Who was your most hated childhood enemy? Vol. fat kids with bowl cuts

Jan 5, 2003
Alright NT, its time to heal some psychological trauma.

Describe your most hated childhood enemy...

This person can be from any grade from Kindergarten to Senior year of high school. Why do you hate him, and how badly would you beat the hell out of him if youhad the chance? Would you forgive him?

I'll start.

I never got picked on in middle school besides this kid named Dustin. When I was in 7th grade, this dude was a fat sophomore with a bowl cut and a big yellowjacket. We're talking 2001, so bowl cuts were out by at least three years. This dude was the "backseat bully"... you know, dude who always sat byhimself in the very last seat on the bus, yelling, swearing, making fun of people, basically being a tyrant.

Anyways, Dustin used to straight roast kids, and not in a funny way. He'd put them on blast and make little kids cry. I never talked to him, I was the typeto sit with my Sony discman (40 second skip protection
) and try toforget I was on the god damn school bus. One day Dustin was talking some real dirt to this girl named Julie who was friends with my little sister... Julie wasnice too, she was probably a junior at the time but she was always nice to the younger kids.

So Julie got off the bus and was like f you Dustin, you're a jerk, etc. and she kicked him in the knee. For some unknown reason, I felt the need to kickhim too. I kicked him about three times before he pushed me into a seat and BAM BAM BAM I took three punches to the dome
I ran off of the bus while our eastern European bus driver was like "YOUOK?"

I called my Dad afterwards and he sort of laughed, and told me to ice my face. The next day I got the rare privilege of being able to tell my friends I"got in a fight."

In the end, I got the last laugh because according to some reliable sources, Dustin's dad was in jail and his mom was a crackwhore.
I hope that dude is some dusty meth head janitor at some warehouse.
i only had 1 in elementary school. dude was some psycho named bryce. in kindergarten dude would spit at me and try to choke me out. got rid of him in 1st gradebut 2nd grade he sat at me desk. he would pick his nose and chase me around the room with it (smh teacher did nothing). a couple times i we had to writesomething for class and he snatched my paper ripped it up and ate it, then i would get in trouble for not having mine done in time. he finally stopped after hestabbed me with a pencil and missed me eye by like a cm, my mom flipped and got him removed from my class.
at me, if i could go back i would have +%$+$% that little +@!+$! up.
.....at risk of hijacking the thread, he was probably a bully because his life sucked so much, you know that right? Most kids that act out do it for a reason.Just had to say that.

In any case I got bullied till I was like 15? Super extended ugly stage, I was 5'11 like I am now but weighed about 95 pounds it was gross. Glasses, ageek, the whole shebang. Then BAM one summer I filled out, somehow got un-ugly, and still hated everyone I went to school with because they were jerks for somany years. In their defense though, it was pretty bad. My mom laughs at my old pictures pretty hard. But, now I'm overall more awesome than everyone Iwent to highschool with, so in the end all those years of fail turned out win, so I'm happy. Left me with a lot of respect for other people. I don'ttreat other people like s*** because I know how it feels. As long as it's not taken to an extreme. bullying is a learning experience for a lot of kids.
one of a two asian kids in elementary school amongst majority blacks and hispanics...no love
bruce lee all day
My childhood enemy was this kid Jared [everybody called him Double J except me and I'll tell you why]....

I wasn't always as carefree as I am now. When I was in the third grade, I had to go take a number two, and I never did it in school before....and I knewpeople used to get clowned when they got caught doin' it.......but I, I just couldn't hold that thang in. It was after lunch/recess, and midway thruclass, I felt the bubblin' sensation that happens with diarrhea. I told Ms. Womack it was an emergency, but I used that excuse a few times just to go tothe water fountain...so she told me to wait until the bell rang then she would let me go [back then, we had Math, Geography, Spanish, and Language Arts in ourone classroom....I was in Math at the time, but I can't remember what was next.]

