Would you date a girl with one hand? ****update pg. 5!!!!!

Apr 2, 2009
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]so. im up late. doing the whole myspace jumpoff thing. you know how cool Nters do..and..... i was trying to set something up so i can get to know this girl a little better. not even getting at her just trying to get to know her because sheseems nice.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]well. just read.. i was like ...[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]haha.[/color]

dar (5:14:56 AM): because i CANT chill with you , you dont know me like that

mex3x13 (5:15:15 AM): ooooh.

dr (5:15:21 AM): & plus i have one hand -_-" i didnt wanna tell you cus you gonna flip out

mex3x13 (5:15:23 AM): well i thought id get to know u like that

dr (5:15:31 AM): & i know you wouldnt wanna be seen in public with me

dr (5:15:35 AM): so im like $!%% it

mex3x13 (5:15:36 AM): so? what does that mean

mex3x13 (5:15:52 AM): what im supposed to be scared??

mex3x13 (5:15:56 AM): o_O

r (5:16:04 AM): no, like embarassed or idk

mex3x13 (5:16:09 AM): hmm.

mex3x13 (5:16:12 AM): your insecure u mean

dar (5:16:20 AM): cus guys flip out when they find out & ++$!

mex3x13 (5:16:25 AM): my last girl only had one eyebrow, if it makes u feel better.

dr (5:16:25 AM): im not insecure not at all

dr (5:16:39 AM): its just that im fed up with th same rection i get from people

mex3x13 (5:17:02 AM): wait

mex3x13 (5:17:11 AM): if u only have one hand how do u type as fast as me?!?!

dar (5:17:25 AM): haha cus i learned how to type with one hand really fast

mex3x13 (5:17:28 AM): damn.

dam:17:29 AM): thas what they all say

mex3x13 (5:17:31 AM): i feel slow.

mex3x13 (5:17:47 AM): well, now u need to stop being embarassed and let me take u out

mex3x13 (5:17:55 AM): u swear liek u cant do stuff with one hand

Cliffnotes: talking to random girl on myspace.
shes local
tried to set up a date
tells me she has one hand
how should i feel?
what would you do?

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Pics:[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]girl on left[/color]


[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]middle[/color]


Originally Posted by The Black James Bond

don't be immature about it, man. take her out and treat her like you would any other girl

thats what im gonna doo!
were hittin ihop today at 9am

i just wanted to see what the NT consensus was. oh. and to just share my random story. i swear the randomest things have been happening to me lately
Originally Posted by MECKS

Originally Posted by The Black James Bond

don't be immature about it, man. take her out and treat her like you would any other girl

thats what im gonna doo!
were hittin ihop today at 9am

i just wanted to see what the NT consensus was. oh. and to just share my random story. i swear the randomest things have been happening to me lately

that's wassup, you should feed her
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

I wouldn't mind at all man. Its all good, be mature about the situation.

honestly im hella supirsed you didnt put

this is the most sincere thing ive ever seen you post
well you should stick with it now.. Your in deep

You got her thinking your cool with it..

Me.. I would have shut my computer off for the rest of the night and went to bed..
It might be a test, to see if you would go out with her even if she only had one hand. Or shes tellin the truth, oh well you're a good man.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

it seems to me that she has 2 hands.
You may be correct sir. For instance..............


^^ HEre she is holding the camera with her left hand.


But here she is holding up her right arm, with what appears to have at least a finger attached to her hand and in her hair.
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