Women and Men can't be friends? vol. why not NT?

So because we don't provide ultimatums to our girls then we're different? Ok man...like I said 3 yrs in no problems whatsoever, I guess having trust in the person you're dating makes me naive and weakminded

Y'all sound like the future fathers who won't let your daughters go out on dates just hold her down in the crib because guys are dawgs. Being over protective and over bearing constantly only makes people want to break loose and act out once they get a chance.
Knock on wood...
hey...Tyrones a nice guy..

he evens takes her on trips for the weekend so i can have alone time..

 thank god for him or else i'd have to fool around with her when im tired from niketalking all day..he brings her back super tired
and she sleeps like a baby..i dont know what kind of activities they're doing but shes so sore that she has to sit down really slow

i saw a text of hers talking about his pole so im assuming they're practicing for some type of decathlon..

he's been such a good friend im paying for a plane ticket for them to NYC..i hope they have fun..
This is what I see from the last few posts. :smh: pretty sad.
FWIW, I'm married, i would never have female friends, especially single female friends. It's just not worth the risk associated.

I also think most people don't really understand the meaning of friends. Just because you've known someone a long time, or hang out with them often, doesn't mean ya'll are friends.
I literally have one female friend that I wouldn't hook up with and that's because we've been like family for so long. I kick it at her house a lot and her bf doesn't really care but he knows what's up.
Being that I've smashed chicks with boyfriends who I was "just friends with" of course not.... Some real naive men out here these days, no one ever taught y'all the game? That friend dude is just waiting for the night she's drunk and you acting up so he can smash your girl....

Alcohol ain't ever make anyone do something they didn't already want to do.

Bottom line, no point in being insecure and making "rules" for grown and independent thinking adults. If your partner is going to cheat, they're going to cheat, and will have ample opportunity to do so, regardless of whether you "allow" them to have friends of the opposite sex or not.
Alcohol ain't ever make anyone do something they didn't already want to do.

Bottom line, no point in being insecure and making "rules" for grown and independent thinking adults. If your partner is going to cheat, they're going to cheat, and will have ample opportunity to do so, regardless of whether you "allow" them to have friends of the opposite sex or not.


But if it makes ya'll sleep better continue thinking restraining your girl will prevent her from cheating.
dudes try so hard to be "different".  Good luck.
So because we don't provide ultimatums to our girls then we're different? Ok man...like I said 3 yrs in no problems whatsoever, I guess having trust in the person you're dating makes me naive and weakminded

Y'all sound like the future fathers who won't let your daughters go out on dates just hold her down in the crib because guys are dawgs. Being over protective and over bearing constantly only makes people want to break loose and act out once they get a chance.
who's giving ultimatums or making rules? Why does having mutual respect about boundaries, space, and time spent give you this idea of being overbearing?

Nobody is perfect.  Everybody has weak moments.  I love my girl so I'm not gonna go chill with Halle Berry on lunch dates and kick it with her at her apartment.  Why put myself in the position to fail?  Why put myself in position to even think about the possibility?  It has nothing to do with me not loving my girl and the relationship.  You spend time with a person a bond will be there.  I don't need to have inside jokes with my "women" friends and having constant contact over txt, phone. 

Dude Notwizness said his girl goes to smoke with some dude....are you kidding me?  A drug bond?  Thats a slippery slope. 

Theres a difference between trust and naive.  Why would my chick want to do anything solo with another dude? Why would anybody put themselves in position to slip up?  Its selfish,  they want to see how close they can get to the stove with out getting burnt....but usually they do.  Sometimes the partner never finds out tho.  And you got "ol friend Jacob" at your BBQ watching the game even tho he tongued your girl down 3 months ago.

Ya'll watching too many reality shows with all these lunch/brunch dates in the city
.  Aint nobody got time for that. 
^way to spell my name brah
actually, he comes over because he never has any money and she'll smoke him out and break him off with a cheap g sometimes.h If they were poppin rolls or doin lines or something, i could see what youre talking about- but..... she thinks hes in the closet anyways- and if he isnt, dude better respect. I've had oppurtunites to smash other chicks, BUT I'M A GROWN MAN - i respect boundaries- and best believe if that dude doesnt, and neither does she- then he'll catch a beat down and she'll be left alone with a broke loser who cant afford his own green (and is much smaller and more frail than I).

OP I think you misunderstand if a girl has no girlfriends then leave her. From past experiences all girls have girlfriends except the insecure and needy girls. There's a reason why they don't have girlfriends. They need the attention of men at all times. The girl with no girlfriends is the girl that will smash your homies! haha and we're not taking about tom boys
Does this exclude co-workers that you would also call a friend?
Here's the social experiment:
Male and female both in their mid 20s. Both have a significant other. The female is in a long term relationship, whereas the male is on a shorter term relationship (1.5-2yrs)
These two sit in a cubicle area with their backs to each other.
There will be an upcoming work trip, only these two are going.

You've probably seen this scenario play out at your workplace.
Do they become more than friends on this work trip
The answer is yes they can be. In school I was friends with this fat girl and she was really nice but I wasn't attracted to her. She was attracted to me. But I liked her personality. Hence friends, I didnt wanna smash her. thats an example. 

Or like lots of girls have gay male friends also. 
Don't think it counts if the girl is attracted to you like that.

As for gay friends, some not all gay dudes are lusted after by their female friends on some "If only he wasn't gay". They also lowkey love it when their gay friends playfully makes out with them and just say it doesn't mean anything.

So what's more likely is a lesbian chick and a gay dude being friends.
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I have many female friends that I'm not trying to smash, but would smash, if you get what I'm trying to say.

I think that's the difference.
Word. I have friends who I don't ever try to smash, but I would if the opportunity presented itself. I don't believe in the friend zone. Doesn't change the way we are though, I'm not their friend just because I want to smash. I'm their friend because I enjoy their company.
Does this exclude co-workers that you would also call a friend?
Here's the social experiment:
Male and female both in their mid 20s. Both have a significant other. The female is in a long term relationship, whereas the male is on a shorter term relationship (1.5-2yrs)
These two sit in a cubicle area with their backs to each other.
There will be an upcoming work trip, only these two are going.

You've probably seen this scenario play out at your workplace.
Do they become more than friends on this work trip

You gravedug this cause you're going on a business trip and ur wife don't like it. Am I rite?
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