Why is the "HOODIE" looked down on?

Jul 20, 2008
There's a thread on Trayvon Martin so let's not cross threads please. But what so sinister about hoodies? I've seen all races and genders with them on. Do you see criminal/ hoodlum when you see someone with one on? Do you consider it childish? Can I only wear one if I'm jogging?
Old people carrying over stupid rules and traditions. Word to "no hats in the building"
There's no real reason.
Look at the movies, look what the robbers are wearing.



I'm more concerned with the hoodies that completely cover the faces with the eyes cut out.
There's a robbery or other crimes - Dudes are wearing hoodies most of the time.

Some stores I've been to don't even allow you to walk in with your hoodie on.

Especially gas stations around here.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Look at the movies, look what the robbers are wearing.




Did my man rob a store in a brown hoodie, the proceed to think if he put the same hoodie on and cover it with another hoodie no one would notice LOL.
people dont like hoodies, because there is not much you can see. you cant see the person especially in a dark or not well lit place
Sinister? No.

It's a natural reaction when you see someone you THINK is trying to hide something, in this case their face,
that they are up to no good..

People often use hoodies when committing crimes to try and conceal their identity, so when some people see someone with a hood pulled low, they assume that they are up to no good..ski masks have the same effect on some people...

Ever seen a sign on the window of a business, whether it is a bank or a gas station that says "please remove hats, hoods and face masks before entering"? because people get paranoid when they see them...

A few weeks back, I walked out of the house to start my work day at 3:45am and walking down the sidewalk was a guy with a hood pulled low, looking down as he walked and my instinct was to watch my back...That guy could have very well been starting his work day just like me, but my brain automatically made me target him as being up to no good..

I can't be 100% sure, but if he didn't have the hoody on, I probably wouldn't have had the same reaction.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Look at the movies, look what the robbers are wearing.



im pretty sure its just a safety concern
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

iiownzkickz wrote:
do all the V get yellow in dha rubber like the og they got in dha bottom so do they get yello and what about the retro do they get yellow also in the middle ??? 

What the hell???
^BINGO....... you have a hoodie on it's all good, stranger has hoodie on he's a mugger lol.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

I'm more concerned with the hoodies that completely cover the faces with the eyes cut out.

this and the champion superhoody with da same resemblance 
Hoodies are not looked down on. Yeah sometimes people will say this to justify their paranoia, or to cover up there fear which is baseless. And to the guy saying it's because robberies are committed by people in hoodies, so what? If you work in a store and someone comes in with a hat and sunglasses chances are you get a little jumpy. Hats and sunglasses are  criminals key choose in wardrobe. Seeing a man in a hat and sunglasses and assuming they're up to no good walking around the street, simply ******ed. Hoodies, like hats and sunglasses are out of the ordinary indoors. So in stores they get jumpy, because it is very odd for someone to have a hoodie on, or a hat with their shades still on while indoors. 
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Sinister? No.

It's a natural reaction when you see someone you THINK is trying to hide something, in this case their face,
that they are up to no good..

People often use hoodies when committing crimes to try and conceal their identity, so when some people see someone with a hood pulled low, they assume that they are up to no good..ski masks have the same effect on some people...

Ever seen a sign on the window of a business, whether it is a bank or a gas station that says "please remove hats, hoods and face masks before entering"? because people get paranoid when they see them...

A few weeks back, I walked out of the house to start my work day at 3:45am and walking down the sidewalk was a guy with a hood pulled low, looking down as he walked and my instinct was to watch my back...That guy could have very well been starting his work day just like me, but my brain automatically made me target him as being up to no good..

I can't be 100% sure, but if he didn't have the hoody on, I probably wouldn't have had the same reaction.
For example this. You simplify it by saying seeing someone with a hoodie leads you to think they are up to no good. Yet you didn't say "the other day i saw a guy with a hood low, and my instinct was to watch my back" because you knew it would sound foolish. You made sure to add the fact it was 3:45 am so people can think, yeah that's kinda suspect. So is it the hoodie, or is it the time of day which makes it suspect? Did this instinct/assumption come due to it being late and it not being too ordinary to see people out at this time so you took special interest in this random man, or would you see a man in a hoodie at anytime and have this same reaction? 
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