Why Do Most People Not Understand Being Alone Does Not Mean Being Lonely?

Aug 14, 2012
It’s funny because it’s a constant battle for me.

Either my boys think I’m on lock because of a girl or a girl thinks I’m with another women or out trippin with my boys.

No I’m just enjoying a cooked meal and a movie solo.

I find it hard for people to understand that I’m just built different.

Not for better or worse.

I just **** with me heavy 🤣

*End rant*
I think it's because most people are social and prefer company. Amongst the people I hung out with at school(10-12), I'm the only one that was okay with going out on my own.
Cuz that’s lonely people behavior. If no one’s calling you to kick it don’t worry NT got you OP
Been a lonely stoner since the beginning of NT. Literally during my prom senior year, I was on here trolling and cracking jokes on hood talk, I enjoyed the company of you randos, and MySpace friends way more than people from my school.

Now, it’s the norm, but back then I was big weird.

Also, all these social media therapist/coaches are big on seclusion now. You can always tell a fraud that’s not built for the introvert lifestyle, same people that were in cahoots during shutdowns. I was thriving.
Back in the day, I was all about that solo life. But then I started seeing my friends settle down and start families, and I started to want the same thing. Now, I'm living that family life with my wife and our little one, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

As we grow and evolve, we realize that companionship is a key ingredient to living our best lives.
for me I need a good balance.

I can do a lot of things solo, including solo trips.

But there are several things I prefer to do with another person/people.
Cuz that’s lonely people behavior. If no one’s calling you to kick it don’t worry NT got you OP


Nah they literally don’t believe me 🤣

I can’t even post the things these females be saying.

It’s like they can’t fathom a person wanting to be by themselves.
Sometimes I like being alone. Sometimes I like company. I like feeding off of the energy of others. Any one here that's an athlete and played a sport competitively knows what I mean.

Don't want to be that person alone on the holidays. Did that for two years a couple years ago and it sucked.

Damn sure don't want to be that lonely old person that dies alone and no one discovers the body until weeks/months later.
It’s a balance for me like others have already said. Covid shutdown gave me a new appreciation for being around friends/coworkers/teammates etc etc.
I was raised as an only child so being a lone is easy. No, I’m not going on a “lick” or mission, “no” I’m not about to ride with you so you can pull up and cause drama.

“No” I’m not jumping in if you start a fight and are getting your a** handed to you.
I just never liked drama or hanging with people who lacked ambition or were always with the BS.

But really and truly, I think being an only child makes it easy for me to be by myself.
It’s people with large circles of friends who still cry and complain about no one being “real” anymore :lol: :lol:
people like being alone under the circumstance that they have a social circle that is still there for them. try being alone without any other option and it’s miserable.

we are social creatures. it’s vital to our survival.
i really enjoy being social but when i’m alone is when i recharge the social batteries.
I've found it's an introvert/extrovert kind of thing. I recharge by chilling at home, having my own me-time. Got some friends who recharge by going out 2-3x/week.
Yeah folks who don't recharge alone think they can determine when you've had enough and it doesn't work like that. I'll be at events yawning if I don't get enough.
It’s funny because it’s a constant battle for me.

Either my boys think I’m on lock because of a girl or a girl thinks I’m with another women or out trippin with my boys.

No I’m just enjoying a cooked meal and a movie solo.

I find it hard for people to understand that I’m just built different.

Not for better or worse.

I just **** with me heavy 🤣

*End rant*

Cuz those same ppl would be lonely if they were alone. A lot of ppl are simply not comfortable in their own skin and can not stand being alone for long periods.

So they'd have to square that way before they even broach the idea of enjoying their time alone.
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people like being alone under the circumstance that they have a social circle that is still there for them. try being alone without any other option and it’s miserable.

Never thought of it like this.

Good post.
Such a solid way to explain it.

It’s like choosing not to screw a girl or being friend zoned. In both scenarios you’re not smashing but one is a choice and the other is a silent nightmare. Most people would love to have large circles of friends and family and choose to be alone if and when it suited them. Reality being the opposite that increasingly people don’t have much of anyone and alone is a way of life vs a choice for them. If you’re one of those few connections they’ll feel some sort of way about your “alone” choices.
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