Wrestling Thread Dec 22-28 | Breaking News - Batista Has a Torn Hamstring - Out 6+ Months

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

You guys are crazy saying she looks worse without her implants.
Word. She still lookin healthy in that department.

No lie..if Trish/Beth were to actually feud..it would prolly be the first women's feud that I'd ever be interested in.
Won't happen, just sayin.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

You guys are crazy saying she looks worse without her implants.
Word. She still lookin healthy in that department.

No lie..if Trish/Beth were to actually feud..it would prolly be the first women's feud that I'd ever be interested in.
Won't happen, just sayin.
Trish vs Mickie >>>>> Trish vs Beth
YES. Trish vs. Mickie was the greatest diva feud of all time. That psycho lesbian stuff Mickie did was too good. I usually HATE diva matches and thinkthey're an extended bathroom break, but the whole feud had my attention.
I'm catching up on RAW now and
@ whoever allowed that spot with Mickie falling from the top of the turnbuckle to the outside of thering...management themselves admitted they were stupid for having a similar spot with Melina (except she was on the ringside) because she got hurt off ofthat...as soon as Mickie fell, I knew something would be wrong...terrible.

I hope her and her fatty are alright.

And I haven't followed the thread so I wouldn't get spoiled, but I'm 100% sure Trish is Cena's partner...

Back to watching RAW I go...
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

You guys are crazy saying she looks worse without her implants.
Word. She still lookin healthy in that department.

No lie..if Trish/Beth were to actually feud..it would prolly be the first women's feud that I'd ever be interested in.
Won't happen, just sayin.
Trish vs Mickie >>>>> Trish vs Beth
When Trish was in the brunette wig and Mickie James' attire...I would have slapped 4wrestling's mama to sleep with her...

There were some things I didn't like, but there was a lot less silliness than last week. I'd say this was a very good edition of Raw from top tobottom.
Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

YES. Trish vs. Mickie Lita was the greatest diva feud of all time. I usually HATE diva matches and think they're an extended bathroom break, but the whole feud had my attention.

Didn't even pay attention to the fact that Mickie actually got hurt, was too distracted by her fatty
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by AirVandal180

Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

Cena literally did three moves. He lives up to his name.
Hardy does five moves. Same difference.
No see Hardy has added new moves to his repertoire.

1. Whisper in the Wind
2. Twist of Fate (stolen from Matt)
3. Turnbuckle Dropkick
4. Front face suplex
5. Swanton Bomb

Other than a bunch of other dropkicks and legdrops here and there, what else does he have?

It was announced two days by the administrator of Batista's official discussion forums that Batista has a torn hamstring and will require surgery to repairit. Batista was already not scheduled to work Raw tonight because he is in Washington, D.C. having surgery to remove impacted Wisdom Teeth.

A torn hamstring is a serious injury and is expected to keep Batista out 6-8 months.
AirVandal180 wrote:
1. Whisper in the Wind
2. Twist of Fate (stolen from Matt)
3. Turnbuckle Dropkick
4. Front face suplex
5. Swanton Bomb

Other than a bunch of other dropkicks and legdrops here and there, what else does he have?

6. Shooting the needle
7. Sniffing paint
8. Cooking rocks

...Yeah, I'm horrible.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks


It was announced two days by the administrator of Batista's official discussion forums that Batista has a torn hamstring and will require surgery to repair it. Batista was already not scheduled to work Raw tonight because he is in Washington, D.C. having surgery to remove impacted Wisdom Teeth.

A torn hamstring is a serious injury and is expected to keep Batista out 6-8 months.

The wear and tear of the WWE schedule took another victim, as Batista will be out of action for several months to have major leg surgery to repair tears in his hamstring muscle.

Batista was written off TV storylines last week via a punt from Randy Orton, and Batista is expected to undergo surgery on his leg, according to Mike Johnson at pwinsider.com.

Batista will miss WrestleMania 25 next April, where he was expected to be in a headline match. He'll miss the biggest payday of the year, and if he recovers from injury with successful rehab, will be available to return in summer 2009.


So much for WWE's plans of Cena/Batista II.

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I don't ever wish injury on anyone, but...............

You wished death on NobleKane like 4 times

I wonder who's gonna win the Rumble now. I say give it to CM Punk.
Originally Posted by AirVandal180


The wear and tear of the WWE schedule took another victim, as Batista will be out of action for several months to have major leg surgery to repair tears in his hamstring muscle.

Batista was written off TV storylines last week via a punt from Randy Orton, and Batista is expected to undergo surgery on his leg, according to Mike Johnson at pwinsider.com.

