Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

Got home late from work, caught the Neville match and the main event. King Neville???

My Suplex City shirt should be here tomorrow. Probably gonna wear it Saturday night unless I can get my hands on those packman hotcake shirts selling out.
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Got home late from work, caught the Neville match and the main event. King Neville???

My Suplex City shirt should be here tomorrow. Probably gonna wear it Saturday night unless I can get my hands on those packman hotcake shirts selling out.

Which suplex city shirt did you buy?
verne had some ideas that were similar to the mcmahon's; some independence from the nwa, cartoon character types, etc...
he just seemed to be satisfied with a much smaller scale than vince or whatever
Watching clone wars for the first time... The cartoon series... I'm episode 8... really Damn good...


Peanut butter half baked...

Clone Wars is excellent...wasn't even aware that it was on Netflix..

What up D Fly?
RIP but my grandpa nor grandma didn't even make it to 70... :frown: :smh: i definitely would have taken that much time to have with them.

At work..it's my Friday tho so I'ma finally be able to get out to the local track and exercise outdoors since the weather will be perfect :pimp:

And my grandparents died when I was very young...wish I could've been around them more. Lost my oldest cousin (shot and killed) when I was in middle school, and my dad passed a month after I turned 21 :\

Cherish the good times you have with family man.
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Watched the Heyman documentary for the first time with my brother instead of Raw because he heard Raw sucked. It was really great, thinking about checking the RKO one out tonight too since I haven't seen that one either. Anyone can recommend that one or any of the documentaries on the Network over it? I've already seen the Punk, Y2J, Piper, Macho Man, Dusty and Flair ones already. I feel like I've seen everything that would be in the HHH one a million times but if it's worth a watch I'll peep it because I am a fan.
I didn't do too bad on the predictions for Extreme Rules, but the overall PPV was quite disappointing. I wasn't expecting much out of it, though. :rolleyes
Ended up finishing the new season of Trailer Park Boys. The 2 seasons they've done since coming back have been some of the best in the series.
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