some cuts of pork are as healthy/healthier than chicken. Besides the breasts, other parts of the chicken (like the thighs) are LOADED with fat
some cuts of pork are as healthy/healthier than chicken. Besides the breasts, other parts of the chicken (like the thighs) are LOADED with fat
Originally Posted by Raise the Cup

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

who gives a rats ***. I dont care what any religion says or why they believe its dirty or unclean. bacon on my baked potatoes is bomb digity
I don't know why but this reposnse had me

Originally Posted by Raise the Cup

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

who gives a rats ***. I dont care what any religion says or why they believe its dirty or unclean. bacon on my baked potatoes is bomb digity
I don't know why but this reposnse had me

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Pigs do not possess sweat glands in their skin, which allow for the body to cool down in hot temperatures. For pigs to thermoregulate, they use mud to wallow in to lower their internal temperature, preventing them from being fried from the heat. Instead of a saline basis for thermal cooling (like humans), they use an external source to draw heat out (a simple rule of thermodynamics - heat travels from areas of high temperature to areas of low temperature ... variation of pressure and flow principles)............That's gross that they cant sweat to get the toxins out of themselfs
you get rid of the majority of toxins through urine, feces, and even breathing. i'm sure pigs do all of those things, dont you think?

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

Speakingfrom an Islamic perspective, there are multiple reasons why pork is badbut the main is that because the pig is an unclean animal. Pigs arescavengers and are known to eat anything including their own young whenkept in captivity (such as a pig farm). On top of that, the pig is verysimilar to human beings from a biological stand point. Many of thepig's organs are similar to human beings that they are actuallyconsidered the best possible organ donors from among the animals. Also,people with insulin dependent diabetes often use pig insulin fortreatment. Because of all this similarity between pigs and humanbeings, eating pig flesh is compared to eating human flesh and isprobably similar in taste
your religion is your religion, but let's not let it get in the way of reality. pigs are not any more "unclean" than any other animal. eating your own young only occurs when stressd and in captivity, not in a normal natural environment. furthermore, while strange, this activity is not "dirtier" than eating any other animal. and i highly doubt eating humans is like eating pigs, but if so i bet human ribs are delicious
Historically, pigs have been kept in filthy conditions to "enhance" taste. Medieval Europeans would actually make sure the poor animal's environment was as dirty as possible because the belief was that it would be tastier when eaten. I completely agree with you that by nature, a pig is no more "dirtier" than other animals, externally speaking. They maintain cleanliness and use mud only to thermoregulate. However, the fact is that pigs ARE scavengers and they eat anything so when kept in captivity, they do eat feces, dead carcasses, and other revolting things. Believe it or not, pigs DO eat their young whenever they're kept in captivity, stressful or not. Back in elementary school, we visited this farm and I remember the farmer telling us that they have to keep the pigs separated from the piglets because no matter how clean the pen is or how much space they have to roam, they will still eat their young. This is a behavior exhibited by captive pigs whether they are under "alot" of relative stress or not (because being captive is already enough stress).

At the end of the day though, like you said, modern developments have made it possible to safely consume pork without illness and also to breed the pigs in hygienic environments (although they are not for the most part) so this a matter of religious and personal values. In my opinion, pigs were not created for human consumption just like the dog, cat, rat, etc. I'm sure that most Americans are completely disgusted by the consumption of dog meat by some east Asian cultures but who are we to tell them they can't? I'll simply say that I don't eat pork because my religion forbids it based on the ground that it is not meant for human consumption and I am just as disgusted by the thought of eating pig meat as many Americans are by the thought of eating dog meat 
. To each his own  
1. look it up........this occurs when stressed, it's not a natural response by any means.

2. there are plenty of animals that are omnivorous and scavenge for food. this doesn't make them "internally dirty," their bodies are made to process and digest a wider range of foods. you know whose body can't? the cow's, yet instead of grass it is fed a mess of chemicals and soy, making a very unhealthy animal with high saturated fat and cholesterol in the meat, as well as low CLA levels. think about that next time you eat red meat, because the cow you got it from is a helluva lot "dirtier" and more unhealthy than a pig is and its a whole lot worse for your health.

again your religion is your religion but there really is no science backing up the "pigs are dirty" claim. 
Once again, I never claimed it to be a natural phenomenon or a common behavior found amongst wild pigs but it sure is among captive pigs. I guess if it sounds better, then the stress of captivity is what drives them to eat their young. You should look into it.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Pigs do not possess sweat glands in their skin, which allow for the body to cool down in hot temperatures. For pigs to thermoregulate, they use mud to wallow in to lower their internal temperature, preventing them from being fried from the heat. Instead of a saline basis for thermal cooling (like humans), they use an external source to draw heat out (a simple rule of thermodynamics - heat travels from areas of high temperature to areas of low temperature ... variation of pressure and flow principles)............That's gross that they cant sweat to get the toxins out of themselfs
you get rid of the majority of toxins through urine, feces, and even breathing. i'm sure pigs do all of those things, dont you think?

Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

Speakingfrom an Islamic perspective, there are multiple reasons why pork is badbut the main is that because the pig is an unclean animal. Pigs arescavengers and are known to eat anything including their own young whenkept in captivity (such as a pig farm). On top of that, the pig is verysimilar to human beings from a biological stand point. Many of thepig's organs are similar to human beings that they are actuallyconsidered the best possible organ donors from among the animals. Also,people with insulin dependent diabetes often use pig insulin fortreatment. Because of all this similarity between pigs and humanbeings, eating pig flesh is compared to eating human flesh and isprobably similar in taste
your religion is your religion, but let's not let it get in the way of reality. pigs are not any more "unclean" than any other animal. eating your own young only occurs when stressd and in captivity, not in a normal natural environment. furthermore, while strange, this activity is not "dirtier" than eating any other animal. and i highly doubt eating humans is like eating pigs, but if so i bet human ribs are delicious
Historically, pigs have been kept in filthy conditions to "enhance" taste. Medieval Europeans would actually make sure the poor animal's environment was as dirty as possible because the belief was that it would be tastier when eaten. I completely agree with you that by nature, a pig is no more "dirtier" than other animals, externally speaking. They maintain cleanliness and use mud only to thermoregulate. However, the fact is that pigs ARE scavengers and they eat anything so when kept in captivity, they do eat feces, dead carcasses, and other revolting things. Believe it or not, pigs DO eat their young whenever they're kept in captivity, stressful or not. Back in elementary school, we visited this farm and I remember the farmer telling us that they have to keep the pigs separated from the piglets because no matter how clean the pen is or how much space they have to roam, they will still eat their young. This is a behavior exhibited by captive pigs whether they are under "alot" of relative stress or not (because being captive is already enough stress).

At the end of the day though, like you said, modern developments have made it possible to safely consume pork without illness and also to breed the pigs in hygienic environments (although they are not for the most part) so this a matter of religious and personal values. In my opinion, pigs were not created for human consumption just like the dog, cat, rat, etc. I'm sure that most Americans are completely disgusted by the consumption of dog meat by some east Asian cultures but who are we to tell them they can't? I'll simply say that I don't eat pork because my religion forbids it based on the ground that it is not meant for human consumption and I am just as disgusted by the thought of eating pig meat as many Americans are by the thought of eating dog meat 
. To each his own  
1. look it up........this occurs when stressed, it's not a natural response by any means.

2. there are plenty of animals that are omnivorous and scavenge for food. this doesn't make them "internally dirty," their bodies are made to process and digest a wider range of foods. you know whose body can't? the cow's, yet instead of grass it is fed a mess of chemicals and soy, making a very unhealthy animal with high saturated fat and cholesterol in the meat, as well as low CLA levels. think about that next time you eat red meat, because the cow you got it from is a helluva lot "dirtier" and more unhealthy than a pig is and its a whole lot worse for your health.

again your religion is your religion but there really is no science backing up the "pigs are dirty" claim. 
Once again, I never claimed it to be a natural phenomenon or a common behavior found amongst wild pigs but it sure is among captive pigs. I guess if it sounds better, then the stress of captivity is what drives them to eat their young. You should look into it.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

Well the Bible itself tells people not to eat pork (shellfish and catfish too) but as usual, people only follow the parts of the good book that they want to and ignore the rest
lol @ judging others for following their own form religion when christianity in and of itself is comprised of elements from other religions (zoroastrianism being the most obvious)

stop being ignorant. the hell do you care if someone eats shrimp or not.

First of all pump your brakes young man. 1, I didn't say I believed it and 2, I'm not even a Christian. Just know that alot of people are and pointing out the hypocrisy in the argument. I don't eat pork but I damn sure eat shellfish and catfish so stop assuming...
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

Well the Bible itself tells people not to eat pork (shellfish and catfish too) but as usual, people only follow the parts of the good book that they want to and ignore the rest
lol @ judging others for following their own form religion when christianity in and of itself is comprised of elements from other religions (zoroastrianism being the most obvious)

stop being ignorant. the hell do you care if someone eats shrimp or not.

First of all pump your brakes young man. 1, I didn't say I believed it and 2, I'm not even a Christian. Just know that alot of people are and pointing out the hypocrisy in the argument. I don't eat pork but I damn sure eat shellfish and catfish so stop assuming...
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

this thread made me google the coke + raw pork = worms thing...

@%*@ is an urban legend...


why people go so hard on pork like that? not cool...

A friend and I tried this a couple of years ago. It stemmed from an arguement we were having about Lucky Charm marshmallows being made from pork products. He told me about pouring coke on a pork chop to see worms. We tried it, but instead of putting the chop in a pan, we sat it on the ground outside. After some hours there were some maggots, but it didn't look as if they came from within the chop. Either way, I was convinced that pork was not the best thing to eat.
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

this thread made me google the coke + raw pork = worms thing...

@%*@ is an urban legend...


why people go so hard on pork like that? not cool...

A friend and I tried this a couple of years ago. It stemmed from an arguement we were having about Lucky Charm marshmallows being made from pork products. He told me about pouring coke on a pork chop to see worms. We tried it, but instead of putting the chop in a pan, we sat it on the ground outside. After some hours there were some maggots, but it didn't look as if they came from within the chop. Either way, I was convinced that pork was not the best thing to eat.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

this thread made me google the coke + raw pork = worms thing...

@%*@ is an urban legend...


why people go so hard on pork like that? not cool...

A friend and I tried this a couple of years ago. It stemmed from an arguement we were having about Lucky Charm marshmallows being made from pork products. He told me about pouring coke on a pork chop to see worms. We tried it, but instead of putting the chop in a pan, we sat it on the ground outside. After some hours there were some maggots, but it didn't look as if they came from within the chop. Either way, I was convinced that pork was not the best thing to eat.

You left meat on the ground, outside.  Did you expect bugs to stay away from it?
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