Wrestling Thread April-September 2018 RIP

Serious question, is this considered making the content more "LGBT Friendly?"

cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9

one could never contend to know what lurks within the mind of Vincent Kennedy McMahon Jr, but I certainly hope that's not what he's thinking there.

I'm not entirely sure what the strategy behind disorienting an opponent with a headscissors before locking in a leg submission, but it looks cool.

maybe to make it harder for an opponent to locate and reach the bottom rope and trigger a break? smooth and athletic nonetheless.

So I saw the highlights of the Smackdown.

That Jeff Hardy/DBry match was good.

Then I found it it's DBry vs. Samoa Joe next week in the Inaugural @T0INE and @PLVN bowl? :wow:


And this fool @iruby got the audacity to say that Raw is the better show?

The only redeeming things on Raw right now is Rambo Apocalypse, LeBraun, My Cheerio & Scami.
I need to see Bryan vs. Hardee's

LOL @ IRuby
Been watching NBA playoffs these past couple weeks, haven’t watched raw or smack down for like two weeks. Seems like I haven’t missed anything.
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