Why are girls heartless? (Girl Problem)

You gotta use your heart man. Reward women for good behavior. When chics act like biotchs you gotta hit it, and move on. At least that's what I do. Justcause they're women doesn't mean they have a pass to act like biotchs... now days almost all women act that way though, and it's rare to find onethat doesn't. There are all types: insecure,golddiggers,promiscuious horny ones,complainers, out the midst of those types the real chics are the ones whorespect a mans logic and wouldn't overide that with they're bs. You need to stand on your two, get some balls and see through womens bs. Oncethat's done, youl'l start meeting and smashing random women. After that, youl'l see what i'm talking about when I say it's rare to findloyal women.
Sound slike you really want her in your life, but the jealousy is causing her to act mad funny. You need to look at why you want to be with this chick, I meando you really want someone acting like this on your team?
Forget it!

If women arent chasing you, you lose. Chasing a woman is a losing game. Dont deal with anything you dont have/want to, they keep coming. Keep the line moving.
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