Why in the world do black ppl call each other the N word?

Originally Posted by Ricasho

If this is the case, why hasn't the term Jigga*** or C**n turned into positive words for the community? Why hasn't it been turned around?

What are you looking for? If you want we can make those words cool too, we just have to get them into circulation. The word gga hass a possibility of dyingout, just not anytime soon. The N word is a terrible word that shouldn't have been turned around, but it was and now we are living with it.
it's like the whole black community is taking the B rabbit defense from 8 mile.

**** on himself so other people aint got nothin to say.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by NooEra

black ppl have went through a lot can we at least have a word please?
what did YOU go thru again? just curious...

it's a damn shame when people try and use the suffering (ACTUAL suffering) of those in the past to justify what they can or cannot do.

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Because we can.

Originally Posted by NooEra

Originally Posted by marath0n

Why can't whites just realize that they'll never understand? Why is this still brought up?

Thank you. We took a word and flipped it and now use it amongst ourseleves in a postive and negative way. its just a word. and although it's true that current generations of african americans never went through any slavery, it's still tough growin up in the hood were its set up for you to fail. Yeah yeah yeah everyone can succeed regardless of envioronment, but its much easier when mommy and daddy can pay you through just about anything and pay to cover up any mistake you've made. picture being just a little kid in a single parent home and ur moms is workin 2 jobs and ur bro is pitchin rock and noone is there to look out for you. u think it's easy to succeed in the white mans world with no help or motivation? come on now
Well no wonder every other race looks down at black people.
And you wonder why Jamicans and Africans hate it when they are called black.

Excuse, excuse and you wonder why the middle class people are going to be screwed if Obama passes his "healthreform" plan. I'll have to pay for my insurance as well as the rest of the people who are too lazy to get off their feet and work. This white man,black man world is getting to be an old and tiresome excuse. And don't feed me this crap about, you don't know what its like being black bull *%!$. Bill Cosby is the one true black person in the word. He tells it how it is.

Originally Posted by lowslows

Again why does it bother you so much? We took a word with a negative connotation and turned it into a positive..whats the problem?

This seriously gets to you
I want to see if you have the balls to go up to the Obama family and said, "Ay wat up mah ni_ _az?" They'll probably give you the
. How in the hell is turning that word into a positive? Go to a businessmeeting with predominately black males and greet them by saying the same thing. Go to an interview with a black male doing the interview and say that line. We'll see if you get the job.

Originally Posted by Ricasho

Originally Posted by Cz7

Most people just use it because it what they've always been called or heard. Never stopping to think that this word that has become an regular greeting was and still is a very derogatory and demeaning term for our ancestors. I never hear white people calling each other "cracka". The answer is simply ignorance.
Thank you. I dont here white people calling each other cracka.

Let me guess, white people don't know what it's like.

Originally Posted by Korto

If you're saying that black people have turned the meaning of the word around into a positive thing, then there's no reason you should get mad when you see a hispanic or white person using the word, cause like you said, its been turned into a positive word. if the word has changed into a positive thing, if its become "just a word", then a white guy should be able to use the word in the same way as a black guy. so if you ever get angry when you hear a white person saying it, that in itself is proof that the word still has a negative meaning to you.
Great answer.

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I am a black individual and i think the usage of the N word is dumb regardless of if your black or not. It doesnt matter. We are the only race of people who calls ourselves a derogatory term. I prefer to use whats good my"brother" rather than the N word. Using the N word just shows how dumb and uneducated you are, seriously
thank you...it makes no sense. people will now say, "but no other race has gone through anything like we have".
Exactly. That's that cop out excuse-type answer.

It's like, want to open your history books and read something pre-1600s. The black race aren't the only group who's been "oppressed".

I haven't been through these 11 pages yet and I doubt I will

But have any of y'all actually read up on the etymology of this word
Word up, anyone who uses this word oughta be ASHAMED of THEMSELVES! Its sad. The new generations black children lives are in shambles. The thought of some ofyou becoming fathers is frightening.
the n-word isnt even used as for what it stands for, its just simply a replacement for "dude" or "bro"
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I am a black individual and i think the usage of the N word is dumb regardless of if your black or not. It doesnt matter. We are the only race of people who calls ourselves a derogatory term. I prefer to use whats good my"brother" rather than the N word. Using the N word just shows how dumb and uneducated you are, seriously
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Grade A post.[/color]
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

the n-word isnt even used as for what it stands for, its just simply a replacement for "dude" or "bro"
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Nah, I rather say "dude" in front of people than say"N_" .. although it's used very loosely these days, it still sounds stupid as hell.[/color]
yo duuuuuuuuude waddup duuuuude

yea dude is the official n word replacement

I have to say though, I think rappers you the N WORD obsessively just because it helps them with the transition in their rap bars
I mean the best lines have the n word in them, its almost needed in rap it makes the literature flow better
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

In regards to the ignorance in this post:

"but no other race has gone through anything like we have"

People forget about that little Holocaust thing.

And goes back to my original post "Why do Jewish people make Jewish jokes?" We are not the only race that flips the script. My latina friend'smom stays cranking jokes telling her dad we gonna deport u back to honduras if you dont quit actin on some silly @!@.

Its like yall mad because yall want to give them the word back like here massa u can have your word back.
'Out of here.

Females call each other the B words. I wont go to Spellman saying B this B that. Gay people stay calling each other the F word. Just cause a Jewish person sayssomething about a Jewish person doesnt mean I can go around saying something about them. Its an understood line when it comes to other races but when its blackfolks
its "if we cant say it no one can" Shut da hel up.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

yo duuuuuuuuude waddup duuuuude

yea dude is the official n word replacement

I have to say though, I think rappers you the N WORD obsessively just because it helps them with the transition in their rap bars
I mean the best lines have the n word in them, its almost needed in rap it makes the literature flow better
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You're right
, Music is music though.. I'm not gonna use it in my everydayconversation[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My parentswould look at me like I'm stupid.[/color]
I've never known Jews to call one another derogatory names... Jokes are one thing, but saying a word that was put together for no reason other than to beused to disrespect people of a certain race is an other.
Go ask your neighborhood rappers,thats about 50% of everything said in the songs.
i used to say it but someone asked me why do i say that word and i just stopped because when i came to think about it,its sounds foul.
and it doesnt mean in anyway the word it originated from,it has been and will continue to be used as a word that means: homeboy,man,guy,punk,etc.
get over it because it wont go away.
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