Would Society Survive without Porn?

Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

"when it comes to porn: you only look once #yolo" - scshift

Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by raptors29

If we didn't have porn we'd just fap to the lingerie section Sears and JCP ads...

This. I would say sexually driven crimes would not increase. We would start stealing our sisters Victoria Secret catalogues.
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by raptors29

If we didn't have porn we'd just fap to the lingerie section Sears and JCP ads...

I was a perfectly normal 12 year old male.....until I was alone in my room.
Hidden in an extremely discrete slit in the side of my mattress was my entire collection of women's underwear ads.
I felt like Batman

Then I discovered real porn...........................
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by scshift

I don't know about other people but I've only seen it once and I'm never watching it again.

Keep in mind I'm a thirsty teenager and I'll never expose myself to it ever... that's how miserable the experience was.
was it 2 girls 1 cup or meat spin or some $$%%???

Idk, it was some regular stuff. But midway through I noticed how "gifted" the actors were (pause), looked down and I was like "aw hell noooo"... thought to myself this sucks and stopped right away.

Then some NTer posted a chart about women's preferences and I learned the most I'll ever be is "enjoyable"... so I stopped fapping for a long, long time.

True story, BTW.

omazing grace
Originally Posted by Antidope

Rick Santorum won three states yesterday and then people started talking about the whole "He wants to ban porn thing" and this is the first I've heard about it and seriously its ridiculous. He cant be serious, I'm not event trying to joke around I think society would collapse without porn. Its become a needed industry now and if it was to actually go away (not like it could this is 2012 for goodness sake) but if it was easily available I think nothing but bad would come from it. Thoughts? If this threads against the rules let me know.

they should ban the extreme stuff, the more you watch the more twisted crazier $@%* you watch 
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

CRIME RATES? This guy said crime rates
what do the crime rates say about this country? what do the crime rates say about African Americans? what do the crime rates say about the prison industrial complex?
how could you even DARE use our nations 'crime rate' as a meter for 'behavior' as if every person in jail is a low life criminal...as if they aren't products of their environment...they were just born criminals right?

thats empirical thinking for you...not critical think..you are NOT smart.
'I'm in flat denial'....your DAMN right...I'm denying the bull @%*+ you say has a DROP of credibility....
you disgust me...go back to GERM-any with your brothers....and take the Nigerian...and the atheist with you.

(sorry for the rant but this is bigger than the context of this particular argument)
Crime rates say a lot about a population's behavior. If there is more crime, we can attribute causes for that. You really only have to use common sense. There are a lot of reasons as to why crimes happen, but I think you can break it down in three overarching categories: Crime against people, crimes against property, and crimes against society. Regardless of how you feel about the system, the fact of the matter is that many of the people within it were caught doing something that they (provided they have common sense) knew that they weren't supposed to be doing. Reasoning and causation is always variable, but crime rates say a LOT. It's ludicrous to think otherwise. (For example, the rate of crime in the black community is proportionally higher than any other ethnic group. Why? Probably because the black community has the highest rates of unemployment, dropping out, poverty, etc.)

You seem mad, though. Especially since you're dismissing the cultural differences of the other countries. If you have a problem with an individual then it's whatever, but you shouldn't let your emotions cause you to derail a thread because you don't agree with or like someone's ePersona.

On to the porn, I don't think that our economy would be in good shape if we got rid of porn. The porn industry generates something like $15 Billion a year. If all of the directors, actors, actresses, video producers, film crews, photographers, fluffers, desk assistants, convention hosts, etc were suddenly out of a job it wouldn't be a good look. At all. Like other posters have said, pornography has been around for a longggggg time, and I highly doubt that it will be going anywhere anytime soon.
I cant believe people are here defending censorship and taking away freedoms. Cause some close minded jack-*%! thinks its bad for society. So are a lot of things. Thats the beauty of life. Choose your poisons live life, enjoy them.
Of course. Porn is disgusting and very degrading to women. society would be far better without that filth. Maybe then men would appreciate women more and stop treating them like sex toys for their sick perverted fantasies and more like human beings.
A world without porn would be pretty violent IMO.

Imagine if some of the more off-the-chain dudes couldn't "relieve" themselves and calm down once in a while...

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Yea, society existed before porn. Was it a world full of closet rapists? 

But REMOVING the type of porn we have now?...People would probably just make illegal versions of it and put more people at harm because it would be unregulated etc. Its just like prohibition of sorts.
Its hard to take away the types of fetishes that people have developed over time.

Its like taking away your favorite "thing" or whatever...and some of us have varying degrees of attachment to them. Some more strongly than others. Imagine those that couldn't function without their kinky little fix they've grown accustomed to? 
I need my p0rn son.

Plus they make too much money to just up and go.


Recession proof!
I was never really into full blown, hardcore porn with the penetration and stuff, haven't watched any in like a year and a half. I love pictures of hot, nekkid women, tho... softcore more of my thing *shrugs*
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by scshift

I don't know about other people but I've only seen it once and I'm never watching it again.

Keep in mind I'm a thirsty teenager and I'll never expose myself to it ever... that's how miserable the experience was.
was it 2 girls 1 cup or meat spin or some $$%%???

Idk, it was some regular stuff. But midway through I noticed how "gifted" the actors were (pause), looked down and I was like "aw hell noooo"... thought to myself this sucks and stopped right away.

Then some NTer posted a chart about women's preferences and I learned the most I'll ever be is "enjoyable"... so I stopped fapping for a long, long time.

True story, BTW.


Thought dude was talking about some
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

and Europe  speaks for itself in terms of cultural morality...but for some reason negroes like you (and others in this thread) want to d-ride them like they haven't plundered and pillaged the world to achieve the standard of living they enjoy today...

I think there would be a slight rise in prostitution and sexual harassments. 
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