When the bell rang, she said I could go, then I grabbed the hall passed and got my jog on to the bathroom [which was at the other end of the hall, and itseemed mad long right then]. When I got in there, some dood was peein' at the urinal, so I waited until he was done so I could set up shop in the furthestaway from the door.....but another dood walked in and went into that stall to pee. Mad as hell, I went outside the bathroom to the water fountain to get my sipon....tryin' to waste time. After the dood left out, I went in there to emptiness, but the dood peed on the toilet seat. So I wiped it off and sat on edgeand got ready for the worst...I started my diarrhea session. I kept lookin' under the stall to look for shoes to make sure nobody would come in....and ifthey did, I would've put my feet up.

It couldn't have been more than 5 minutes, but I heard somebody comin' into the bathroom...looked under the stall, and it was Jared. Peein' in thestall next to me. I put my feet up, but I guess he heard me or somethin', and he giggled a little bit.....finished, and asked "Who's inthere?" ...I didn't say a damn thing. He asked again, and I didn't say nothin' right back. Then he started bangin' on the stall door, andsomebody else came in.....that somebody else was Nick from my class to see if I was still in there. Nick asked, "Is Ryan in there?" Then Jaredlaughed some more like "Ah-haaaaaa Ryan's dookie-in'! HAHAHAHA!" I replied back, "No I'm not, stop Jared!" but he just keptlaughin'....I felt like cryin'
. But Nick and Jared left [Jared still laughin'] and I finished and got out of there.

I went back into class, and Ms. Womack said, "What, did you fall in the toilet?".....the class laughed, and I turned red as hell. I teared up alittle, but I didn't cry tho. Nick was cool, and he whispered, "Don't worry Ry, I won't tell nobody you were poopin'." But afterschool when everybody was there gettin' ready to get on their buses or walk with groups or whatever, Jared exclaimed, "Ryan was poopin', cuzhahahaha. This #+#*# was poopin' and I caught him and he was like 'wahhhh wahhhhh leemee lone Jeeriiiiiid' hahahaha" I cried. I never likedthat dood for that.
This one dude in middle school was mad lame....He was a punk $$%@+ who thought he couldn't be stopped no matter what he did...Dude used to tell EVERYONE inthe damn class (except his 2-3 !$!* riders) that they needed to take a shower because they stink...no lie this was the dudes crazy $@*! talking line... AnywayI think it was 7th grade and we all had gym...We used to rotate the sports we would play and this day we were playing wiffle ball outside...So the first fewtimes dude would hit it then he would push people out of the way when he was running the bases... I was playing 3rd and it was near the end of the game...Dudegets a hit and was running around...I was waiting for the throw from the outfield...dude comes near me and tries to push me down...I just got the ball so Iturned around and beamed him right in the damn face...Dude just stopped there holding his face and $@*! tearing up. I told dude to stop his +@$#@#+% and fromthen on out he would just leave everyone alone.
How are we forgetting about the kids with rat tails...they should hate their parents for letting them walk outside those.

Freshman year in HS this guy used to take my hats and sweatshirts and throw them on top of the basketball hoops where no one else could get them down. Somehowhe would always show up anytime we hooped at our neighborhood courts. Always showed up riding his small %$@ bmx bike, even though he was already on some giantstatus. I remember one time he rode around on his bmx chasing us, holding a knife out in front of him,

I replied back, "No I'm not, stop Jared!" but he just kept laughin'....I felt like cryin'

I can imagine

In Pre-K or K (don't remember which) we had to trade green items. I had to give up my fresh Hess Truck and I got the crummiest looking toy train. I stillget mad everytime I think about it and that was almost two decades ago
Not really hated but a dude I didn't like too much

In my senior year of high school I finally decided to start eating cafe food after starving myself during school hours for 3 years
Anyways this 1 BK Crip dude I was sorta cool with would at random times touch my food and I'd get tight and tell son and the people we'd be sittingwith "Chill, I'm gonna hit you if u keep this up"

