Why do people waste money they do not have?

you're a moron if you think all your tax dollars go to some kid who buys jordans or a single mother with multiple kids

yeah...never mind the million dollar missiles and agencies that can't account for billions of dollars they had but somehow "loose" yearly.

drink the kool-aid much
yeah forreal i been realized these sneakers was just shoes after 6 years in the game... had to focus on getting the degree and what not, now i see it as the trendy thing to do
you would not believe how many places dont hire african americans worked at this place where the HR dude would not hire brothas or sistas..

they even interviewed my girl told her all this good stuff then the HR dude tells her that they werent looking for anyone at the moment but would let her now if any spots would open up..

shes mixed btw she looks more latina than anything else..i think it was just a ploy for the HR dude to meet my girl, cuz he was nosey like that and power tripped and blocked sites etc..
YES!!!!!!!! my managers at my job when a black person walks in .. oh he was black ... then chunk it in the garbage
We live in an age where irresponsibility, vanity and materialism are at their highest.
Im sickened to go on youtube and watch a fellow NT post his sneaker collection. I don't know it sickens me too see how materialistic our youth has got  in the span of a decade. watching videos of said NT and other children like him infuriates me. By using deductive reasoning, I as a logical  human being, can make the assessment that my tax money is going towards hooligans and not helping people that need it. Thoughts about poor people buying commodities they cannot trully afford?
why go to youtube to watch it then? that makes no sense at all. 

answer: a lot of people have their priorities out of order.
OP was actually a racist troll, tried to slick with the undertones but in the end he just ended up typing out how he really felt.
Stop making fallacious statements about me being a racist. Or I will have to report you.
OP was actually a racist troll, tried to slick with the undertones but in the end he just ended up typing out how he really felt.
Stop making fallacious statements about me being a racist. Or I will have to report you.

wait a minute... OP are you black? Was this a total troll job where you tryin to get all of our black brothers on NT riled up by pretending to be a racist non-black?

hats off to you man, troll well done.
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