who would win in a fight? Vol. 100xBrock Lesnar V. 10xSilverback

If its 100 Brocks and 10 silverbacks.  Since the brocks would have to be cloned, are the 10 gorillas clones or just 10 randomly large gorillas?  If the latter, Gorillas fight each other a lot.  Theres no telling how a gorilla would react if it sees an exact clone of itself either
Brock gets beat by men lol. If you've ever watched Brock fight you would see he wins by getting the opponent on the ground and hammer fisting repeatedly from 6 inches away from the face till the ref stops the fight. With that said, he's completely useless fighting a gorilla lol
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and thats not even close to being as big and strong as a gorilla 
Orangutan had ALL the leverage

Now 10 Brocks can EASILY take on a silver back if allowed to make weapons from what they find in the jungle. Man is only in the position he is because he could make instrusments. Hand on hand you would have to play the long game and gouge it eyes out and big its artery out. Its a long fight with about 4 of them will die.
people be underestimating the strength of a silverback gorilla 

With that being said, I got 2 silverbacks coming out victorious with 53 Lesnars snapped in halves, 14 losing an arm, 23 losing a leg, and 10 running away..
the average brock lesnar isnt building killer gadgets out of trees and rocks like tony stark in iron man 3
I'm getting completely different numbers than you are. Idk if my calculations are incorrect or not. Would you care to share? I want to see where I went wrong. I've included and assumed the distance traveled post impact and am neglecting air resistance. I'm still getting an impact force of 406111.9943 Newtons and a work of 731001.5898 Joules (assuming the height of the gorilla to be 180cm).
Im going to defer to you expertise here, because it seems like you are using the real maths while i was utilizing broscience

regardless i think kamikaze brocks could win the day so to speak

sheer numbers wise the brocks have a shot
to people who keep mentioning weapons…

it's pretty much understood that they're fighting with no weapons. and imo just irremovable undies. not even boots on the Brocks.

and i imagine it in something like this

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Haha I honestly thought you worked it out. My mistake bro.

This is how your theory would look like though.

Not a bad one at all.

Excuse the sloppiness
repped for epic maths

i did some calculations in my head that made sense at the time, may have been under the influence doe

really i just like playing devils advocate
I'm getting completely different numbers than you are. Idk if my calculations are incorrect or not. Would you care to share? I want to see where I went wrong. I've included and assumed the distance traveled post impact and am neglecting air resistance. I'm still getting an impact force of 406111.9943 Newtons and a work of 731001.5898 Joules (assuming the height of the gorilla to be 180cm).
Im going to defer to you expertise here, because it seems like you are using the real maths while i was utilizing broscience

regardless i think kamikaze brocks could win the day so to speak

sheer numbers wise the brocks have a shot
Haha I honestly thought you worked it out. My mistake bro.

This is how your theory would look like though.

Not a bad one at all.

Excuse the sloppiness
holy ****
The idea of hundreds of Brocks falling from the sky :Rollin

that's what im saying 'suicidal brocks' :lol: I hope when hes jumping out the plane hes doing that backflip that almost killed him at wrestlemania
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