Why do African Americans continue to practice Christianity if it was forced upon them during slavery

If you want to come out and say you're a biggot, just do it. No need to beat round the bush talmbout "I don't post in white women appreciation threads..." as if you're implying it's because you don't like white people. 

A black man that doesn't find white women attractive is a bigot. Ok I'm a bigot. I love black women and I'm not attracted to Asians, Mexican or white women. Lol if that makes you feel good at night ok, more white women for you bro.
and how does this occur if you do nothing but sit back and ..."put it in gods hands"? How does this occur when you do nothing... and "leave it to god"?

And as far as the oppression the main tool for the repression is religion... how do you surpass being held down, if you refuse to take off the shackles? You aren't making sense. That's like saying in order to overcome drug addiction is to do more drugs.. How is more of bad equal good?

Key example the martin movement and the desegregation of the sanitation workers... Nothing would have and didn't change by them praying harder, going to church more.... and sitting back and waiting on god almighty to change things... It took martin his logic knowledge of the world.. reasoning to protest and advocate change.

If it weren't for that blacks still would be eating lunch inside of the trash hopper of a garbage truck.

The stats and numbers show it doesn't work...you cant provide proof that it works nor does nay of the elements exist yet you would continue to do it... Its borderline stupidity...  Why would someone do something that is ineffective and deemed useless continue to do it...do it more and expect opposite results?

All you're doing is stereotyping people from stuff you see on tv and or your family or whatever. You assume all religious people do is say put it in gods hand. You sound just as dumb as the people you're stereotyping.
Hold up.

Don't like Black women? That's fine it's just a preference.

Don't like White women? Racist.

Is that the deal here? Cause I defintely don't find White women that attractive for the most part.
All you're doing is stereotyping people from stuff you see on tv and or your family or whatever. You assume all religious people do is say put it in gods hand. You sound just as dumb as the people you're stereotyping.
Yeah that dude has made anti-religion his religion. More generalizing going on than the book of genesis. It's a good thing he wasn't brought up muslim, dude would be an extremist for sure
All you're doing is stereotyping people from stuff you see on tv and or your family or whatever. You assume all religious people do is say put it in gods hand. You sound just as dumb as the people you're stereotyping.
Yeah that dude has made anti-religion his religion. More generalizing going on than the book of genesis. It's a good thing he wasn't brought up muslim, dude would be an extremist for sure
the ignorance of this statement 
Hold up.

Don't like Black women? That's fine it's just a preference.

Don't like White women? Racist.

Is that the deal here? Cause I defintely don't find White women that attractive for the most part.

Lol man NT full of black dudes that would join the same white frat that probably lynched their great grandfather and host their annual black face ghetto Halloween party and tell you racism is dead and we need to get over slavery.
I rater be segregated and prospering then integrated and Oppressed.

[COLOR=#red]It was always intended for separation to be the standard. People all mixed with each other doesn't work. We're too different.. and dont give me all that "we all human" pep talk [/COLOR]

Proverbs 11:21 Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.

Deuteronomy 32:8 [COLOR=#red]When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. [/COLOR]

Acts 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, [COLOR=#red]and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;[/COLOR]

I can go on and on.. :pimp:

To quote the white dude in 12 years a slave, "[COLOR=#red]thats scripture![/COLOR]" :lol:
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All you're doing is stereotyping people from stuff you see on tv and or your family or whatever. You assume all religious people do is say put it in gods hand. You sound just as dumb as the people you're stereotyping.
Im not saying all ppl...again the topic is a.a. 83% are devout religious... again the areas of higher black Christians have the lowest standardized test scores, lowest iq's lowest education system, so on and so forth... yet are the highest areas of mega churches...aka they called mega for a reason... so apparently a lot of ppl go and a lot of ppl believe... So wheres the stereotype... 83% isn't a majority now...?

key example Atlanta where millions are spent in religious contributions annually... how is it an assumption or stereotype that it is a city with heavy religious devotion. where is the stereotype when in fact it statistically majority blacks?

Like I said in another thread how is it stereotyping saying half of black women are fat overweight etc... when 60.2% or overweight borderline obese? So if they aren't Christians and im stereotyping then what are 83% of African americans doing at church.. and are faithfully devouting their lives to Christianity?

