Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Eva looks like a Surrogate in that screencap. Girl is a massive recycle bin in the ring, can't talk, and has less charisma than a sheet of paper, but her heat is off the charts :lol: :lol:

Happy Birthday dawwwg

I just watched an extended gif if this this a few minutes ago... Weird :lol: :nerd:... RKO continues to pump his arms near the ropes... Lil Naitch's slack jawed stare is priceless :lol:...

:rofl: :rofl: wow
Didnt care for SD. But I'll tune in every week just off the strength of AJ alone. And I'm also interested in seeing where theyre gonna take Bray now that he's on his own, lost some lbs and slighty changed his look. Hopefully he'll rise to the top of the card soon.
After bashing the decision to give Ziggler the title shot last night i'm starting to come around to it. I guess what made me sour on it was the horrible booking he has had for god knows how long :x
That whole feud with RuRu and Lana really made him look like a little chit and lost any credibility he had with me. Hopefully this ends up working out for the dude and I would like to see him go back to being a heel bc that is where he was most effective.
I just don't like the fact that ziggler gets a title shot at such a big ppv like summerslam. now if it was a roadblock or fast lane, I wouldn't mind.
Happy Birthday Biggest of Egos..Enjoy the day brother..
Happy Birthday dawwwg
Hbd... Eat some good edibles :nthat:...
Happy birthday.. :nthat:
PED MIGOS :nthat:  
Happy B day bluhd
Thanks homies. Damn i will really be BigEgo34 next year... :frown: :smh:
Dolph getting that #1 contender for the title may have been an early b day present. He Hunter and I were all born today. I am already :smokin and did the nasty twice. :evil: :lol: It's a glorious occasion b... about to grab some grub and i will holla at y'all a bit later. :nthat:
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Jinder Mahal has signed a contract to return to WWE

Because that's a name the fans were clamoring for to return...

They need to go raid TNA and the indies again and get ones under 30 so they can have them for a while. Signing all these 35+ is good for short term but not long term. I know many can still go but need to be realistic as well.

Surely there are more credible wrestlers from the past 5-10 years than Mahal to bring back?
After bashing the decision to give Ziggler the title shot last night i'm starting to come around to it. I guess what made me sour on it was the horrible booking he has had for god knows how long :x
That whole feud with RuRu and Lana really made him look like a little chit and lost any credibility he had with me. Hopefully this ends up working out for the dude and I would like to see him go back to being a heel bc that is where he was most effective.

That's pretty much how I feel. I had soured on Dolph for awhile through the lengthy goofy booking he's had. This is probably his last shot at being taken seriously, so may as well go for it right now.

Jinder Mahal has signed a contract to return to WWE

Because that's a name the fans were clamoring for to return...

They need to go raid TNA and the indies again and get ones under 30 so they can have them for a while. Signing all these 35+ is good for short term but not long term. I know many can still go but need to be realistic as well.

Surely there are more credible wrestlers from the past 5-10 years than Mahal to bring back?

Agree for the most part. I don't mind them bringing back Mahal honestly cause he's only 30, and could easily be repaired (same for Drew McIntyre, who's 31). There's a lot of guys that came and went throughout that time that were wasted not cause they sucked or anything, but just cause they didn't get any legit opportunities, and eat pins for so long. I'd rather see previous guys get repacked with the potential to become legit than short term answers, though I'm all for Shelton returning. Now if you're bringing guys back only to place them in their previous gimmicks and positioning on the card, then you're just wasting a roster spot. I'll totally loathe Mahal coming back only to be put in a turban and be Tiger Ali Singh.
I hate the idea of Ziggler getting a title shot at SS..After getting run through by RuRu and Baron he has no credibility..All they had to do was bring him back up slowly by putting him a feud that he wins..Then put him in something with a mid-midcard guy and have him win that..Next, bump him up to the IC title program with him winning that..Let him defend the belt for 4-5 months on a regular basis..Have him drop the belt at a ppv and the next night on SD declare his intentions to be WHC..

