Would Society Survive without Porn?

I don't understand how we are loosely correlating all these things to no porn.
If we didn't have porn we would just regress mentally i think, in a sexual way.  Now a days you watch regular guy on girl and your like ehh....i want girl on girl on girl on guy.  But if we got rid of porn we would still fap just as much just instead we would be like, oh Niki Minaj video....o victoria's secret swim suit issue....oh lingerie ads are here.  I don't think much would change at all.  We are humans....we adapt.  We aren't going to wig out and start raping people.

If anything i think they would just try to regulate it somehow.  With all thats out there now if they some how just came out and said "we are banning porn" you best believe i would stock pile everything like it was the ice age / zombie apocalypse.  I think my 500gig external drive would keep me occupied until my manhood didn't work anymore. 
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

I need my p0rn son.

Plus they make too much money to just up and go.


Recession proof!
they ain't seen a penny from me 
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

I need my p0rn son.

Plus they make too much money to just up and go.


Recession proof!
they ain't seen a penny from me 
If you've been to a stream site then yea they have through advertisements.
I know a couple chicks that have the mentality that if their man DOESN'T watch porn that something is wrong with him. 
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

And Scshift, pause, but there are plenty of porn stars with average to below equipment. Hell, you probably got caught up in the AA category. Hell, there's girl on girl, girl on herself with nobody else around, girl on animal, all types of alternatives.

Do you atleast watch like booty shaking videos, or like cam videos with no guys in them?

And end of the day, you are probably going to get a degree from a great institution, get a good job, money, import car, and ++%+%$% will get over it reference your penis size and still be fighting to hop on.

Occasionally I'll come across a cute chick on tumblr and reblog the photo, but that's to the extent of my admiration of females.

Yo...you have some issues that you need to get worked out before you reach full on adult status homie...
While porn has been around for many years (in one fashion or form), porn has never had the readily available access that it does now with the internet. Internet as we know it today has been around for what? 30 years maybe? Is that really enough time to judge the ramifications porn has on society? It's a billion dollar industry, but it would be interesting to see profit increases through the years. 60s vs 70s, 70s vs 80s, etc...I haven't looked it up, but I'd be willing to bet porn profits has steadily increased each decade. And I'd bet again, those margins were astronomical in the late 90s and early 00s.
Originally Posted by FlacoBey

marijuana will be legalized before the pron industry is shutdown

Man they'd find a way to legalize Chrystal Meth before they were able to get rid of porn.
Originally Posted by iYen

Hmmmmm.� Now my thing is that if males have become so dependent on porn like he says, what would happen if it went away. Like so many other people have said crime would go up particularly sexual ones. People would snap, and magazines and famous women wouldnt be enough.
I actually think if porn went away there would be less socially awkward people. Wasn't it said in another thread that excessive masturbation/porn addiction can lead to high levels of social anxiety?
Porn's whatever, but the internet's ability to make it readily available wherever the hell you are is creating a generation of chronic masturbators.
I think we're giving porn too much credit.

With that said, I'm going to try and rid myself of it. In High School I used to be able to fap to pics of cute chicks in my yearbook. Then the internet came along and the rest is history. I'm going to try and fap once or twice a week to the porn on my hard drive, delete the scene after fapping, until I have no videos on my computer. I guess I'll call it weaning myself off of porn. I think I can do it. Just don't want those classic scenes to go to COMPLETE waste.
Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

I actually think if porn went away there would be less socially awkward people. Wasn't it said in another thread that excessive masturbation/porn addiction can lead to high levels of social anxiety?

At first I was like ehh but that article made a lot of sense.
For everybody saying that rape would increase, that child abuse would increase, etc... you don't understand what causes people to commit rape and child molestation.

Rape isn't about sex. Studies have proven it time and time again. It's about power/control. There could be alot of reasons a guy would rape someone but it's not that he's so horny and he has nothing to fap to. Hell, George Costanza can fap to a Glamour magazine, so it't not like guys wouldn't find SOMETHING to fap to.

Pedophilia is something different entirely. While pedophiles do have a physical attraction to children, it's very specific, and doesn't just result in them being horny and having no morals. It's not like the only thing stopping the rest of society from abusing kids is that it's illegal and it might be damaging to the kid, it's that we just don't want to. We're not programmed that way. I pedophile is just wired that way, and can't just turn it off. In the case of all the priests in the church, I think they were pedophiles before they were priests, and everybody seems to think it's the other way around, like "Well if they could just get married and have sex, they wouldn't be abusing kids..." They became priests because it was a safe haven at the time. They're not attracted to adult women, etc... so instead of just being single all the time, this was a good excuse to avoid intimacy and relationships. Some of them might even think it's the devil at work making them desire kids, so they think being a priest will fix it. Eventually the temptation is just too great.

I think if they banned porn, there would still be porn, it would just be on some underground, prohibition type steez, and we'd go back to the days of having secret porn-stashes in bat-cave-like hiding places, and even secret underground theatres like the old forty-deuce. You'd have to actually work to get it and hide it instead of just clearing your browser history.
Originally Posted by shinkuhadouken91

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by CWrite78

look at priests.

no sex or porn and they rape little boys.

Anton I don't know why you entertain this troll B Smooth

I don't think he's a troll, which makes it more tragic
But nah I like arguing with him for some reason, it makes me feel better about myself

Son really tried to say Japan wasn't bad, they have vending machine in Japan with women's underwear in it

Every time I go to Europe I'm taken back at how freely they express their sexuality
So all japanese people are bad because ALL japanese people approve of panty vending machines...c'mon son

So you judge a person's intelligence based off where they were geographically born

I never said it was bad, if I gave that impression I apologize----my point is Japan loves their porn and sex yet their culture, education, technological advances continue to thrive

Unless you wanna blame the Tsunamis on Hentai porn
I never said Japanese people are bad
they have frescoes depicting sex in Pompeii that were preserved from the Mt. Etna eruption...if it was happening then, pr0n aint going no where.
Personally I couldn't survive with porn.  Not just for fapping sessions but the education involved in watching these movies.  I have tried and mastered so many sexual positions from watching these videos.  Plus you learn how to talk dirty to females, methods on how to finger/get a girl off, etc.. etc.. 
I mean how else are young males suppose to learn these things?   Seriously I wish women would watch porn just as much so they can learn.  Like some females I have been have never even learned how to pleasure themselves... so how the hell are they suppose to satisfy me?  I was like... 
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