If it isn't to follow believe, then prey tell what are they doing there? What are they tithing for if im just stereotyping? Show me where I said all and ill show you multiple times I posted urls and posted stats to say exact numbers... last I check all isn't a number so....
Hold up.

Don't like Black women? That's fine it's just a preference.

Don't like White women? Racist.

Is that the deal here? Cause I defintely don't find White women that attractive for the most part.
You trollin hard with this one 
 Acting like you don't understand the concept of context. 
Im not saying all ppl...again the topic is a.a. 83% are devout religious... again the areas of higher black Christians have the lowest standardized test scores, lowest iq's lowest education system, so on and so forth... yet are the highest areas of mega churches...aka they called mega for a reason... so apparently a lot of ppl go and a lot of ppl believe... So wheres the stereotype... 83% isn't a majority now...?

key example Atlanta where millions are spent in religious contributions annually... how is it an assumption or stereotype that it is a city with heavy religious devotion. where is the stereotype when in fact it statistically majority blacks?

Like I said in another thread how is it stereotyping saying half of black women are fat overweight etc... when 60.2% or overweight borderline obese? So if they aren't Christians and im stereotyping then what are 83% of African americans doing at church.. and are faithfully devouting their lives to Christianity?

If it isn't to follow believe, then prey tell what are they doing there? What are they tithing for if im just stereotyping? Show me where I said all and ill show you multiple times I posted urls and posted stats to say exact numbers... last I check all isn't a number so....

Lol bruh Atlanta and test scores have nothing to do with religion. Half the kids in these piss schools come from homes with terrible guardians who don't even go to church. I know this not by reading charts but I literally know 6+ people who teach in the metro Atlanta school systems. Atlanta has the crime it does because I economics!!!! Like you speak as iff all the goons in Atlanta go sell drugs and kill people, go to school and flunk test then go to church and put it all in Gods hands. Atlanta is a majority black city you so of course majority of the poor are black that's in damn near every major city as blacks typically live in major cities. If you go to waycross ga right now and look at all the poor uneducated whites you plan on blaming that on religion also? Son you clearly are ignoring everything I'm saying and simply want to argue against religion when the issue at hand that blacks need to overcome is that of an economic issue
The way I know dudes aren't even reading my post is because I've never stated my religious stance once for all I care all you atheist and Christian can die right now and I don't care because neither parties arguing are doing anything about the bigger issue at hand
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Yeah that dude has made anti-religion his religion. More generalizing going on than the book of genesis. It's a good thing he wasn't brought up muslim, dude would be an extremist for sure
so facts and stats are generalization now...lol no wonder black folks where they at... How is speaking facts and truth anti anything... Again if I tell someone drinking alcohol isn't good for you and it can negatively effect you how is that im anti alcohol? All im doing is stating facts... it is bad for you that doesn't mean I hate it against it or oppose it..  See religion devoid logic and sense in some ppl. Stating facts about something again isn't a positive or negative, it is just that FACTS..

That's like me saying gabrielle sidibe is overweight... that's a fact... its ppl who lack logic make ASSumptions who will twist and change that into so you hate fat ppl... you discriminate against fat ppl, you think you better then fat ppl. You anti fat...

The funny thing is you agreeing with the lucky guy... and based on your logic and what you said my stating facts as anti... you basically saying he is a bigot and racist since he simply stated he didn't find other women outside of black women attractive. Talking out both sides...typical religious folks lol

I kid I kid... but it is a contradictory comment tho... Me stating facts about religion and stats...is anti religious... he doing the same thing in terms of race of ppl and um it isn't anti anything or racist or bigotry
I'm a believer but I don't consider myself of any denomination, but I'm curious to know what's so bad about being Christian? OK I get it that you guys feel some type of way because y'all believe it was something that it was force to your "ancestors" by the same people that made them slaves, Is that the only reason you feel that is wrong to be Christian?

I guess this is my thing:

When you look at any religion, there's a bunch of rules and instructions and anectodes you have to weed through because they either don't apply or clearly didn't actually happen or are completely reprehensible (getting your daughters pregnant, putting a curse on your son because he saw you naked when you were drunk, owning slaves, etc.)

When you're done weeding through all that, what you're left with are a bunch of things ALL people and ALL religions agree on.

