with all the beasting that happens on this site...who is/was the baddest female on NT?

get a life.

Says the guy who periodically has to make it known he "smashed", allegedly, shortypop

You a fraud buddy...

Just PM them pics...You have nothing to lose...

I love how the same people who talk $%*% say I'm elitest or a egomanic and say shorty is wack or gross are the same %+$@!$#$%%%!% neck deep in my business.You like the pump fake mayor. In fact I bet you are. I don't need to PM you anything, I have nothing to prove and more to the point I don't see howthat will prove anything. Get your own homemade pornography.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

I love how the same people who talk $%*% say I'm elitest or a egomanic and say shorty is wack or gross are the same %+$@!$#$%%%!% neck deep in my business. You like the pump fake mayor. In fact I bet you are. I don't need to PM you anything, I have nothing to prove and more to the point I don't see how that will prove anything. Get your own homemade pornography.

How backwards is that? You keep putting yourself out there to a bunch of kids with nothing better to do than hate on you.

You might as well punch yourself in the face.
@ yall for actually sleeping on Nawth21. Was gonna copy and paste her pics but I didn't have permission to.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by ebayologist

I love how the same people who talk $%*% say I'm elitest or a egomanic and say shorty is wack or gross are the same %+$@!$#$%%%!% neck deep in my business. You like the pump fake mayor. In fact I bet you are. I don't need to PM you anything, I have nothing to prove and more to the point I don't see how that will prove anything. Get your own homemade pornography.

How backwards is that? You keep putting yourself out there to a bunch of kids with nothing better to do than hate on you.

You might as well punch yourself in the face.

Valid point. Appreciate that. I'm out.
Originally Posted by Face82

@ yall for actually sleeping on Nawth21. Was gonna copy and paste her pics but I didn't have permission to.

yay my egos been stroked for the day

dudes throwin stones at ebay , even Dirty clowning

I gotta agree that the shortypop photo does look "set up" , whatever, its not like i care one way or another
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by Face82

@ yall for actually sleeping on Nawth21. Was gonna copy and paste her pics but I didn't have permission to.

yay my egos been stroked for the day
*peeps the myspace

what's up with the frogs?

and that shark pic is hilarious
I had the shark as my default and myspace made me remove it bastards. The frogs? Theyre my pets. P. Terribilis, in the wild theyre as poisonous as theyget but in captivity they're fine.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

I had the shark as my default and myspace made me remove it bastards. The frogs? Theyre my pets. P. Terribilis, in the wild theyre as poisonous as they get but in captivity they're fine.
So wait..What the hell is going on in this thread?

Ebay smashed an NT broad, that smashed another NTer? Huh?

I'm never "in".
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