It's not that hard to make these dudes look like legit contenders..But having a dude go right into the 2nd biggest ppv of the year with a title shot, after jobbing to everyone for the past 6+ months, makes no sense..There's no way they're gonna have Jeans put over Ziggles clean at SummerFest..
That's pretty much how I feel. I had soured on Dolph for awhile through the lengthy goofy booking he's had. This is probably his last shot at being taken seriously, so may as well go for it right now.
Agree for the most part. I don't mind them bringing back Mahal honestly cause he's only 30, and could easily be repaired (same for Drew McIntyre, who's 31). There's a lot of guys that came and went throughout that time that were wasted not cause they sucked or anything, but just cause they didn't get any legit opportunities, and eat pins for so long. I'd rather see previous guys get repacked with the potential to become legit than short term answers, though I'm all for Shelton returning. Now if you're bringing guys back only to place them in their previous gimmicks and positioning on the card, then you're just wasting a roster spot. I'll totally loathe Mahal coming back only to be put in a turban and be Tiger Ali Singh.

Agreed..You have to bring these guys back with totally different (and more serious :tongue: ) gimmicks..If you bring Shelton back then he has to be put in the World title picture within' 4-6 months..You can't just have a dude like him, who most think deserved a run with the big belt, come back to do nothing but big spots on ppv and not get a serious push..
bigego24 bigego24

You're probably high as **** right now, but HBD brotha :pimp:

I hate the idea of Ziggler getting a title shot at SS..After getting run through by RuRu and Baron he has no credibility..All they had to do was bring him back up slowly by putting him a feud that he wins..Then put him in something with a mid-midcard guy and have him win that..Next, bump him up to the IC title program with him winning that..Let him defend the belt for 4-5 months on a regular basis..Have him drop the belt at a ppv and the next night on SD declare his intentions to be WHC..

It's not that hard to make these dudes look like legit contenders..But having a dude go right into the 2nd biggest ppv of the year with a title shot, after jobbing to everyone for the past 6+ months, makes no sense..There's no way they're gonna have Jeans put over Ziggles clean at SummerFest..

That's why you turn him heel. Give him a big guy as his muscle and let him push his wanna be HBK schtick even more
Ziggler sucks man that Smackdown belt is garbage now. Ziggler been a loser for 3+ years now. Bray should of won that match. Hell I wouldn't even be mad if Crews won the match but Ziggler man **** this.
WWE's insistence on even split W-L records is what ruins wrestlers.

Ziggler is certainly DESERVING of a title match at SummerSlam for time served. From a casual fan perspective it's a "who invited you" situation. He got washed by Corbin numerous times yet now he's in 1/3 of the main event at the second biggest show of the year. That make no sense. I honestly expected Cena or Styles to win the match because that's how we have been conditioned to think.

EDIT: Someone needs to do a piss test on Crews. He looks juiced.
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bigego24 bigego24

You're probably high as **** right now, but HBD brotha :pimp:

I hate the idea of Ziggler getting a title shot at SS..After getting run through by RuRu and Baron he has no credibility..All they had to do was bring him back up slowly by putting him a feud that he wins..Then put him in something with a mid-midcard guy and have him win that..Next, bump him up to the IC title program with him winning that..Let him defend the belt for 4-5 months on a regular basis..Have him drop the belt at a ppv and the next night on SD declare his intentions to be WHC..

It's not that hard to make these dudes look like legit contenders..But having a dude go right into the 2nd biggest ppv of the year with a title shot, after jobbing to everyone for the past 6+ months, makes no sense..There's no way they're gonna have Jeans put over Ziggles clean at SummerFest..

That's why you turn him heel. Give him a big guy as his muscle and let him push his wanna be HBK schtick even more

I think Hugo Knox would be perfect for this role
Said it last night, but I think putting Alexa Bliss by his side would be good. Then let my man Big Kane be his muscle.
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