So why are we still dividing ourselves up into these teams after we have come to this realization? These teams always end up vilifying each other and murdering one another.

Now think about how DEEP and INTENSE the African American community is in saying "THIS IS OUR TEAM!!! THIS IS THE ONLY TEAM!!! IF YOU AREN'T ON THIS TEAM THEN YOU'RE A BAD PERSON!!!"

Most organized religions have this effect on its parishoners, but for the African American community, we for the most part kidnapped from our homes and forced to join this team while witnessing atrocities under the threat that if we don't join this team we will suffer the same fate. This team forced us to play the position of slave. The role of this position is to work harder than any White person will work for the benefit of said White person. Then after we are out of playing the position of slave, we have to play 2nd class citizen.

Nowadays we don't even need to be on this team. We really don't need to be on ANY team. But most members of the African American community are so intent on "being a part of the team" and "being a team player" "this team is the only team" and "all the other teams are full of bad people because if they were good people they'd be on this team" and "the owners/management/coaches will see our talent one day and we'll get our shot."

Like, yo. American Blacks been on this team for how long? Hundreds of years? And what did we get out of it?

And what value does that team really hold if we simply teach eachother these principles and open up to the validity of all the other teams in the league WITHOUT using this team as a crutch?
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Yeah that dude has made anti-religion his religion. More generalizing going on than the book of genesis. It's a good thing he wasn't brought up muslim, dude would be an extremist for sure

As a muslim, I forgive you, sometimes you are taught ignorance. If you want to learn about a good muslim practices please feel free to discuss that with me.
Lol man NT full of black dudes that would join the same white frat that probably lynched their great grandfather and host their annual black face ghetto Halloween party and tell you racism is dead and we need to get over slavery.

I can't say I disagree with most of what you are saying as far as segregation. But to say you aren't attracted to someone because of the color of their skin is horrible. You are just as bad as those you denounce with that mindset. Like across the board, anyone who's skin is not black is not worthy of being in your life regardless of anything else. It's ignorance and you should know better.
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so facts and stats are generalization now...lol no wonder black folks where they at... How is speaking facts and truth anti anything... Again if I tell someone drinking alcohol isn't good for you and it can negatively effect you how is that im anti alcohol? All im doing is stating facts... it is bad for you that doesn't mean I hate it against it or oppose it..  See religion devoid logic and sense in some ppl. Stating facts about something again isn't a positive or negative, it is just that FACTS..

That's like me saying gabrielle sidibe is overweight... that's a fact... its ppl who lack logic make ASSumptions who will twist and change that into so you hate fat ppl... you discriminate against fat ppl, you think you better then fat ppl. You anti fat...

The funny thing is you agreeing with the lucky guy... and based on your logic and what you said my stating facts as anti... you basically saying he is a bigot and racist since he simply stated he didn't find other women outside of black women attractive. Talking out both sides...typical religious folks lol

I kid I kid... but it is a contradictory comment tho... Me stating facts about religion and stats...is anti religious... he doing the same thing in terms of race of ppl and um it isn't anti anything or racist or bigotry
The problem with your facts and stats is that they address the actions of people, not the tenets of being a Christian. In my earlier posts, I explained what it's really about. We can't control peoples actions. They don't understand what they're doing and they make it look bad by putting their actions in God's name. That doesn't mean that Christianity is bad. If I mod my honda and illegally street race, it doesn't make honda a bad company.
Lol bruh Atlanta and test scores have nothing to do with religion. Half the kids in these piss schools come from homes with terrible guardians who don't even go to church. I know this not by reading charts but I literally know 6+ people who teach in the metro Atlanta school systems. Atlanta has the crime it does because I economics!!!! Like you speak as iff all the goons in Atlanta go sell drugs and kill people, go to school and flunk test then go to church and put it all in Gods hands. Atlanta is a majority black city you so of course majority of the poor are black that's in damn near every major city as blacks typically live in major cities. If you go to waycross ga right now and look at all the poor uneducated whites you plan on blaming that on religion also? Son you clearly are ignoring everything I'm saying and simply want to argue against religion when the issue at hand that blacks need to overcome is that of an economic issue
so um your 6 ppl you know versus a us census bureau um ok...you can kinda see why your unknown nonreputable small sample size would be dismissed. Hell I sold drugs and I know a few others who did and never went to jail never been bammed up...So ok based on that hell with stats and facts... everyone should sell drugs and there is no risk no adverse effects based on my small sample and myself...