Mind you its the end of the school year and a suspension for fighting could possibly mean me having to go to summer school to finish up my credits.
So one day we're in class and the dude next to him pokes him in the ear with a pencil, and he feels the need to 'pass it on' and pokes me in theear
Wham! I punched him dead in his eye

Needless to say we started fighting and afterward took a trip to the Dean's Office
He then proceeds to tell the Dean in a winey voice"He punched me in my eeeeeye"
And the Dean turns to me and says " You punched him in his eye?" like I'm the one who started the @*%+
Miraculously no suspensions were handed out

Dude didn't touch my food again though
Originally Posted by sonunox34

In the end, I got the last laugh because according to some reliable sources, Dustin's dad was in jail and his mom was a crackwhore.
I hope that dude is some dusty meth head janitor at some warehouse.

That's not nice man... the kid must have went through a lot of crap just because his parents weren't there for him. You said this was middle school, somaybe as he got older he started to realize things and everything worked out for the better.
During my 5th and 6th grade years at Iuka Middle School in Iuka, MS Dewey was my schools bully. Dewey was a big white red neck who had failed 2-3 times so hewas much older than everyone around him. Being 1 of 7 black kids at IMS and 1 of 2 boys I guess I seemed like an easy target since I was a frail kid. Iremember one day during a P.E. session we were playing "Smear the Kweer", a one man against all variation of football where if you picked up thefootball and sometimes bottle you was the hunted. Since I was black I was naturally elusive so I enjoyed this game, on that day I picked the ball and beganrunning and the next thing I know I am seen flying through the air and then I crash into a nearby fence. I look and see Dewey and then hear a barrage a racialslurs about me and my family, I look at him as if he was the Devil himself but I do nothing about it. When I finally got up I see that the zipper on my newblue FUBU shirt is broken but no scratches, bruises, or scars. Wow, I just condemned Method Man for writing essays on NT and look at me
my writing skillsare butt cheeks though
for a short dude i guess im lucky i never got bullied
theres not one person i could think of that i wish death upon
and i cant think of any situations where i was picked on,
good friends ftw
I only got bullied when I was in first grade. there was this kid steve that always wanted to start $%^& with me for no reason. But then one day when I gotto school and we had to wait out side in line for the teacher and steve thought it was funny for him to throw mud at me and I went off on him and broke hisnose. after that it was all good and he is still pissed about that moment.
Back in elementary school there was this fat @$+ somolian dude named abdul... smh. he was just an annoying @$+ fat kid who tried to bully people. long storyshort i dropped his @$+ during recess in 3rd grade and he wasn't so tough after that
. then in 5th grade we started calling him shamu and he didn'tknow how to respond.

then i didn't see him for a while, but he ended up going to my high school, and the beef was squashed.
I was picked on in Elementary School, during kinder like crazy by some "cool" kid named Albert(crazy thing is i had a huge crush on his cousin)... Imtalking bout smacked up.. Idk if you guys remember, riding those red tricycles around the small track, anyhow dude would like literally smack me so that hecould cut in front of me... One time shoved me of the bench we were sitting on and i smacked my head on the pavement... Real bully this kid.. So this went onall through Kinder over to 1st grade. My mom went several times to complain but never got a response from the principal... So one day kid punches me in thestomach, I come home and tell my mom about this.. She tells me the next time he touches me to whoop on him...(mom always told me to keep it peaceful).. So sureenough the next day we are playing dodgeball and dude kick the crap out of me, straight to the stomach! So i chased him and hit him 3 times in the sameeye!!
Dude looked like a raccoon, for the next week!!!!! Never again messed with me!

The other was in high school.. 9th grade, would always get put on blast by some girl named Claudia(popular girl)!! Never messed with her, ever talked to her,but for some reason she was always up in my business.. Anyhow I never did anything, eventhough she had somehow got my number and would prank me on a daily!annoying.. Well seen her like a year ago, And homegirl is a beast now!!! Im talking like obese....
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