Why Shouldn't Men Hit Women?

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Thanks for proving by yourselfthat you just wanna argue cause you are calling me _____ just because Idisagree. Not because my opinion is "wrong" in our society and willbreak laws, bring harm, is unreasonable, or ignorant.
Thanks for proving you have no idea what that phrase means. Calling a spade a spade does not mean arguing just to argue or arguing because you disagree with a  person. It's calling it how I see it. If it has all of the qualities of a duck Imma call it a duck. What I said about your post being naive was naive to me. Stop looking for excuses.
How is itirrelevant?
It's irrelevant because it HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TOPIC. I didn't bring it up nor does it have anything to do with this. Nobody is talking about whether someone's thoughts harm others. I'll respond accordingly to irrelevant things like that. Seems you were just rambling and didn't know when to stop typing.
To call me naive for having these view is calling me ____ because you don't agree. Just like you said 

I never said that. Show me where I did if you read that. I called you naive because what you said was naive. If you think I'm calling your entire view naive step your reading comprehensions skills up.
You try to make analogies to mass suicide below, this iswhy before you could even try and point out more generalized statementson my views

I made that analogy to a statement that had nothing to do with the topic or your views.
they areviews that bring no harm, they are reasonable views that no one couldbe upset at, and they are not ignorant views.
Irrelevant unless you want to tell me when the topic was about whether or not ppl's views make ppl upset or are ignorant, or do harm.
Iunderstand what you are saying and agree, but you can't generalize myviews and opinion and prove them wrong with a fallacious analogy.
I'm beginning to think you've completely forgot what that analogy was addressing. Especially for you to keep bringing it up throughout your post as if it's important. Show me where I generalized your initial view. Saying my thoughts don't harm ppl are irrelevant and HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TOPIC.
 Abunch of people agreeing to mass suicide is not the same thing as abunch of people agreeing to not hit anyone and settle their differencesby conversation, unless being justified to hit them.
So because you can not read and understand what that analogy was responding to I have to go through reading a waste of txt like this? You keep saying you're understanding what I'm saying but I think you're lying.
Onceagain this is YOUR opinion.
Really genius? I thought I was stating facts all along and educating you since you're 100% wrong. /sarcasm
I'm not even gonna touch that.Actually, I will.

The act of violence in the first place to teach thisperson to deter away from violence is ridiculous since the first act isviolent in the first place. This only would promote violence.
So you admit that when you're defending yourself in a fight you're promoting violence?
But, evenif that person now is deterred from being violent in the future itstill took a violent act to teach him this, that is not how individualsshould be deterred away from being violent.
Says who? When did this become a rule? Is it because you said it shouldn't be then everyone should follow suit? I haven't seen a good argument to explain this please go ahead and post it. If you don't think this can ever be a way to deter violence I'd like you to explain why because I've seen many a situation when it's done exactly that, far more effectively than running away does.

I'd like you to also tell me why running away from a girl who attacks you doesn't promote violence as well. Since that person hasn't learned not to use violence but only that you'll run away from her every time she does attack you.
you think people getting beat down supportsnon-violence and deters violence?
In some cases? Absolutely. I'm surprised you'd ask this after you just quoted the post where I answered it. Are you really reading?
A correct way to supportnon-violence while deterring people, although I know it doesn't workwell

