Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

I'd rather see her in "This Ain't The X-Men".

Funny part is..If this was the 99-2000, Vince would try his hardest to make that happen. :lol:

Make it happen anyway, Vince. :nerd:


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Thing is, if the WWE still had a Playboy feature, Eva Marie would get pushed to the stars. She missed the boat by a few years.
Thing is, if the WWE still had a Playboy feature, Eva Marie would get pushed to the stars. She missed the boat by a few years.

Pretty much. And being that she's 29 or 30 right now, she could have at least been in the last raunchy era with KK/Layla/Kristal/Candice/etc.

Sucks for Santino. he had a lot of legit laugh out loud stuff throughout the years, but I think he exhausted that character as far as it could go, and could have easily went to a serious gimmick being that he's a legit wrestler and MMA fight. Weren't Del Rio and Santino the last two guys standing at a Royal Rumble once :lol:?
I thought Santino was funny. Legit made me laugh a lot and his stuff on youtube was entertaining. They should've let him roll with Yoshi Tatsu as legit badasses for a little bit. Saying they'd beat up people in the ring and outside of it.
Man I rewound that part like 3 times. No lie. That was a random podcast but they dropped some info in there too. Enjoyed the Stan Hansen talk
Triple H, who does not follow TNA Wrestling employees on Twitter, briefly followed Samoa Joe on the social media platform late Saturday night, with Joe adding the WWE executive at approximately the same time as well.

When you follow a person on Twitter, you can also keep tabs on that individual's follow and favorite activity. So late last night, some fans noticed the WWE executive and TNA star following each other (which would allow users to private message each other).

Read more at http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news...-tna-wrestler-on-twitter/#hLxKMUz4jFDC6DwM.99
Pretty much. And being that she's 29 or 30 right now, she could have at least been in the last raunchy era with KK/Layla/Kristal/Candice/etc.

Sucks for Santino. he had a lot of legit laugh out loud stuff throughout the years, but I think he exhausted that character as far as it could go, and could have easily went to a serious gimmick being that he's a legit wrestler and MMA fight. Weren't Del Rio and Santino the last two guys standing at a Royal Rumble once :lol:?

Not sure why they let Santino of all guys be in the final 2 :lol:

Was that when he was guy in the crowd watching the show and someone challenged anyone in the crowd to fight?

Yup. Vince came out with Umaga and made an open challenge to anyone in the building to fight him for the IC title. Raw was in Italy so with Santino planted as a fan, he came in and wound up winning.

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