Why do people waste money they do not have?

wow you use clone acccounts? smh
i did but never typed on em.
I'm not a big big fan of the handout concept. However until there is equal opportunity to those in less fortunate communities, it will continue to remain the governments way of trying to help low income families. Though helpful and affective to those in temporary financial distress, over the long haul government handouts do nothing but keep people on government handouts. However, until the government can render itself a better solution to poverty the hand out method will continue to be the primary method of government assistance.

On that note, If you take issue with the way your tax dollars are being used please feel free to leave the country or run for president. Until than shut up and continue to pay for that kids jordans.
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i personally dont know any people that are spending money they dont have, obviously if you can spend it you have it 
^i personally dont know any person with a life that has 2 or more accounts, clone accounts and reps themselves to make themselves feel better.
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I know Meth is too grown for childish stuff but an official screen name exposure thread started by him would be hilarious
I feel sorry if you get off by trolling and even more sorry if you believe the ignorance that you post in this thread.


Welfare Statistics
Total number of Americans on welfare 4,300,000
Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000
Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 5,600,000
Percent of the US population on welfare 4.1 %
Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131.9 billion

Welfare Demographics
Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

There are just about the same amount of white people on welfare as there are black.

not sure why i am assisting the troll, but your analysis is flawed in that while whites and blacks may represent a nearly identical % of folks on welfare, they do not represent an identical % of the population.

This is why this country is going down the drain. No accountability, no responsibility. Expecting hand outs and to be saved.

I'm tired of my tax dollars and money being taken out my check...which i wake up in morning and go work hard for.....to finance and fund a lazy mother who continues to reproduce illegitimate children...

keep your legs closed.
how about dont have kids till you have a job.
how about get married and only give children to men who commit.

Some people just are lazy and want to live off government subsidies and assistance for the rest of their life.

They want obamacare, obamaphone, obama welfare system. :smh:

what ever happened to working for a living?

these women just want to lay on their back, receive check after check for every child.

How old are you? For some reason i thought you were in high school- but apparently you've been in the working world and contributing taxes for years..... Where do you work at?

This dude ever come back to answer this? I am curious as well.

And like I said earlier which you obviously won't reply to.. The government spends money on things I don't support either and tax money goes to people who don't deserve it. That's how it works sometimes, get use to it

Obviously no one here is reading what Big J is saying. WE ALL PAY FOR STUFF (via Taxation) THAT WE DONT AGREE WITH. GET OVER IT.
^i personally dont know any person with a life that has 2 or more accounts, clone accounts and reps themselves to make themselves feel better.
unlike you my online activities dont intertwine with my real life...

your screen name and your postings speak volumes about your character..

just stick to trolling in threads about money, and never type my direction.

hell i wouldnt be surprised if you had ur 2 friends call you by your phony screen name 
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you're a moron if you think all your tax dollars go to some kid who buys jordans or a single mother with multiple kids
View media item 158052
this + the fact that the cohorts 50 and up are the biggest group that got hired during the whole crisis because of ZIRP that wiped out their savings income and they need it and the younger cohorts arent getting the jobs they want word to the kids with degrees and working at starbucks.
you would not believe how many places dont hire african americans worked at this place where the HR dude would not hire brothas or sistas..

they even interviewed my girl told her all this good stuff then the HR dude tells her that they werent looking for anyone at the moment but would let her now if any spots would open up..

shes mixed btw she looks more latina than anything else..i think it was just a ploy for the HR dude to meet my girl, cuz he was nosey like that and power tripped and blocked sites etc..
you would not believe how many places dont hire african americans worked at this place where the HR dude would not hire brothas or sistas..:smh:

they even interviewed my girl told her all this good stuff then the HR dude tells her that they werent looking for anyone at the moment but would let her now if any spots would open up..

shes mixed btw she looks more latina than anything else..i think it was just a ploy for the HR dude to meet my girl, cuz he was nosey like that and power tripped and blocked sites etc..

I believe it and know it first hand. Most places aren't hiring Black people unless they have to because of government contracts. Unless they know you personally, that's why its even more important for us Black people to have professional relationships with each other and just network period and get to know people outside your circle.
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