How is it the correct way if you admit it doesn't even work well? It's more like it's one of the ways that work. Please don't stand on the podium for non-violence when you have exceptions to your rule. If you really supported non-violence you'd be getting your Ghandi on.
making it against the law and having you go to prison for Xyears. This is why we have laws against battery and assault.
PPL break laws and get away with it all the time.
LOLcause you did generalize it to other topics. You even further provedthat you are doing this to try and prove me wrong by making the masssuicide analogy. Has nothing to do with hitting other people.
Again, no. I made that analogy in response to something that HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HITTING OTHER PPL. Whether or not your thoughts bring harm to other ppl is irrelevant to the topic. That is not what we are talking about. I'd like you to show me where else I've generalized your view where you haven't made an irrelevant post or simply didn't understand what you were reading.
So your sayinganytime someone hits you they need to get hit back?
Anytime someone infringes on your rights with a violent act they no longer have their rights to not have the same be done on to them. Of course it's up to the person whether they choose to or not. I don't know where you got "need" from. I basically stated my view on this and yet you've concocted this question that almost seems like you didn't read my post at all.
What about if a guycheats on his girl and she slaps him does this justify him hitting her?
When did cheating become a justifiable reason to slap a person? A slap for a slap or some other physical act to subdue the person and let them know they won't stand for being physically attacked instead of running away. She had no right to act out of violence and should be expecting an equal response.
Or should both individuals not hit the other and discuss their problemsor break up.
I don't know genius which seems better? The path that leads to violence or the one that ends with a logical outcome?
Just because you aregetting hit doesn't mean that automatically makes it right for you tohit someone back.
They've given up their right and given you the right once they've hit you.
If a little 5 foot 95 pound girl is hitting me Ihighly doubt it would hurt and I would be able to safely remove myselffrom the situation. If you can not assess the strength of an individualwho is hitting you and decide whether I can remove myself from thesituation or if I have to defend myself from being hurt then you haveissues man. Take some kung fu or something lol.
That's irrelevant unless I literally don't feel the person hitting me. Aint nothing wrong if you respond with the equal force the person has sent your way or you can just respond in another (physical) way to let them know you won't be allowing them to hit you without retribution. It's funny to me how you're able to assess a situation and run away but unable to assess an act of violence and respond with the appropriate amount of force to stop the person.
Becausealthough your pride or ego or any other feelings might be hurt NO ONEis physically hurt.
Pride and ego have nothing to do with this. Explain why in any given event a lack of someone being physically hurt is progress? What did they learn from it? Do you know what progress is?
Do you know how many individuals die accidentallyduring fight? They get knocked out and hit their heads on cement anddie. Your saying it is worth the risk?
If theydisrespect me with words I am to dumb to teach them a lesson with myexpansive articulate vocabulary so I have to hit them. Its worth therisk of killing someone because they disrespected my ego.
Good luck using your vocabulary while you're bobbing and weaving, running away, with a broken jaw. I never said anything about disrespecting ego, why did you assume that? Where did that come from? This has to do with disrespecting humanity. Nobody has the right to be doing you physical harm unprovoked.
LMAOcan anyone else just picture this grown *** dude accidentally getting agirl (4'10'' 80lbs) upset so she disrespects him and calls him a ______as well as slaps him in the face. Then he punches her lights out. LOL.where is the sense in that?
How old is this "girl"? Do I know her? Does she know me? Where are all of these under 100lbs females from? I think they should focus on eating healthy before they go around attacking 5'10" black men whether they're upset or not. Where is the sense in doing that? Who says I punch her lights out? I use grapples, I can choke her out. You keep posting under this $%@%%@%! double standard where men are suppose to know better and the female will be viewed as a "little girl" and that's it. THAT SOLVES NOTHING.
just because she hurt your preciousfeelings?She must be taught a lesson from master zik. 
Where are you getting this from? If a person feels it is okay to physically attack you, they might as well be treating you like some stray dog on the street. This is common sense is it not? Any rational human being isn't going to stand for that level of disrespect.
Dumb weak individuals don't learn from violence it fuelsthem.
Everybody that acts out in violence aren't all dumb and weak.
You just hit someones girlfriend, sister,mother, or friend; even if justified in your terms you best believethey now feel justified and "disrespected" enough to knock your lightsout.
After they hit someone's brother, son, boyfriend, friend, maybe even father. The mob mentality can be taught a lesson in that scenario as well.
That is why they are violent to begin with, can't express theirfeelings with words. Think about it an eye for an eye makes the wholeworld blind.
Once you take away their violence they'll  have nothing left. A world where the violent that can't express their own feelings aren't taught a lesson, educated, or disciplined, and left to their own devices, breeding and multiplying, spreading their ignorance spells disaster for any type of logical thought and all rational beings.
Iwill always view individual like you as children who can't controltheir emotions and use violence instead of words to dispute their case.Nothing to misunderstand in my scenario, It is clear cut. Defendyourself or someone else being attacked in an unjust manner. I wouldassume you to think of this as a ******ed concept because you don't fitthe description of a true man imo. But that's just my opinion. Do you Iguess stay beating women cause they hurt your feelings.
Again where does the controlling of emotions play a factor in what I'm saying? Nothing but rational thought is being used in the decisions to respond with violence when justified. I'd never want to fit your fabricated concept of a true man. Keep fleeing from the problem tho, I'm sure that's what matters.

