Worse betrayal: LBJ --> Miami or Favre --> Minnesota?

Lebron left his hometown and never came through with a championship which he promised. Brett delivered one and he was forced out. Easily Lebron.
and another thing about Lebron, Im more up in arms about his betrayal of what he represented (or what he was suppose to represent) than I am about the betrayal of his team (he was a free agent)....Lebron was suppose to be this generations great player, cut from the same cloth of greatness as the players before him....he betrayed all of that when he jumped ship to not be a leader and become the help for DWade
and another thing about Lebron, Im more up in arms about his betrayal of what he represented (or what he was suppose to represent) than I am about the betrayal of his team (he was a free agent)....Lebron was suppose to be this generations great player, cut from the same cloth of greatness as the players before him....he betrayed all of that when he jumped ship to not be a leader and become the help for DWade
Ya I would put Clemens ahead of Lebron too. Although the way Lebron did it (via TV special) puts it close.
Ya I would put Clemens ahead of Lebron too. Although the way Lebron did it (via TV special) puts it close.
Originally Posted by IKnowRap

Im more up in arms about his betrayal of what he represented (or what he was suppose to represent) than I am about the betrayal of his team (he was a free agent)....Lebron was suppose to be this generations great player, cut from the same cloth of greatness as the players before him....he betrayed all of that when he jumped ship to not be a leader and become the help for DWade
Agree with you there.
Originally Posted by IKnowRap

Im more up in arms about his betrayal of what he represented (or what he was suppose to represent) than I am about the betrayal of his team (he was a free agent)....Lebron was suppose to be this generations great player, cut from the same cloth of greatness as the players before him....he betrayed all of that when he jumped ship to not be a leader and become the help for DWade
Agree with you there.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Clemens leaving Boston was much worse. Leaves for a team in the same division (and then winds up at the Evil Empire) with no remorse.

clemens leaving was partially due to dan duquettes stupidity,  but him demmanding a new contract after 2 seasons with the blue jays was a female move imo.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Clemens leaving Boston was much worse. Leaves for a team in the same division (and then winds up at the Evil Empire) with no remorse.

clemens leaving was partially due to dan duquettes stupidity,  but him demmanding a new contract after 2 seasons with the blue jays was a female move imo.
Originally Posted by IKnowRap

Not even close its Lebron...Favre did erything for Green Bay, cuz he was old they treated him like crap and he still felt like he had game left in him...he proved those clowns wrong....all his actions center around havin love for the game....cant fault Brett for that or even put it in the same leauge as what lebron did.

You serious? How is a multi-million dollar business supposed to confidently operate when their quarterback can't even commit to them until August? Favre flip-flopped for about 3 straight years on whether he was coming back. He would still be with the Packers if he would have told them in 2007 "I'll play for two, maybe three more years" and everything would be fine. NO ONE else in sports does what he does and GB isn't a b itch organization that will just let one player run the team. 
Besides, Rodgers is an upgrade 
Originally Posted by IKnowRap

Not even close its Lebron...Favre did erything for Green Bay, cuz he was old they treated him like crap and he still felt like he had game left in him...he proved those clowns wrong....all his actions center around havin love for the game....cant fault Brett for that or even put it in the same leauge as what lebron did.

You serious? How is a multi-million dollar business supposed to confidently operate when their quarterback can't even commit to them until August? Favre flip-flopped for about 3 straight years on whether he was coming back. He would still be with the Packers if he would have told them in 2007 "I'll play for two, maybe three more years" and everything would be fine. NO ONE else in sports does what he does and GB isn't a b itch organization that will just let one player run the team. 
Besides, Rodgers is an upgrade 
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

well brett was forced to retire and he did ask the packers to release him to play for another team while bron didnt

Being offered an open competition for the QB spot with Rodgers is not being "forced to retire". 
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

well brett was forced to retire and he did ask the packers to release him to play for another team while bron didnt

Being offered an open competition for the QB spot with Rodgers is not being "forced to retire". 
Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Originally Posted by IKnowRap

Not even close its Lebron...Favre did erything for Green Bay, cuz he was old they treated him like crap and he still felt like he had game left in him...he proved those clowns wrong....all his actions center around havin love for the game....cant fault Brett for that or even put it in the same leauge as what lebron did.

You serious? How is a multi-million dollar business supposed to confidently operate when their quarterback can't even commit to them until August? Favre flip-flopped for about 3 straight years on whether he was coming back. He would still be with the Packers if he would have told them in 2007 "I'll play for two, maybe three more years" and everything would be fine. NO ONE else in sports does what he does and GB isn't a b itch organization that will just let one player run the team. 
Besides, Rodgers is an upgrade 
How is that betrayal tho...you think Brett knew in his head the whole time that he had a 2009 season in him??...Him being on the fence worked in the Packers favor becuz the whole time they were prolly ready to go in another direction....stickin him with come compete for YOUR job is evidence of that, dont you think? 

IMO the packers went the buisness route. Brett came back to the pack wanting to play for them, n thought (as he rightfully should after years with the organization) that he would just get his job back. Green Bay made a business a move n said nahh and then didnt even want him to play for anyone else. Where is the betrayal on Favres part?

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Originally Posted by IKnowRap

Not even close its Lebron...Favre did erything for Green Bay, cuz he was old they treated him like crap and he still felt like he had game left in him...he proved those clowns wrong....all his actions center around havin love for the game....cant fault Brett for that or even put it in the same leauge as what lebron did.

You serious? How is a multi-million dollar business supposed to confidently operate when their quarterback can't even commit to them until August? Favre flip-flopped for about 3 straight years on whether he was coming back. He would still be with the Packers if he would have told them in 2007 "I'll play for two, maybe three more years" and everything would be fine. NO ONE else in sports does what he does and GB isn't a b itch organization that will just let one player run the team. 
Besides, Rodgers is an upgrade 
How is that betrayal tho...you think Brett knew in his head the whole time that he had a 2009 season in him??...Him being on the fence worked in the Packers favor becuz the whole time they were prolly ready to go in another direction....stickin him with come compete for YOUR job is evidence of that, dont you think? 

IMO the packers went the buisness route. Brett came back to the pack wanting to play for them, n thought (as he rightfully should after years with the organization) that he would just get his job back. Green Bay made a business a move n said nahh and then didnt even want him to play for anyone else. Where is the betrayal on Favres part?

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by CP1708

Hmmmm, good point. 

I would say Favre, however, he did bring them a ring, so in a sense, he could leave, Cleveland was BEGGING for a ring, and Bron didn't deliver, and then bailed with the prime of his career still ahead. 

So I still think it stays with Bron on this one. 

But I bet you just gave ESPN a great idea for a 2 hour special show to dedicate to their 2 fav athletes. 


I 10012312431% agree with my man CP
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by CP1708

Hmmmm, good point. 

I would say Favre, however, he did bring them a ring, so in a sense, he could leave, Cleveland was BEGGING for a ring, and Bron didn't deliver, and then bailed with the prime of his career still ahead. 

So I still think it stays with Bron on this one. 

But I bet you just gave ESPN a great idea for a 2 hour special show to dedicate to their 2 fav athletes. 


I 10012312431% agree with my man CP
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