people into account.
His roommate sounds like a complete idiot.
There is no way everything can be free, like are these groups going to create robots to be our slaves or something.

I am just ranting cause those people are so annoying.
They $@**%%% talk down to you too acting condescending and like you are so uninformed about what's "really" going on.

Well… here's what I think haha
I think if we want a change, we need to realize something.
The reason why the government has so much power and control over us is our own faults.
Because we've turned weak.
We view the government as some superpower, or like a God, but the government are just people.
How we feel powerless sometimes, they feel powerless too.
And how they've made us feel powerless, we can make them feel powerless too.
We are bigger than them, and we are the reason they are around.
I am not saying to overthrow the government, because I like Democracy and I think having some sort of rule in our society is good, but if we want a change, we need to realize that we do have power, and we need to take some sort of action.
Ultimately who decides the changes that occur in the world? Us.
A Democracy can be great, but we let the government take too much power from us.
I know some issues like Abortion may never be completely resolved.
But I believe this issue we have right now with the economy can be resolved to a point where a vast majority of the people will be happy.
We need to take action as a whole and make the government know it's place, so they actually listen to us, instead of letting morons like Ben Bernanke *$%+ up everything.

JimiLebowski (did you get a new name?) and JamesEarl, I don't know much about politics, but I've seen you guys around and I know you guys are pretty knowledgeable about the situations going on right now.
What do you think would be the best solution to the issues going on right now?
Your roommate sounds like a nut. Can be possible roommate from Dead Man on Campus.
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Your roommate sounds like a nut. Can be possible roommate from Dead Man on Campus.

That's EXACTLY how he is, but he is not suicidal. My roommate straight up told me he has all the financial information of Bill Gates. He said he knows exactly how much he has and what he spends it on.

-The Juice
it's not working for free, you just can't grasp the concept

and it will never work, but only because of our inherent evil which you seem to be glorifying and embracing while calling him a defeatist
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

it's not working for free, you just can't grasp the concept

and it will never work, but only because of our inherent evil which you seem to be glorifying and embrace while calling him a defeatist

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

it's not working for free, you just can't grasp the concept

and it will never work, but only because of our inherent evil which you seem to be glorifying and embracing while calling him a defeatist

The guy is 21 and has NEVER tried to apply himself in the real world, yet he says he will never be able to make money in life. He already defeated himself without even trying. Can't grasp the concept? Stop it son.

-The Juice
i kind of think it's absurd to "make everything free", but i do believe that we can greatly decrease the amount of unemployment and implement more social programs if some government people and corporations were not so greedy for profits. very interesting movement though
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