Why is it ok to kill and eat certain animals but not ok to kill and eat certain animals?

please watch this movie

Originally Posted by NobleKane

I heard from a friend that cows are sacred in india. is this true?
This isn't the whole truth. On one hand, people have statues of cows in temples. On the other hand, you have cows being fed trash(literally), harassed, and left to roam around cities and towns with motor vehicles in close proximity. While I haven't personally had a chance to read it, I've heard that the book, "The Myth of the Holy Cow" provides some insight into why the cow's holy status is misleading. Even looking back in Indian history, beef was consumed regularly by hindus. Mind you, this was during the time when some of the great epics of Hindu culture was being written as well(Mahabharata). 
All around the world all types of animal are eaten. Even here in the US they eat Squirrel, Gator, Beaver, and other weird animals. Saw it on Food Network.
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

ill try any animal once. just fry it up and we're good to go
Couldn't knowingly eat a cat or dog though. Just don't tell me what it is until I take that first bite

I love bacon too much to give up pork completely
The same reason it's ok to ingest some drugs and not others..... social construction.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by NobleKane

I heard from a friend that cows are sacred in india. is this true?
This isn't the whole truth. On one hand, people have statues of cows in temples. On the other hand, you have cows being fed trash(literally), harassed, and left to roam around cities and towns with motor vehicles in close proximity. While I haven't personally had a chance to read it, I've heard that the book, "The Myth of the Holy Cow" provides some insight into why the cow's holy status is misleading. Even looking back in Indian history, beef was consumed regularly by hindus. Mind you, this was during the time when some of the great epics of Hindu culture was being written as well(Mahabharata). 

thanks ill check that book out
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