Would You Put Hands On a Teenager?

My Cousin Claudia is currently in 8th Grade. This Guatemalan kid name Pablo flirts with all the girls and smacks their booties in the hallways. He's probably done this to 25 different females since the semester start. Some have complained to the teachers, but they usually downplay it like its no big deal and that it's a matter of cultural difference and Spanish dudes are more aggressive and touchy. Also, he's on the basketball team and a good player so he's considered indispensable so to speak.

Last Thursday, Claudia and some of her friends were trying out to become cheerleaders, and went straight from the rehearsals to lunch cause they didnt have time to change back into their street clothes. Well as you can guress, Pablo reached up and grasped their butts |l . He did it in quick succession too, moving from girl to girl in less than 10 seconds. No one really noticed anything, all the girls were shocked that he did it it, so they just looked at each other dumbfounded in silence as Pablo plug walked out of the cafeteria.

What would you guys do? Son is only 13-14 years old max, but I feel like he aint gone learn until someone puts hands on him. I've thought about trying to verbally de-escalate things, but then again if Teachers tried and it didnt work, what are the chances he listens to a random guy like me?

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