The rest of this post shows your lack of reading comprehension. You weren't really understanding just blindly sticking to your view.
Inthe end what do I care for your opinion.
So wait you're the one arguing just to argue? You should've said this to begin with.

As long as you don't hitanyone I know, this would justify me hitting you, Then keep hittingpeople cause you feel hurt emotionally.
In all other scenarios I could use big boy words to counteract any disrespecting comments you could muster up.

More misunderstanding and making up what the other person says as you go.

WOW I'm just going to stop lol. Keep editing my posts in the favor of your arguments. Fallacies everywhere. This is me walking away because I shouldn't waste my time with little boys that beat women because their feelings get hurt, oh I'm sorry I meant disrespected, or are these usually the same thing?
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

WOW I'm just going to stop lol. Keep editing my posts in the favor of your arguments. Fallacies everywhere. This is me walking away because I shouldn't waste my time with little boys that beat women because their feelings get hurt, oh I'm sorry I meant disrespected, or are these usually the same thing?
Nobody is editing your posts. So you can stop that. It's funny how this is how you handle arguments though, deem the personwhere you can act as though you're above them and then dismiss thewhole thing altogether. Nobody is buying that weak elitism, especially in an argument. You wanna concede and just bail just say so. I'd think a "true man" would at least be able of that. I can understand now since you've admitted your comprehension skills aren't as high as I assumed (my fault for assuming). Not knowing the difference between hurt feelings and disrespecting a person's humanity and all. So I can't feel anyway about the forced sarcastic tone in this post or you trying to play the victim. No surprise you walk away tho, that's been your niche on how you handle this topic anyway. 
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

acting like females in here picking arguments. If you don't know know why it's not right to hit a female ask your mother. Unless you have a history of women beaters in your family tree then maybe you see nothing wrong.

What did your mother say?
Still don't get why there is a green light on hitting kids outta anger/disappointment, but disrespectful and wrong to hit a woman outta self-defense?
Originally Posted by LDJ

Still don't get why there is a green light on hitting kids outta anger/disappointment, but disrespectful and wrong to hit a woman outta self-defense?
I know you are smart enough to know the difference between spanking a kid and punching a woman's lights out.  (like Snooki)

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by LDJ

Still don't get why there is a green light on hitting kids outta anger/disappointment, but disrespectful and wrong to hit a woman outta self-defense?
I know you are smart enough to know the difference between spanking a kid and punching a woman's lights out.  (like Snooki)

I never said whoop a trick i said self-defense, first thing yall think of is on some joe jackson ike turner huggy bear pimp slap itches steez. I said defend, protect urself. And trust me u must aint never got a whooping before. Cause still to this day i can think of times a got a butt whooping, and they was far worse/hurt more then any fight i got into. Plus generally you would inflict more pain, and apply more licks whooping a child, then you would have to use to defend urself against a woman.

You cant honestly say me putting a chick in a headlock, or a punch in the gut or slamming her,pinning her to the ground etc, hurts far more then a belt/paddle/switches to like a 6 y/o kids bottom. 

I take it u must be new school, when they stop whooping in school, parents hit you bare hand on bottom with pants on. Or hit u with a wooden spoon.

You shouldn't hit girls yeah but sometimes you gotta do it to keep them in line and let them know this is a mans world they living in. The kid has done a fair share of hitting broads in his day had to do it jus to keep the broad in line.


Even god MC hova knows u gotta keep them broads in line

I do bag these girls like gerocery but sometimes u jus gotta do them like

http://photobucket.com/images/slapping girls

And thats why the kid wears wifebeaters..HOlla!!!
- It ALWAYS a LAST resort, but sometimes you gots to sneak on a broad 

- Old school:


- Young Whippa Snappa


- Take notes...

 I would never hit a woman first but if she wants to act like a man and hit me then i will treat her like one. She can hit me and not go to jail but if I defend myself and prevent her from hitting me then I can go to jail? That is @*@ backwards. Beating on women is not OK but defending yourself is, especially you Lil guys out there.
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