Batista will miss WrestleMania 25 next April, where he was expected to be in a headline match. He'll miss the biggest payday of the year, and if he recovers from injury with successful rehab, will be available to return in summer 2009.

So much for WWE's plans of Cena/Batista II.



No ill will towards Batista and I do wish he recovers but that's what that his punk #+@ gets for demanding title shots and whining about not having thespotlight.

...this is, of course, if the story is legit. I'll need a more reliable source than an administrator from a message board.

It was a good RAW tonight...nothing great, but not weak like a lot of other RAW episodes this year.

The Canadian crowd is always hot...they're appreciated, it just makes the matches that much more

Punk vs. Jericho was excellent...I hope management takes notice, they should have gone through with that Jericho vs. Punk program that was in theworks...

I'll post up the SmackDown spoilers for this week in a little bit (yes, it was taped today)...

Oh and Trish would still get the business.
SmackDown Spoilers for this week.

Spoiler [+]
Dark Match:
* Kizarny b. Curt Hawkins
- Kizarny got the win via pinfall in about five minutes after hitting a DDT. Several "you can't wrestle" chants were heard around the arena.

WWE SmackDown: (Airing This Friday)
* JR & Tazz come out to ringside.

* Shelton Benjamin b. Hurricane Helms to retain the US Title.
- Several near falls for Helms. Match went back and forth but ended with Benjamin retaining.

* A video clip from Armageddon is shown.

* WWE Champion Jeff Hardy appears on the screen to cut a promo like he has in recent weeks. He talks about facing The Big Show later tonight.

* Triple H comes out and cuts a promo about Armageddon. He calls out Vladimir Kozlov for costing him the title at the pay-per-view. Chavo Guerrrero is shown backstage on the screen instead. He says that Vickie Guerrero has ordered that if Hunter lays a hand on Kozlov again he will not be allowed in the Royal Rumble and will never get a WWE title shot again. Hunter insults Chavo by saying that the Guerreros he knew would say it to his face. Chavo teases going to the ring. Vickie comes out to major heat. She announces Chavo vs. Triple H for right now.

* Triple H b. Chavo Guerrero in a short squash match
- After the match Hunter grabs a sledgehammer, hits Chavo, and poses on the ramp before heading to the back.

* Carlito w/Primo & The Bella Twins b. The Brian Kendrick w/Ezekiel with a Backstabber.

* A vignette airs promoting the upcoming return of Umaga to SmackDown.

* Edge is shown backstage whining to Vickie Guerrero about Jeff Hardy as WWE Champion. Big Show walks in and explains to Edge how he protected Vickie while he was gone. They talk about Show's match against Jeff Hardy for later tonight.

* Maria and Michelle McCool are shown backstage. Maria is the special referee for the title match between McCool and Maryse tonight. They talk about how they've known each other for four years. Michelle talks about how Maria has screwed up a lot of things lately and asks her not to screw up the match for her tonight.

* Maryse b. Michelle McCool for the Divas Title
- Maria (guest referee) is out first. Maryse follows to a mix of boos and cheers. Michelle is out last to a pop. Typical divas match with lots of back and forth action. Maryse has several two counts but after missing an elbow, the match goes Michelle's way. Maryse eventually recovers and pins Michelle to win the title. After the match Maria helps Michelle up and the new champ poses on the ramp. As Maria goes to get out of the ring, Michelle attacks her. "You Suck" chants begin. Michelle throws Maria into the ring post and stands over her. She finally exists to lots of heat. Maria is helped to the back by referee Charles Robinson.

* A Tribute to the Troops video package is shown.

* The Great Khali w/Ranjin Singh b. MVP
- The Great Khali gets the win with a double handed chokeslam.

* Ken Kennedy comes out and mocks MVP in a promo to promote his Behind Enemy Lines movie.

* Vladimir Kozlov b. Jimmy Wang Yang in a squash match.
- After Kozlov comes to the ring a video package is shown saying that Kizarny will debut on next week's SmackDown (he worked a dark match tonight). After the match Kozlov cuts a promo in the ring about how he is going to win the Royal Rumble and become the new champion.

* Big Show is shown in the back lacing his boots. Edge walks up. Big Show says he's going to do what Edge can't which is beat Jeff Hardy. He asks how the marital relationship is between Edge and Vickie. He walks off leaving Edge standing there.

* WWE Champion Jeff Hardy b. Big Show
- Big Show is out first. WWE Champion Jeff Hardy is out next to a huge pop. Hardy gets the win via countout. After the match he celebrates with his brother Matt.

Kizarny will make his TV debut next week.
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