Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

- Regarding how WWE booked CM Punk to win over The Shield at TLC, it’s said he had to win with both John Cena and Daniel Bryan already booked to lose. Plus, it created more drama for the eventual breakup of The Shield. At RAW, they had Roman Reigns get the win over Punk with the idea Reigns is eventually going to be the “real golden boy” since he has the look and sports background WWE officials like, as opposed to Punk and Bryan who will never 100% get past the size and look issues. They also felt Punk was protected from the loss by having the segment with Shawn Michaels, which people would remember more than the fact he was pinned.

- Regarding Paul Heyman’s tweet on Monday where he said he had a talk with Brock Lesnar about new WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton, it was just something to get people talking and there is nothing currently planned in that direction.

- We’ve noted before how WWE has big plans for Roman Reigns in the 2014 Royal Rumble match. It’s said that those plans right now are even bigger than anyone would have thought.

- WWE is planning to release a new company logo. Apparently they have around 15 different looks they will pick from and all are very different from the one they have now.

- During the middle of the coverage of AJ Lee’s incident with Michelle Beadle and TLC on Sunday, CM Punk tweeted about hockey and there were reportedly people within WWE upset at him for tweeting about hockey on the day of a pay-per-view.

- The final segment on the December 9th RAW from Seattle went nowhere close to how it was scripted. The final moments were exactly as planned but the Triple H interview changed slightly and was delayed because of the Daniel Bryan crowd chants. WWE officials weren’t surprised Bryan got a big reaction in Seattle but did not expect it to come at the level it did in the final segment. Regarding John Cena’s promo in the segment, people have had nothing but praise for how quick and smart he was under the circumstances to take a crowd which was protesting against him and link with them with the idea that he’s on the same page as they are, and then bringing them back to him and putting the focus on his promo against Randy Orton.

- Regarding WrestleMania XXX, Hulk Hogan is not signed as of today but people are talking confidently about the idea he would be with the company and involved with the biggest pay-per-view of the year in some form. However, it is openly believed and talked about internally that Hogan is not expected to wrestle.

There’s a feeling that even if officials wanted him to wrestle, he could not pass medical tests. Hogan most likely will not be teaming with John Cena and will likely do something like an appearance, a quick knock down to a heel and a promo.

- Batista is also being talked about coming back internally.

- At this point, Rob Van Dam is not in the WrestleMania plans but that could change.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
- At RAW, they had Roman Reigns get the win over Punk with the idea Reigns is eventually going to be the “real golden boy” since he has the look and sports background WWE officials like, as opposed to Punk and Bryan who will never 100% get past the size and look issues.

Skinny fat & Bearded hobbit.

It's a shame how unless you have the physique of Cena who exudes the quintessential look that Vince/The Shovel wants, you can only go so far. The future does look promising for Reigns, can't wait to see dude go on the solo champion quest.

- During the middle of the coverage of AJ Lee’s incident with Michelle Beadle and TLC on Sunday, CM Punk tweeted about hockey and there were reportedly people within WWE upset at him for tweeting about hockey on the day of a pay-per-view.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
Had to Google this,
@ CM Punk having AJ handle his problems.  Time to bring out the shovel on Punk and Lee.  I'm slowly turning into a D Bry fan, dude seems really humble and deserves to be up there with Cena before Reigns starts his run for the title...
CM Punk can take his ball and go home. Getting tired of his *****ing

He's also lazy as hell in the ring unless he's wrestling an undertaker or Lesnar.

I wouldn't mind him getting stuck in a feud with HHH for WM and buried.
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^^ I agree..His shtick is starting to get old and his in ring work is getting boring..I've said it before, and I'll say it again, he needs to take some time off..He looks worn down and not in good shape..He really does look like he's on drugs..
So with the Royal Rumble coming up next month...list your favorite Royal Rumble returns.

This one has to be up there:

Yeah I know, I know :lol:

But still...this was TOTALLY unexpected. Legit shocked when his music hit.

This one is up there, too:

That pop :wow:
^^ I agree..His shtick is starting to get old and his in ring work is getting boring..I've said it before, and I'll say it again, he needs to take some time off..He looks worn down and not in good shape..He really does look like he's on drugs..

Yeah. Lately I noticed I've been disinterested in his matches which is ironic because I normally look forward to his in-ring work. However, his past few matches have been really lackluster and kind of deplorable for his stature. It's the same old, go back and forth, act like you just been through a hurricane, then signal the GTS, and it's over.

You could tell Punk's losing interest. He probably needs a good long term storyline to light that fire under him at this point.

Plus one to whoever said he needs to brush his teeth.
If it's going to be Bryan - Orton - Cena for the title at the Royal Rumble

Then it's going to be Punk - Shield - Wyatt family + a bunch of jobbers and a couple of returns and surprises maybe

I can see another Shield vs Wyatt family tease in the Royal Rumble match

If WWE does have big plans for Reigns in the rumble I can see him in the final 4 or even in the final 2 vs Punk

Punk wins the rumble
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