Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

Some of you kids have terrible reading skills. bring guys in to do job and put guys over. Jericho does jobs but he doesn't put guys over. He takes his heat back as soon as the match is over and shemus and ryback aren't jobbing anytime soon .
And you obviously lack memory.

Morrison and Benjamin couldn't get themselves over. Could they go in the ring? Indeed. Give em' a mic and let them work...as you can see, neither man is no longer employed.
Feed them to the Wyatt family and they're seen as JOBBERS, at least Sheamus would pose a credible threat.
There is "super, super heat" on Sin Cara for quitting the match due to dislocated/broken fingers.  The feeling is that you do not quit a match in the way he did due to a finger injury.
- Hate to harp on this time and time again but what's the point of the intercontinental title? Or even more whats the point of Curtis Axel. If they wanted to make him relevant (and strong) he should have taken out Punk tonight by braking his leg. Which would lead to Punk/Axel some point.
- Recardo = Bill Alfanso... Please have a whistle.
- Is it just me? I wish they would have repackaged Orton into the the corporate legend killer. He should have been clean shaven, strolled out in a suit, and come out to his original theme song. Which would have driven the point, he is a changed man.
- At some point at Survivor series it would be awesome to get the misfits of the WWE (small wrestlers) battle the "standard mold" of superstars. Team Bryan (D-Bry, Punk, Ziggler, Bourne Christian, and Mysterio RVD) Vs. Team Orton (Orton, Shield, Del-Rio)

Axel looked really week. They didnt have to have em put Punk out, but at least beat em down to further the story and get him needed heat.

Ricardo should be w Van Damn just for this storyline. Any longer would be dumb.

Orton is fine. No need for him to go backwards with an old gimmick.

I know I'm in the very small minority when I say this, but the last segment was boring to me(and no not because of no Evolution and whatnot.) HHH's promo came off kinda lame and so did Orton's. Shield beatdown #6,006,053,324...they are starting to get boring.

Not giving up on the story line though..hoping it gets better next week.

RAW from what I saw otherwise was solid though. Wyatt fam are gonna flop HARD and become Superstars mainstays if they don't do something worthwhile with them

The Shield was just annoying last night. Why even bother putting them in two matches, then having them beat on Bryan? Cuz that should've lead to a Ziggler, and or Show coming out to help. It would've made sense to keep them off the card, then throw in a mild swerve having them show up from the crowd, having the fans expect them to bring justice, then siding with the McMahons.

As for Orton not a solid enough explanation. Rock sold out to become WWF Champion, Orton on the other hand held MITB which is a guarantee title reign. He didnt need to sell out.

Wyatt fam is just doomed to be 3MB in a few months, characters like that require deep creative planning. On the fly BS won't suffice.
Orton is fine. No need for him to go backwards with an old gimmick.
The Shield was just annoying last night. Why even bother putting them in two matches, then having them beat on Bryan? Cuz that should've lead to a Ziggler, and or Show coming out to help. It would've made sense to keep them off the card, then throw in a mild swerve having them show up from the crowd, having the fans expect them to bring justice, then siding with the McMahons.

Funny you should mention that, that's exactly what happened after Raw went off the air.
I like to believe Sin Cara has been designed as the most meta comedy character ever, and is playing his part brilliantly. He's basically become the Charlie Brown of WWE, where the reaction to him doing anything is "Oh God, I don't know how he's gonna **** this up, but he always does!"
Orton is fine. No need for him to go backwards with an old gimmick.
The Shield was just annoying last night. Why even bother putting them in two matches, then having them beat on Bryan? Cuz that should've lead to a Ziggler, and or Show coming out to help. It would've made sense to keep them off the card, then throw in a mild swerve having them show up from the crowd, having the fans expect them to bring justice, then siding with the McMahons.

Funny you should mention that, that's exactly what happened after Raw went off the air.

Thanks for mentioning that, cuz now it makes sense.
I like to believe Sin Cara has been designed as the most meta comedy character ever, and is playing his part brilliantly. He's basically become the Charlie Brown of WWE, where the reaction to him doing anything is "Oh God, I don't know how he's gonna **** this up, but he always does!"
and thus people will now PAY to see Sin Cara, if only for what i like to call the 'NASCAR' factor in that people really just want to see him crash and burn 

Well done Lobes, well done.
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I like to believe Sin Cara has been designed as the most meta comedy character ever, and is playing his part brilliantly. He's basically become the Charlie Brown of WWE, where the reaction to him doing anything is "Oh God, I don't know how he's gonna **** this up, but he always does!"

and thus people will now PAY to see Sin Cara, if only for what i like to call the 'NASCAR' factor in that people really just want to see him crash and burn 

Well done Lobes, well done.

I remember you mentioning a couple months back that Sin Cara should be a comedy character, and Sin Cara just proved that point :lol: He should point constantly and "purposely" botch. Sort of like Johnny Curtis and Derrick Bateman in their tag match awhile back. **** was hilarious.

And if not, send dude on his way. I'm sick of him. Throw Ricardo's Chimera character out there, or call Even Bourne or Hunico 'Sin Cara'
There is "super, super heat" on Sin Cara for quitting the match due to dislocated/broken fingers.  The feeling is that you do not quit a match in the way he did due to a finger injury.

Good Lord his fingers, 4 of them it looks like were broken. What was the appropriate action?
I remember you mentioning a couple months back that Sin Cara should be a comedy character, and Sin Cara just proved that point
He should point constantly and "purposely" botch. Sort of like Johnny Curtis and Derrick Bateman in their tag match awhile back. **** was hilarious.

And if not, send dude on his way. I'm sick of him. Throw Ricardo's Chimera character out there, or call Even Bourne or Hunico 'Sin Cara'
frustrating considering that mistico was GREAT GREAT GREAT. I would wait to watch CMLL every saturday growing up to see those matches. It just didn't translate to WWE as Sin Cara.
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