Wrestling Thread Feb 15-21 | 2/21 WWE Elimination Chamber PPV (pg15)

Originally Posted by hellaones

I wonder where they gone send my dudes Abe & Tony?

I have a feeling Abe is gonna get canned.

It's a shame cause dude is gold...ppl just don't get his gimmick.
I'll tune in just to see Jericho.

Being compared to Adam Lambert in the WWE probably isn't a good thing.
They're not releasing the eight developmental names, but PWInsider claims the eight guys are Justin Angel (FCW Champ), Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson), Kaval (Low-Ki), Skip Sheffield, Joe Hennig, Brett DiBiase, Darren Young, Heath Slater and Michael Tarver.

At least they just made a note that he's the most experienced competitor among the eight.
please bring christian to smackdown n have him n edge feud for the world title...
have it be a ladder match, it would great to kick off post mania season
seems jricho missed his court date this morning and now there a warrant out for him
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