Why is it ok to kill and eat certain animals but not ok to kill and eat certain animals?

If a cow and chicken had a better personality, maybe I wouldn't eat them.
Personality goes a long way.
The most common grade of animal we eat are usually either poultry or beef becuase they are herbivores. The most nutritious elements of our diet are vitamins and minerals which come from what the Earth produces, i.e. plants. The closer you are to the OG source the better, which is why most people aren't customarily eating animals that eat other animals.

feel me?
Sometimes, we carry on traditions long after the conditions that led to their development have changed.  
One of my favorite examples to this point comes courtesy of Stephen Steinberg, a distinguished professor sociologist at CUNY, who shares the following story from one of his students in his book Turning Back: The Retreat from Racial Justice in American Thought and Policy:

“A woman invited some guests to dinner.  As she prepared the dinner roast, her guestsnoticed that she lopped off a chunk of meat and threw it away.  Puzzled by this apparently gratuitous andwasteful act, they asked her why she did that. The question caught her by surprise – she could only say that her motherhad always done that.  Now, her curiosityaroused, she asked her mother the same question, and got the same answer:  her mother had always done that.  Determined to solve the mystery, she finallyput the question to her immigrant grandmother – and old-world matriarch – whoshrugged and said: “The pot was too small.
IMO, people who frown upon those who eat anything other than cow,chicken, pork, etc.(the "normal" animals) are probably just closed minded.

just because dude from vietnam eats dog, doesnt mean hes a barbarian. im sure people in India thinks its wierd that people in America eat beef.

its all really a product of your culture.

IMO, the only time its wrong to eat/kill a certain animal is if its unsustainable.
Fundamentally, there is no moral difference between killing and eating a cat and killing and eating a cow. I think it's ok to eat meat just as long as the animals are raised and killed humanely...which more often than not is not the case.

I've been trying to completely cut out meat from my diet but I relapsed cause I haven't had time to cook lately.
I'll get back to it after my exam...my friend made me the best vegemeat loaf I've ever had and bought me a vege cook book
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

How do y'all stop eating meat do y'all do it gradually or just stop altogether at once
For me, I guess gradually. I've cut out all poultry, beef, and pork. Now I only eat fish/seafood. I'll eventually cut out the seafood as well and be strictly vegan. 
I couldn't do this. No meat of any kind, not to sound foolish, but what will you eat when seafood is cut? Do you eat or drink dairy products? 
i bet you if the world turned out to be like Fallout the game or I Am Legend the movie.. i bet all of you will be eating everything you can get your hands on to survive...
Originally Posted by JayzOnMyToes

i bet you if the world turned out to be like Fallout the game or I Am Legend the movie.. i bet all of you will be eating everything you can get your hands on to survive...

If it meant my survival then yes, I would. Fortunately I have the luxury of choosing what I eat 
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

How do y'all stop eating meat do y'all do it gradually or just stop altogether at once

I'm in this boat...on the last leg of my give up meat journey...weening off beef and chicken as we speak...the hardest part is finding something to eat when you're in a rush 
I still cheat though and have a bit of bacon or a burger here and there but when given the choice it's chicken/fish/veggies 

not having heavy beef or fatty pork in my system since january got me feeling like a million bucks 

and my friends think its my genes that keep me from ballooning like they have without working out 
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

It all depends on the culture fam'....


You're going to find less (if any) cattle slaughter houses in say....India.

In addition to culture, there is quality of meat and ratio of meat. Predators for example tend to be leaner and have denser meat fibers then herbivores. Therefore the meat is less fatty which in turn makes the meat less tasteful. Also, denser muscle = firmer meat.

We could kill dogs but what's the point. Dogs are descendants of wild carnivores, some people still eat them anyways.

Lastly some animals are endangered or on the verge of being endangered. Those animals are off limits. You also have animals that are far from endangered but hunting these animals must still be controlled in order to maintain the current population. See wild game seasons.

Years of grazing and such has basically lead human beings to domesticate certain animals for consumption. Including cattle, pigs, farm foul, goats, etc. These animals are bread to be killed, so they've basically evolved to be fatty and full of meat
. Wild bison/ox for example and those cows you see in the huge ranches are not the same quality of meat.

