Who loves Happy Endings? Cancelled (sad face)

I've been rewatching this show as of late.. it was so good.

Even if major audiences weren't going to catch on.. I would have hoped it could have been kept around and reduce the budget or episodes to keep costs down and churn out a few more seasons.

I wish Netflix or Hulu would bring it back like they did that Mindy show.
This show was dope, lately ive been watching friends....GOAT to me honestly. Idk why i got bored of mindy show fast, her voice annoyed me :lol:
Cuz her show sucked. New girl almost fell in the mindy category to me until they let the boys pretty much take over. Now the show is 100x better. I even like megan fox charachter
This show was dope, lately ive been watching friends....GOAT to me honestly. Idk why i got bored of mindy show fast, her voice annoyed me
I think the writing focused too much on Mindy and Danny too much. I think if the invested more time with developing Morgan's character (dude is hilarious) I think the show would have gotten the ratings to stay on FOX.
Cuz her show sucked. New girl almost fell in the mindy category to me until they let the boys pretty much take over. Now the show is 100x better. I even like megan fox charachter
New Girl has done a good job allowing every character to have their time to shine.

The past two and a half seasons, Nick and Winston have been HILARIOUS.
How they canceled this and kept the Goldberg's on I mean...

If ABC actually pushed this it would be up there with Modern Family. Maybe more because it was more adult content. If you're in your 20s this show is perfect.
How they canceled this and kept the Goldberg's on I mean...

If ABC actually pushed this it would be up there with Modern Family. Maybe more because it was more adult content. If you're in your 20s this show is perfect.
It's just the ongoing trend right now: family sitcoms attract all kinds of viewers.

Blackish, Goldbergs, Modern Family, The Real O'Neals, Fresh Off the Boat, etc.
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I guess for me Goldbergs>happy ending. Maybe cause i can relate to the goldergs more? Growing up in that era and such

And speaking of new girl, i love Winston and his stupidity :lol:
Fresh off the boat is great.

THe o niels has been pretty good

but nothing better than happy ending
i love penny all her cameos on all the shows are gold. the one with Key was golden
I also think another reason why this show got cancelled was that the jokes were rapid fire quick.

If you didn't pay attention or understand references, you'd lose track.
It was too ahead of its times. Itnwas making those non pc jokes that hadn't caught on yet
This is one of the top 2 shows I've ever seen.

The Lebron jokes :lol:

Hip Hop Santa :pimp:

Derrick is prolly the best guest character in TV history....."draaaaaammmmmmaaaaaaaaa"
Penny and Brad were the show imo.

I liked adam pally's character a lot, but he was so hit and miss.

Jane was great also.
It reminded me of 30 Rock so much because they could pack in so many jokes per minute. 

It might have done well on Netflix if it came out now vs a few years ago on ABC.
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