I never said all... never gave any specific number.. cause I don't know every individual and neither do you... Its like 72.8% of black mothers are single no father never married... I don't have to know all of them and there personal stories to know most never had a father figure..when the prior generation was at 76%...

Just based off facts and logic you could deduce most didn't have a father and in result they kids don't have a father... It doesn't take personal testimony to come up with that... Also I never said all but if over 80% of these so called goons, so called teenage pregnant parents attend religious ceremonies...and based on what church is and Christianity is based on it...its not a huge leap or assumption to assume they pray or ask god etc... if but for nothing but the time they attend sunday service...

And oddly enough you mentioned whites the same stats apply to southern whites... which in most part many of them were basically one step above slavery... so take that as you may.

And like I said name any area of the world that has a high rate of Christianity, that has a high rate of education and a great/good booming economic system... You keep saying it has nothing to do with it... but yet cannot name one place on area in the entire world that has those very things you list and also have a high rate of Christianity.

So when you say all those things and most as far as advancement goes I agree... and say it has nothing to do with Christianity... yet everywhere in which has all those factors aren't heavily Christian or have no practice at all... And then every place that has heavy influence high practice of Christianity lack all of those things. It makes it hard to prove/disprove it isn't an contributing factor.
I can't say I disagree with most of what you are saying as far as segregation. But to say you aren't attracted to someone because of the color of their skin is horrible. You are just as bad as those you denounce with that mindset. Like across the board, anyone who's skin is not black is not worthy of being in your life regardless of anything else. It's ignorance and you should know better.

I'm ignorant because in all of my life I have never met a non black woman I am attracted to? I'm ignorant because if I watch white porn I do not get turned on? You can't force your standards on me bro. I love black women, I am a black man. Not once have I stated I hate women of other races. Essentially you could say I'm a homophobe because I'm not sexually attracted to men using your logic. How am I ignorant because by nature I have yet to see a white woman that does anything for me?
so um your 6 ppl you know versus a us census bureau um ok...you can kinda see why your unknown nonreputable small sample size would be dismissed. Hell I sold drugs and I know a few others who did and never went to jail never been bammed up...So ok based on that hell with stats and facts... everyone should sell drugs and there is no risk no adverse effects based on my small sample and myself...

I never said all... never gave any specific number.. cause I don't know every individual and neither do you... Its like 72.8% of black mothers are single no father never married... I don't have to know all of them and there personal stories to know most never had a father figure..when the prior generation was at 76%...

Just based off facts and logic you could deduce most didn't have a father and in result they kids don't have a father... It doesn't take personal testimony to come up with that... Also I never said all but if over 80% of these so called goons, so called teenage pregnant parents attend religious ceremonies...and based on what church is and Christianity is based on it...its not a huge leap or assumption to assume they pray or ask god etc... if but for nothing but the time they attend sunday service...

And oddly enough you mentioned whites the same stats apply to southern whites... which in most part many of them were basically one step above slavery... so take that as you may.

And like I said name any area of the world that has a high rate of Christianity, that has a high rate of education and a great/good booming economic system... You keep saying it has nothing to do with it... but yet cannot name one place on area in the entire world that has those very things you list and also have a high rate of Christianity.

So when you say all those things and most as far as advancement goes I agree... and say it has nothing to do with Christianity... yet everywhere in which has all those factors aren't heavily Christian or have no practice at all... And then every place that has heavy influence high practice of Christianity lack all of those things. It makes it hard to prove/disprove it isn't an contributing factor.

Bro shut up, United States is majority Christian, every city is majority Christian in the US, literally every negative stat you post you can find a positive stat and using your logic you can say the reason that stat is positive is because majority of the pop is Christian. Like you're really saying Detroit went under because of Christianity. I'm done bro, you got it.
I've just been observing this thread because I'm not tryna get into another religion discussion with you guys. I know better.

All I have to say is @shoelyesses correlation=/=causation
while there are some educational problems that can be directly linked to religion (see bible belt states and their school science curriculum), its hard to say that all problems in these highly religious areas are directly related and/or caused by religion 
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