To sum up

1. Culture/Religion
2. Quality of meat
3. Population
I think we should start eating endangered animals for the sake of their species.
You don't see cows going extinct despite how many are eaten and made into clothes.
We need to start having a taste for tigers.
Culture/What nature provides

Which got me thinking...

Does Greece have a lot of lambs? I *** with lamb... Gyros 
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

How do y'all stop eating meat do y'all do it gradually or just stop altogether at once
For me, I guess gradually. I've cut out all poultry, beef, and pork. Now I only eat fish/seafood. I'll eventually cut out the seafood as well and be strictly vegan. 

Props to both of you.  I'm trying to go vegetarian, or even vegan, after watching Food Inc.  It was hard to watch how companies treat the animals, not to mention how unhealthy they are.

As for the question, I think it's more about culture/religion than anything else because in western culture we associate dogs and cats as a part of our family, since they're domesticated, so we don't eat them.  And you have certain religions that don't condone eating certain animals for various reason...
I heard from a friend that cows are sacred in india. is this true?

i dunno. call me a *+#%! but after spending time around these animals that arent your typical house pets its pretty sad to know what their faith will be in the end.

rip cowbert cheaney
I heard from a friend that cows are sacred in india. is this true?

i dunno. call me a #%%%% but after spending time around these animals that arent your typical house pets its pretty sad to know what their faith will be in the end.

rip cowbert cheaney
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

cause humans are soft and like cute cuddly things and dont give a $#*% about other animals
to eat a dog or cat but cows & chickens are

*shrug* if im hungry im eating.


i never understood the double standard towards domesticated and wild animals, if its edible you can eat it
if i'm starving to death, i'll eat any animal i guess.

weirdest thing i've ate is horse meat. pretty tough stuff.

Originally Posted by Tony Montana

In the Philippines it's a delicacy to eat cats and dogs. I've heard.

It is, apparently. Lots of weird food here.
Haven't eaten either, though, but some people do eat both --but more often it's dog meat. Seems
to me.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

How do y'all stop eating meat do y'all do it gradually or just stop altogether at once
For me, I guess gradually. I've cut out all poultry, beef, and pork. Now I only eat fish/seafood. I'll eventually cut out the seafood as well and be strictly vegan. 
I couldn't do this. No meat of any kind, not to sound foolish, but what will you eat when seafood is cut? Do you eat or drink dairy products? 
My biggest thing was finding something to replace the protein that the meat gave me, which is why I'm still eating fish. I've eaten non-meat "meat" like products, but it can get pricey...at least for me since I'm a college student. 
I've been browsing around different vegetarian and vegan sites to find foods rich in protein and pretty much making a meal plan of what to eat to make sure I get all the nutrients I need. I also take multivitamins.

As for dairy products, the only thing I still eat is cheese. Like fish, I'll eventually phase it out and start using the available alternatives out there if necessary.
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

How do y'all stop eating meat do y'all do it gradually or just stop altogether at once
For me, I guess gradually. I've cut out all poultry, beef, and pork. Now I only eat fish/seafood. I'll eventually cut out the seafood as well and be strictly vegan. 
Damn, going vegan gonna be a huge sacrifice.  How are you going to maintain proper nutrition, by taking supplements? I'm trying to remove meat from my diet too and stick strictly to seafood.  Seafood is super high on cholesterol, though... only healthy seafood I know is salmon, lean cod, and halibut. 
Originally Posted by Method Man

Sometimes, we carry on traditions long after the conditions that led to their development have changed.  
One of my favorite examples to this point comes courtesy of Stephen Steinberg, a distinguished professor sociologist at CUNY, who shares the following story from one of his students in his book Turning Back: The Retreat from Racial Justice in American Thought and Policy:

“A woman invited some guests to dinner.  As she prepared the dinner roast, her guestsnoticed that she lopped off a chunk of meat and threw it away.  Puzzled by this apparently gratuitous andwasteful act, they asked her why she did that. The question caught her by surprise – she could only say that her motherhad always done that.  Now, her curiosityaroused, she asked her mother the same question, and got the same answer:  her mother had always done that.  Determined to solve the mystery, she finallyput the question to her immigrant grandmother – and old-world matriarch – whoshrugged and said: “The pot was too small.
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