Who is the craziest human being to ever live, in your opinion?

Dahmer was smart though.....crazy to me means more of someone who has literally lost their ****. Watch his interviews, they're really interesting, even though yes the dude was an absolute bizzare, disgusting, monster of a person.

Alot of these other guys were just ruthless, evil people. Not necessarily crazy, but idk maybe they were

Manson would fit the crazy bill to me....

Mike Tyson without a doubt....

Whoever directed this movie?


Edit: Just went back and read Dahmer's profile thoroughly.....dude was a fugging PSYCHO
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Mike Tyson. Bad judge of character, yes. Crazy, no. GK is up there, Dahmer is up there, Manson is up there, Gary Busey would be grand marshal of the parade just for kicks. And for the person who said George Bush, he said crazy, not stupid :lol:
Three people came to mind.

Pol Pot
Genghis Khan

On a side note i was watching this History Channel special and they said 1 in 200 men alive today are direct descendants of Genghis Khan. The amount of women that guy raped is ridiculous.

Hitler was an extremely intelligent man but had some very flawed views.
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Three people came to mind.

Pol Pot
Genghis Khan

On a side note i was watching this History Channel special and they said 1 in 200 men alive today are direct descendants of Genghis Khan. The amount of women that guy raped is ridiculous.

Hitler was an extremely intelligent man but had some very flawed views.

Hitler was one of the greatest leaders that this world has ever seen.

Shame he was so messed up :smh:
Go on some of those porn sites, you'll see some crazy *** people.smh

Those fools who mutilate their own private parts,smh

Anybody that puts a tattoo on their face, smh. 

Anybody who's attracted to animals.

But a Crazy famous person......
Dahmer was smart though.....crazy to me means more of someone who has literally lost their ****. Watch his interviews, they're really interesting, even though yes the dude was an absolute bizzare, disgusting, monster of a person.

Alot of these other guys were just ruthless, evil people. Not necessarily crazy, but idk maybe they were :nerd:

Manson would fit the crazy bill to me....
Mike Tyson without a doubt....
Whoever directed this movie?

Edit: Just went back and read Dahmer's profile thoroughly.....dude was a fugging PSYCHO

I'm sayin bro. You can be both intelligent and completely batsh*t out of your mind. Most sociopaths are. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Dahmer, BTK...those dudes were/are all pretty intelligent. They were just completely deranged and misguided at the same time.

Then you have complete goombas that committed some heinous crimes and can also be labeled as insane: Richard Ramirez aka the Night Stalker comes to mind.
Craziest? I'd definitely say Dahmer... I would pick Charles Manson but imo he wasn't crazy, he knew how to manipulate his followings. He was my choice in Psychology class.

Dude was a legitimate mind ******! I've spoken to many psycholigists and polygraph investigators, they admitted themselves, thay would be terrified of having a conversation with Manson for the fear of being influenced and brain washed.

Dude was powerful with words.
I doubt Hitler was the craziest, he was just one of the most successful and publicized. I'm sure others could have done worse in his position but weren't smart enough to get to where Hitler was at. Also, Hitler gave orders for others to do the dirty work, he wasnt so crazy in the head that he would go screw a dead body.

It always weirds me out that Dahmer was picking victims in Milwaukee bars. I think he targeted homosexuals at gay bars so if he was around now I think I'd be safe. I don't think he ventured to common bars cause he would try to get the guy in his apartment. Weird to think though that to all of the bars I've been to he very well could have been someone I would pass on the sidewalk on any given weekend night out drinking.

Can someone give me a real quick run down on what Ghengis Khan did that was so evil. I've really never learned anything about the dude.
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Meet general Butt Naked...

Shawty fought wars and killed 10's of thousands of innocent people in Liberia ***'d out or wearing womens clothes.smh

Blahyi has said he led his troops naked  except for shoes and a gun. He believed that his nakedness was a source of protection from bullets

Dat fool CRAY.
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Ed Gein

In his house when found
Four noses
Whole human bones and fragments
Nine masks of human skin
Bowls made from human skulls
Ten female heads with the tops sawn off
Human skin covering several chair seats
Mary Hogan's head in a paper bag
Bernice Worden's head in a burlap sack
Nine vulvae in a shoe box
A belt made from female human nipples
Skulls on his bedpost
A pair of lips on a draw string for a window-shade
A lampshade made from the skin from a human face

Ed Gein

In his house when found
Four noses
Whole human bones and fragments
Nine masks of human skin
Bowls made from human skulls
Ten female heads with the tops sawn off
Human skin covering several chair seats
Mary Hogan's head in a paper bag
Bernice Worden's head in a burlap sack
Nine vulvae in a shoe box
A belt made from female human nipples
Skulls on his bedpost
A pair of lips on a draw string for a window-shade
A lampshade made from the skin from a human face

game over folks.   Thanks for playing.
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